Selasa, 31 Januari 2017


Reading the Liturgy Wednesday, February 1, 2017

First Reading Heb 12: 4-7.11-15
Brothers, in struggling against sin is not the point of bloodshed. You must not forget the exhortation which speaketh unto you as unto children: "My son, do not underestimate the discipline of the Lord, nor faint when thou art rebuked by Him; for whom the Lord loves, and chastises the diakui- as a son. " If you accept chastening, then there God is treating you as sons. Where there are children who are not beaten by his father? Indeed, every chastening, when given,
does not bring joy, but sorrow. But then he produces the fruit of righteousness is trained by it. Therefore, strengthen the weak hands and the feeble knees. And make straight paths for your feet,
so lame do not sprain, but being cured. Pursue peace with all people, and pursue holiness,
for without holiness no man shall see the Lord. Take care that no one should keep away from the grace of God,
not to grow bitter root cause unrest and defile many.
Thus saith the Lord.

Psalm Ps 103: 1-2.13-14.17-18a
Long live the eternal mercy of the Lord upon the righteous.
* Praise the Lord, O my heart! Praise his holy name, all ye within me! Praise the Lord, O my soul, forget not all his benefits will!
* As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear God. For he knows of what we created. He is aware that we are dust.
* But Long live the eternal mercy of the Lord upon those who piety to Him, as the eternal Long live His goodness, so long as they stick to His covenant.

Introduction to Gospel of John 10:27
My sheep hear my voice, saith the Lord.
I know them, and they follow me.

Gospel reading Mark 6: 1-6
On one occasion, Jesus arrived back in his hometown, being His disciples followed him. On the Sabbath, Jesus taught in the synagogue,
and a large congregation astonished to hear him. They said, "Where did he get all that? Hikmat what up again given to him? And miracles so, how can be held by his hands? Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary?
Is not he the brother of James, Joses, Judas and Simon? And are not brothers his women here with us? "So they were disappointed and rejected Him. Then Jesus said to them," A prophet is honored everywhere except in his own country, among his relatives and in his house. " So Jesus did not hold any of the miracles there, except to heal a few sick people by laying his hands on them. then he went around the villages, teaching.
Thus the Gospel of the Lord.

Many of us may remember a piece of track kindergarten kids, "little star in the blue sky, a great deal of space to decorate. I want to fly and dance, is much higher, the place you are "
Speaking of stars, there are various kinds of stars, there are profiles of Sri Bintang Pamungkas, who dare to criticize the authorities. There was a movie star and a lot of guest stars in teievisi. There's beer in the cafeteria star, a star of seven in the pharmacy, there is the Star of David in Israel. There is a one to four-star general in the military ranks. There is a five-star hotel in Senayan, there are starfish in Bunaken. If so, whether there was also a star in our hearts, like the stars that light up the three kings from the East (Kaspar, Baltasar and Melchior) to Bethlehem? Even now in Bethlehem (Church of the Nativity) where Jesus was first born is described by the shape of a star.
Save yourself at least has three basic roles, among others:
First, bring warmth, Star always there when needed, the star was seen when the night is dark, to illuminate and warm the cold nights.
Second, inspiring. There are many popular songs, inspired by the presence of this star. There is a Little Star song of his kindergarten kids. Not until his love Rice, Titi Dwi Jajanti star star, or the star of The Drive.
Third, shine. Star has a light that always want him to give to anyone, rich or poor, good or evil, old or young, tanpan or ugly.

Item contemplation.
Human historical reality of Jesus to be a problem for some people. They are not able to understand the mystery of God's work of historical reality behind the reality historts For us it strengthened the understanding that the incarnation of God is real. Through this historical reality of God approached the man .Justru this attitude very beautiful compassion of God for the salvation of man. How God works in the historical reality of our lives, respectively.
Will we learn to be a shining star, to our world, at a minimum for every heart that is near us?
Pancarkanlah God's love through our daily lives.

Yes mahamurah Lord, teach us to transmit your compassion through our daily lives. Amen.

Senin, 30 Januari 2017


Purity outside marriage
I. What is the importance of purity (chastity)?
There may be many of us feel that the 'purity' was a strange thing to talk about, it seems 'muluk- grandiose' and too idealistic. What's the need? Why bother Church teach? Perhaps the answer is brief: because purity is closely linked to our happiness. God created us in His image for honorable: namely that we are happy with him, without blemish (cf., Eph 1: 3-6). The trick is to love, and giving away. "Man can fully discover his true identity, only in giving him sincere." [1]. Someone is always centered in yourself and never give himself to others, will not live happily. While someone who is willing to give themselves for others will discover the meaning of his life. Well, the sincere gift of self willed by God, it is giving charity. That is why we need to know and implement the virtue of chastity, because only by applying them, then we can truly be happy and someday be able to look at God in heaven. "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God" (Mt 5: 8).
II. What is that purity?
When we hear the word pure gold or pure water, which is imagined in our mind is a substance in the proper initial conditions, which are not contaminated by other substances that bad. Likewise, God wants our purity, meaning that God wants us to be perfect, body and soul, like in the beginning when He created man who is extremely good (cf.. Gen. 1:31). The question then is: Is when we look at our own bodies in front of the mirror, we can say, "Thank God, you created me so well?" Or the next, already enough that we pay attention and maintain the beauty of our spiritual side of keeping beauty physical?
Human beings were created as spiritual beings who have a body; prudent and self-determining. This is what makes the human being can know and love God, and finds the meaning of life by making love. The question is, what kind of love? The simple answer, but immeasurably in the meaning is: love like the love of Jesus; the love that involves the body and the soul, as stated Him on the cross. This is the purity of the love that God is teaching us.
So no wonder that the Catholic Church defines purity, thus:
1. Purity = wholeness sexuality physically and spiritually
KGK 2337 Purity means wholeness joyous sexuality in private and then inner unity of man in physical and spiritual existence. Sexuality, in which the real, that human beings belonging to the bodily and biological, becomes personal and truly human when the personal is incorporated into the relationship between one person and another, in the delivery of reciprocal perfectly and is not limited by time, between a man and a woman.
Thus the virtue of chastity involves personal wholeness and perfection of the surrender.
If we live up to the meaning of the unity of body and soul, then we can see that our body created by God for a divine purpose, and with this body we can glorify God. With this appreciation, we are not easily confused by the two extreme views that exist in this world: 1) glorifying spiritual things to reject everything that is physical / sexual abuse and consider it a sin; 2) glorifies the physical and sexual things to a level that should not, and reject all that is spiritual. Both extreme view is wrong because it separates body and soul.
2. Purity = restraint refers to the gentleness and faithfulness of God
Purity becomes important, because perfect love requires purity in how to present it. Well, a pure is one who can control himself, at the time of committing himself to others; so it can be a witness to others about God's faithfulness and gentleness of love.
KGK 2346 Love is the form of all the virtues. Under its influence, chastity appears as an exercise of surrender. Self-control is directed to surrender. Purity makes people who live in accordance with it, a witness to his neighbor about the loyalty and love of God are the meek.
3. Purity = affirmation and self-giving that is not colored by the love of self / selfish.
"Purity is the joyous affirmation of someone who knows how he lives by giving himself, which is not limited by any form of slavery of self-love." [2]
It is a pure gift of self that is not easily done, especially because humans tend to have a sense of self-love. Our love of neighbor in general can be tested with this question: What in relationships with others, my focus is to please yourself or to please others? Whether in relationships with other people I helped to live a holy / pure or even plunge? Pope John Paul II taught, "The men and women who air-relate to one another with a purity truly glorify God with their bodies." [3]
II. basic purity
Pope John Paul II taught that we can understand the meaning of purity, we must look at the circumstances at the time of the beginning man created by God. In his sermon, Theology of the Body, the Pope teaches that there are three basic experiences that can help us imagine the situation:
1. Loneliness Asali (Original Solitude)
At the beginning of the creation, Adam experienced loneliness in a world of God's creation; because he realized that he was not the same as other creation (cf.. Gen. 2:20). This consciousness arises from the experience of his body. This solitude calling for fellowship with God the Creator and the other being 'similar' to him (cf.. Gen. 2:23).
2. Unity Asali (Original Unity)
Paragraph Gen. 2:24 ".... and the two become one body "... is the basis of their unity will default. This unity overcome human loneliness; and unity between a man and woman were created in the image and likeness of God, is truly different from horsing. Awareness of this original unity provides a basis for a person's ability to give of herself to others and respect others, as "brothers and sisters in the unity of humanity" (cf.. Pope John Paul II, Theology of the Body 18: 5))
3. Nudity Asali (Original Nakedness)
Nudity default is naked but without the experience of shame (Gen. 2:25), but that does not mean that the person may then naked and not be ashamed. The point here is, we must have a full awareness of the meaning of our body such as during the beginning God created, as a statement of our whole person as a human being. Because, "Behold the body, only the body, which is able to demonstrate the mystery of the invisible God ..." (TOB 96: 6, 19: 4). That is why Christ the Word became flesh (John 1:14) took the human body (Heb 10: 5), and finally sacrificed his body as a ransom for sin, so that we can all understand the magnitude of God's love for us humans (cf.. Jn 3:16). That is, the Lord Jesus told the apostles to commemorate him by holy communion, where he will present under the appearances of bread and wine. "This is my body ... .. this is my blood" (cf., Matthew 26: 20-29; Mark 14: 17-25; Luke 22: 14-23).
So if we understand the meaning of original nakedness, then we will see how the grace of the invisible God was delivered to human beings, both men and women. Holiness involving one's way of looking at God's creation is good as it is, is what enables people to express themselves through a sincere gift of self (the sincere gift of self). In other words, by being aware of the love that God conveyed to us through our bodies, then we can use this body to love and serve others.
In the context of marriage, then the appreciation of the unity of the primal experience and primal nudity is embodied in a sexual relationship of husband and wife whose meaning is:
"I give myself entirely to you, everything, with no one to keep to myself. Sincerely. Without coercion. Forever. And I accept the gift of you that you give me. I bless you. I support / confirm thee. Everything that is in you, unconditionally. Forever. "[4].
Is not this similar statement given by Christ to His Bride the Church, on the cross? Christ gave Himself to the Church sehabis- endless, and similar self-administration which became a model for the husband to give himself to his wife.
While sexual relations outside of marriage are only focused to satisfy the desires of the body, tend to be total, not based on a commitment of loyalty forever, and not based on spiritual fellowship in Christ. And because the relationship is not done in accordance with the will of God, then it is a sin, and no wonder then lead to bad things that can ruin a couple's relationship itself.
III. Interest purity
Has submitted that the purity bring men to eternal salvation. Why? Because of the purity shows the creation of man as male and female: namely, that we are called to take part in the love of God in the Trinity fellowship in Christ. Loving relationship of husband and wife to give birth to a new life, a vague picture of the unity of God's love of the Trinity, the love of the community of God the Father and God the Son who breathed the Holy Spirit. Of course, the three Persons fellowship is not because there was a wedding in the Personal God, yet their unity is something which should be described in every Christian marriage. This is one meaning, that man was created in God's image (Gen. 1:27).
This is why the physical relationship of husband and wife have a noble meaning. Because the love of husband and wife did not just involve the body but also the soul. In this case, the communion of the body can not be separated from the unity of the soul. This union occurs when the couple was united by Christ, because only in Christ man finds the sublime meaning of marriage. Likewise, with the appreciation of the meaning of marriage, we can further appreciate the lives of the religious who chose to dedicate a whole love them totally to God, so that their life in this world to be a sign of a more clearly about eternal fellowship between God and man in the "marriage supper lamb "that does not involve marriage physically.
IV. Forms of purity
As believers, we are all called to lead a chaste life, either as a religious person lives, or those who are married or not married. We are all called to live holy (cf., Vatican II, Lumen Gentium Chapter V), because our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit (cf.. 1 Cor 6:19). So those who are married are called to live in purity of marriage, while those not married, purity by not engaging in sexual activity. Then there are three forms of purity, namely concerning the purity of married couples, the purity of widows / widowers, and the purity of the virgin / celibacy. [5]. Those celibacy for the kingdom of God is a clear sign of the world about the meaning of communion with God in the last days later because they were not married and were married but maintain the purity of love in communion with God.
Then, how to people who are engaged? The Catechism teaches:
KGK 2350, they were bound / engaged to be married are encouraged to live in an atmosphere of pure abstinence. They should look at this as a time trial, in which they learn, mutual respect and allegiance in the hope that they bestowed by God one for the other. They should avoid a declaration of love which is the conjugal love until the day they got married. They should help each other to grow in purity.
Thus the time dating / engaged to a time that should be used to get to know the couple, especially spiritually. This is important, because the real spiritual fellowship underlying physical communion, and inseparable from it. If the pair prioritize physical intimacy, such as sexual intercourse before marriage, then in fact both take something prematurely, wanting unity symbolized not actually exist, and the purity of the soul and the body of their victims.
But immorality is not only caused by sexual intercourse before marriage. Jesus taught, "Everyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart .... "(Matthew 5:28). It adultery in your mind is already included in the sins against purity. Apparently, purity becomes something that is difficult to run, especially with a lot of propaganda as indulgence in sexual matters. Why is there a human tendency to fall into sexual sin?
V. Sin made man struggling in holiness and purity
1. Sin human perception will change the default condition
St. Thomas Aquinas teaches that the first humans (Adam and Eve) was created by the sanctifying grace of God (sanctifying grace) and karuniapreternatural gifts, namely 1) of immortality or can not die, 2) can not suffer, 3) have a knowledge of God or 'infused knowledge' and 4) thanks to the unity or 'integrity' means, is the harmony or the submission of the lust of the flesh in mind. But since the first humans sinned, they lost the gifts. Adam and Eve's original sin and consequently lowered to their descendants, including us, so that we as humans have always had a tendency to sin.
One of the documents of Vatican II, Gaudium Et Spes write about original sin and how people always struggle in holiness in the midst of a tendency to sin.
But man, created by God in truth, since the beginning of history, at the invitation of the Evil, had abused his freedom. He rebelled against God, and to achieving goals outside of God. Although people knew God, they did not glorify Him as God; but their foolish heart darkness, and they chose to serve the creature rather than the Creator [10]. What we do know thanks to the revelation that is compatible with their own experience. Because when checking his own inner man was discovered, too, that he was inclined to do evil, and immersed in a lot of bad things, which may not come from the Creator, who is good. Often he refuses to recognize God as the foundation of his life. Thus he broke keterarahannya true to our last destination, as well as the entire real relationship with himself, with his fellow human beings, and with all creation.
Therefore, in the inner human being disintegrated. That is why the whole of human life, are reviewed individually and collectively, appear to be a struggle, it was a dramatic struggle between good and evil, between light and darkness. Even humans get himself unable to fight on his own power attacks crimes effectively, so that each person feels himself like a shackled with chains. But the Lord himself came to free and affirming human, with membaharuinya from within, and by throwing out the prince of this world (cf., Jn 12:31), who hold humans in bondage to sin [11]. As for sin undermines itself with stonewall man-in his way to reach their fulfillment.
In light of the revelation that both call sublime and profound misfortune, human experience, discover the deepest explanation. "[6]
Sanctifying grace restored by the grace that flows from the paschal mystery of Christ, so that people can continue to take part in the life of God. Instead, thanks to the integrity of the (gift of integrity) is unrecoverable, but used by God as a way so that man could prove his love to God. Therefore, although baptized - which means it has been receiving sanctifying grace, the three theological virtues (faith, hope and love), the gift of the Holy Ghost, and the gift of becoming children of God - people always have a tendency to sin (concupiscence). The Catechism defines concupiscence / tinder of sin / inclination to sin as follows:
KGK, 1264. But within those baptized remain some temporary result of sin: suffering, illness, death, weakness associated with the life (such as weakness of character), as well as the inclination to sin that tradition called concupiscentia [desire not regular] or, figuratively speaking, "the kitchen of sin" [fomes peccati]. Because of the desire irregular "left to fight, he will not harm them, who did not give up on him and that with the help of the grace of Jesus Christ with a mighty challenge. In fact more than that, who's fighting for, will receive a crown (2 Tim 2: 5) "(Council of Trent: DS 1515).
From the presentation above, we can see that until the end of his life, people will always struggle in holiness, including in maintaining purity.
2. The virtue of self-control and the relationship with the purity
In connection with purity (chastity), we will specifically discuss the virtues of self-mastery. The Catechism of the Catholic Church defines as follows:
KGK 1809 self-mastery is the moral virtue that curb the trend towards a wide range of pleasure and makes us use earthly objects with the right size. He ensures mastery of the will of the trend and not let tendencies beyond the boundaries that should be respected. Humans who controlled self directing the will of the senses her to the good, retains the ability healthier to assess, and adhering to the words: "Do not follow any tendency although you can afford, and do not you follow your passions" (Sir 5: 2, Bdk. Sir 37: 27-31) virtues of self-control is often praised in the Old Testament: "Do not be ruled by your desires, but mastering all your passions" (Sir 18:30). In the New Testament it is called "wisdom" or "tranquility". We must live "soberly, righteously, and godly in this present world" (Tit 2:12).
"The good life is none other than to love God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. (By temperance) people to love Him with a perfect love, which can not be shaken by misfortune whatsoever (because of the courage that only obey Him (for justice) and the standby so that judging all things, lest defeated by cunning or fraud (this is wisdom ) "(Augustine, mor. Eccl. 1,25,46).
Self-control can be applied in food, beverages and also in sexuality. Self-control does not mean eliminate all desire to be part of it, but wear them with the right size and in accordance with right reason. [7] For example, for couples who are not married, it is natural to want to each other, but not to perform intercourse is only allowed for a husband and wife. Meanwhile, although the couple allowed to do hubungam intimate, but not to the relationship based only on lust alone, making a couple just as a mere object of impingement.
3. Practicing purity is like practicing educate children
The question is, how we can control these tendencies, so that we could be pure? The word purity (chastity) by St. Thomas is to purify the tendency to sin (concupiscence) by the intellect. Aristotle compares this as the education of children. [8] As children are allowed to do anything, it will be increasingly difficult to control. However, increasingly children are trained and educated, then he will get by, until finally the education become part of him, so that education will not be something to curb yet be something liberating.
VI. Violation of purity
Once we know the purity and its relationship with virtue, and realized the need to direct the natural impulse (sensitive appetite), then we will look at some of the things that is seen as a violation of purity:
1. Lust / impurities
KGK 2351 Lust is deviant will, or pleasure irregular sexual pleasures. Sexual desire irregular morally, if he pursued for himself, and thus removed from his inner purpose to continue life (procreative) and to a loving relationship (unitive).
2. Masturbation
KGK 2352 Masturbation is stimulation of genitals intentional with the purpose of sexual pleasure. "Good Magisterium of the Church in its tradition that has not changed and the moral feelings of the faithful have never doubted, to label masturbation as an act of a very distorted". "The use of sexual performance by deliberately, for whatever reason, is done outside normal conjugal relations, contrary to the nature of the goals." For here sexual pleasure sought outside of "the sexual relationship which is governed by the law of moral / morals and in which achieved full meaning of surrender on a reciprocal basis and also a human conception in true love" [9].
Although there are psychological view that approve of masturbation as a means of 'channeling' sexual urges, but the Church does not justify such action. Masturbation is an act based on motives glamorize sexual pleasure above all else, and this can make a person's risk of sexual addiction, where a person puts physical pleasure as a god.
It must find positive ways to channel the sexual impulses, so that the focus is not channeling the urge to engage in sexual activity, but it pointed to other activities that build the body and soul.
3. Fornication
KGK 2353 Fornication is sexual intercourse between a man and a woman who are not married to one another. It is a great offense to the dignity of these people and to human sexuality itself, which by nature directed toward conjugal happiness and to give birth to offspring and education of children. He was also a heavy scandal, because then the moral young children destroyed.
Included here are living together before marriage, because generally they do have a tendency to commit the sin of fornication. Fornication is also not limited to the real action, because one can fall into the sin of fornication with his mind (cf., Mt 5:28; CCC 2528).
How not to fall into the sin of fornication before marriage? Thus is the advice of Johann Christoph Arnold, in his book A Plea for Purity:
"Hug a long, mutually petting, kissing lips and everything else that could encourage sexual desire should be avoided. The desire for physical proximity between lovers is something normal, but instead evokes passion surrounding this intimacy, the couple had to focus to get to know a couple more familiar spiritually, and build on each other love for Jesus and his Church. "[10 ]
When Jesus speaks of adultery in the heart, that is a man should not look at a woman with lust. Pope John Paul II said, "Fornication in the liver do not just because men see in such a way to a woman who is not his wife, but because he saw a way to a woman .... Although the man was viewed in such a manner to the woman who is his wife, he kept committing fornication in her heart. "(TOB 43: 2). So here the Pope teaches that sexual intercourse should not be reduced only as a means of satisfying sexual needs, but as an expression of love that is total between husband and wife in accordance with the will of God.
4. Pornography
KGK 2354 Pornography take actual intercourse or artificial deliberately and intimacy of the perpetrators and show it to third parties. He tarnish the purity, because he meyimpangkan meaning of conjugal relationship, intimate devotion between husband and wife. He offends the dignity of those participants (actors, vendors, and the audience), because they have become the object of primitive pleasure and a source of profit is not allowed. Pornography immerses all who play a role in it in an artificial world. He is a severe violation. Governments are obliged to prevent the procurement and dissemination of pornographic materials.
Unfortunately, this adult pornography is rampant everywhere and easily accessible to the widest range including children. Required a strong will and consistency to reject pornography.
5. Prostitution
KGK 2355 Prostitution tarnish the dignity of the person who did it and thus belittle themselves by making themselves the object of sheer enjoyment for others. Who does the heavy sin against themselves; he broke with the purity he had promised at the time of Baptism, and disfiguring his body, the temple of the Holy Spirit (cf., 1 Cor 6: 15-20). Prostitution is a disaster for the community. As, usual it involves women, but also men, children, or young people (both groups because the latter involves an additional sin of apostasy) ... ..
6. Rape
KGK 2356 Rape is a violent offense in sexual intimacy man. He is a violation of justice and love. Rape is a violation of the rights of every human being the respect, freedom, physical integrity, and soul. It causes great damage, which can overload the victim's lifetime. He was always an act that basically / itself evil. Worse, if the parents or educators raping children entrusted to them.
7. Homosexuality
KGK 2357 Homosexuality refers to relations between men or women, who find themselves interested in a sexual relationship, solely or mainly, to the same sex ... .. Based on Scripture describes it as a great diversion (Bdk.Kej 19: 1-29; Rom 1: 24-27; 1 Cor 6:10; 1 Tim 1:10) the Church's tradition has always explained that "it was very deviant homosexual acts" [11]. The act was against the laws of nature, because the continuation of life is not likely to occur when intercourse. The act did not come from a true need for mutual affective and sexual complementarity. After all that action can not be justified.
VII. What if already not pure?
If for one reason or another, (either because of ignorance or by mistake) a person does not fully live the teachings of purity in the past, do not despair. The Lord Jesus came to forgive the sins of mankind. Provided he sincerely repented of sin and guilt, and God will forgive him. As Jesus forgives the sinful woman (Mary Magdalene), and forgiveness is changing the lives of these women; Then he can forgive us and change our lives. The Bible records that the woman is the Lord Jesus appeared on the day of his resurrection. Hopefully, we too can become witnesses of his resurrection and his saving work in our lives.
So, the story of Mary Magdalene's conversion should encourage us to repent; and always never too late to repent. Furthermore usahakanlah to maintain the purity of this, and teach it to our children; so that they can know the good news of this purity, and implement them in their lives.
VIII. Ensuring the purity of body and soul practically.
Here are the practical steps to cultivate purity of body and soul:
1. Know yourself
We must know ourselves, so we know which areas we need to improve. To that end, we ask the Holy Spirit to reveal what the hidden, that is in ourselves.
2. Please God's grace
We ask God to cleanse our hearts of thoughts and tendencies undue.
3. Exercising restraint
Furthermore, we must exercise self-control, and practicing the teachings of this purity in thought, word and deed.
KGK 2530 The struggle against carnal mind going through liver cleansing and exercise keep the limits in every respect.
KGK 2532 For liver cleansing is needed prayer, practicing purity, has the sole pure view.
Practical guidelines: stay away from all the opportunities that encourage us to think or do things that are not polite. Stay away from conversation that 'anarchist' towards the porn. Look for the bustle of the more useful and constructive.
4. Purity of heart requires unpretentious attitude (modesty):
KGK 2533 Purity of heart requires an unpretentious attitude, which consists of patience, humility, and prudence (discretion). Unpretentious attitude to protect someone's identity.
KGK 2522 unpretentious attitude (modesty) protect the personal and confidential love. He was invited to be patient and exercise restraint in a loving relationship. Unpretentious attitude requires that the preconditions for the definitive and mutual submission of husband and wife met. In this position also includes the attitude of decency / feasibility. It affects the selection of clothing. He was silent or refrain if there is a risk of unhealthy curiosity. He is wise in respecting the privacy of others.
"The attitude is appropriate and understated (modesty) in word, deed, and the dress code is very important to create an environment suitable for the growth of purity .... Parents need to be vigilant so-mode mode immodest clothing and inappropriate attitudes do not violate the integrity of a household, mainly due to misuse of mass media. "[12]
IX. Conclusion: Purity = love with soul and body
As a creature created by God in the image of God, who is Love, man is created to love. Then each man was given the ability by God to love by giving himself sincerely, involving body and soul, and this is what distinguishes man from other creatures. Therefore, human sexuality is a good thing, because human beings relate to one another ber- with his body. So the ultimate goal of sexuality is love, that love which involves giving and receiving.
So, for couples toward matrimony must practice chastity, so as to honor the couple and loving partner more than just a partner's body, but especially love your partner as a person / person. Thus, the couple can get to know each other, can give and take in more depth and spiritual.
In marriage, the giving and receiving of love happens in a way that describes the love that total as the love of Christ to His Church. This love relationship cope with contractual relations or agreements, for which binding is Christ himself, that when the couple are united by God to share in God's own life, and in His work of creation. Therefore, the relationship of husband and wife have a noble and sacred meaning, and therefore can not be done arbitrarily interpreted and humans. Virtue of chastity is any attempt to use thanks to sexuality in accordance with God's plan. Only by practicing the virtue of chastity is then that we can truly be happy.

KGK: Catechism


Reading the Liturgy Tuesday, January 31, 2017
PW S. John Bosko, Imam

First Reading Heb 12: 1-4
Brethren, we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us. Let us lay aside every weight and the sin
which so easily ensnares us, and run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus. It was he who led us in the faith, and he who brought it to the perfection of our faith! Despising the shame he endured the cross for the joy set before Him, who now sits at the right hand of God's throne. Remember Jesus, alone endure remonstrance against himself, denials coming from the sinners. Do not become weary and lose heart, for in struggling against sin is not the point of bloodshed.
Thus saith the Lord.

Psalm Ps 22: 26b-
People who seek you, O Lord, will praise you.
* I will pay my vows before those who fear God. Poor people will eat until you are full, those who seek the Lord will praise Him;
let their hearts live forever!
* All the ends of the earth will be aware, then turned to the Lord; any clumps nations shall worship before him. Yes, to him shall bow down: all the proud of the earth, in His presence will surrender all those who have returned to the fold of earth.
* And I will live for the Lord, my granddaughter children will serve Him.
They will recount the matters of the Lord to the coming generation, and said that his justice to the people who will be born later.
All that has been done by the Lord.

Introduction to the Gospel of Matthew 8:17
Jesus took our infirmities and bore our diseases.

Gospel reading Mark 5: 21-43
On one occasion, after Jesus had crossed by boat, a large crowd gathered around him. When Jesus was still on the lake shore. And behold, a ruler of the synagogue named Jairus. When she saw Jesus, Jairus fell down at his feet. With so she pleaded with Him, "My daughter was sick, near death. Come presumably, and put thy hand upon it, so that he survived and stay alive." So Jesus went with him. The crowds flocked followed him and pressed around him. Is there a woman who had twelve years to bleeding. It has been repeated many physicians, to drop it all there is to it; but did not do good, quite the opposite: the situation is getting worse.
He had already heard the news about Jesus. So in the midst of the crowd she came up behind him and touched his cloak. For she said, "If I just touch his clothes, I will be healed."
Indeed, once the bleeding stopped and she felt in her body has been recovered from the disease. At that time Jesus also know that there is power coming out of himself, and he turned in the crowd and asked, "Who touched my clothes?"
His disciples answered, "You see for themselves how these people jostling near you! How can you say, 'Who touched me?" Then he looked around to see who had done it. Then the woman's fear and trembling, since he knew what had happened to her. So he came and fell down before him. Sincerely he tell everything to Jesus. Jesus said to her,
"Hi, My child, your faith has saved you. Go in peace and be healed of your disease!"
While he was still speaking, people from the family of the head of the synagogue and said, "Your daughter is dead! What else you need for troublesome Master?" But Jesus did not heed their words
and said to the synagogue official, "Do not be afraid, only believe!"
He did not let anyone follow him except Peter, James and John the brother of James. And they came to the house of the synagogue, and there Jesus saw all the fuss, crying and wailing. After sign in, Jesus said to the people, "Why are you commotion and weeping? The child is not dead, but sleeping!" But they laughed at him. So Jesus told all the people that came out. Then he brought the father and mother of the child, and they were together with Jesus into the boy's room. Then held him by the hand, he said to her, "Talitha kum," which means: "Son, I tell you, get up!" Immediately the child stood up and running, because the age is twelve years old. Everyone present was amazed. With so Jesus told them,Lest anyone to know it, and he told them to give her something to eat.
Thus the Gospel of the Lord.

When humans sick, the first thing to do was find a cure or treatment to the doctor. He will try to find the best drug or the best doctor in order to get relief. If all the effort that does not work, many people actually look for a shaman. and if help from shamans did not work well, then people seek God .It is an action that is not in accordance with God's will. Human action is the same as the act of a woman in the Gospel today ini.Perempuan suffered a hemorrhage for twelve years. She had gone to many doctors, but he did not recover as well. All the treasures he had already gone to have kesembuhanDia was desperate with all that he did it but when his heart was open to the healing touch of Jesus' hands happened to him, he healed just by touching the cloak of Jesus.
Very often people are less followed and the God in every effort and his work, Many people when starting a business or find a cure does not ask for help from God. But when that did not work properly, then they look for the Lord, but should is that we need to involve God in all our efforts. When we find a cure for pain, did we have to see a doctor but at the same time, we must also invoke God's help so that our efforts are blessed and His blessing, So should not only remember God when we can not do anything else but keep in mind God each of us to do something.
Not only to Jairus and the woman who had it, but ourselves also want to express the greatness of God and His power, the course may not merely through sickness, sometimes through the issue of weight problems for many years not finished. In these difficulties the Lord wants us like Jairus who by faith have become an intermediary for the healing grace for his beloved child, or like the woman who, in her illness would not give up and look for opportunities amid the crush of problems.

O God, do not let us get away from the Word that is always providing peace for us, let your Word alive in our hearts. Amen.

Minggu, 29 Januari 2017


The face of the Lord Jesus Christ
The Lord Jesus Christ is the face of God's Mercy. God the Father who is rich in mercy (Ephesians 2: 4), having revealed his name to Moses as "a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abundant in loving kindness of God" (Exodus 34: 6), never stopped showing divinity Him in many ways. In the fullness of time (Gal 4: 4), He sent His Son was born of the Virgin Mary to reveal his love definitively. Anyone who has seen the Lord Jesus, he has seen the Father (John 14: 9) Jesus showed mercy of God in the word, and his personal (MV no1)
In the mystery of God who became man in the Lord Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit, we need to contemplate diligently mystery of Divine Mercy, source of joy and serenity and peace. Mercy is a word that reveals the mystery of the Holy Trinity. Mercy is the basic law who live in the heart of every person, who viewed with respect as the sister brother's eyes narrow street life. Mercy is the bridge that connects between God and man, open our hearts to a hope for his beloved even though we are sinners (MV no.2).

Face of Motherhood of Mary.
Since the sin of Adam and Eve, God never intended man to hand over the power of evil. For this reason, God made holy and immaculate Mary (cf. Eph 1: 4) and chose him to be the Mother of the Redeemer.
When humans blinded by the allure of sin, God compensates the fullness of mercy "motherly" Him. God's mercy is always greater than all our sins, and no one can limit the love of God that is always ready to forgive ( like a mother's heart.

Presenting Face Mercy.
The Holy Father chose December 8, 2015 as the date that have a meaning that extent, the history of the Church. Holy door was opened to coincide with the 50th anniversary of u new phase. The church is called to evangelize new dengancara, which is a sign of the love of God the Father in the world (MV, no.4).
How to bring the Church to the world the face of God's mercy? The church no longer appear as a rigid institution full of pride to be the authority of the authority, but the Church is present with a face like the mercy of Christ, his bride and the Virgin Mary. At the opening of the Second Vatican Council, St. John XXIII stated "Now, the Bride of Christ chose to use the medicine of mercy rather than force and violence ...... Catholic Church's Ecumenical Council raised high lantern of truth Catholicism and wanted to show himself as a loving mother to all people: the patient's face and soft as a mother filled with deep concern in children who are marginalized ... "(MV. 4)
Blessed Paul VI in the closing of the Council also said: "We want memcatat that love is the basis of the Council's soul .... The story of the Good Samaritan has been the model of the spirituality of the Council of .... Rated values ​​of the modern world is not only appreciated, but it is removed, cleaned and purified .... This thing we have to emphasize is all channeled wealth doctrine of unity directions, namely the service of humanity, in all circumstances, weaknesses and needs "
That is the way chosen to contemplate Face of Mercy Church of God, and reveals it to the world like a mother responds to her child's needs.

Copied from Rm. Adrian Pristio, O.Carm

Sabtu, 28 Januari 2017


Reading the Liturgy Monday, January 30, 2017

First Reading Heb 11: 32-40
Brothers, about the figures of faith, I would lack the time, when I'm about to tell of Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, of David and Samuel and the prophets. By faith, they have conquered kingdoms, righteousness, and gained what was promised, shut the mouths of lions and extinguish the fire were devastating.
They had escaped from the sword, and have gain strength in weakness. They have become strong in the battle and had repulsed foreign military forces. By faith, the women received back the people who have died, because they were raised. There were more people who were tortured and would not accept release, because they expect a resurrection to a better life. There are also mocking and flogging, and even chains and imprisonment. They were stoned, sawed and killed with the sword; they wandered about in sheepskins dressed or goatskins, destitute, distress and torment. World was not worthy of them! They wander in the desert and in the mountains, in caves and in crevices of the mountain. Their faith has given them a wonderful testimony.
But they all do not get what was promised. For God has a better plan for us all; without us they can not be made perfect.
Thus saith the Lord.

Psalm Ps 31:
Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the Lord.
* How great is your goodness that you have accomplished in the presence of humans for those who take refuge in you!
* You hide them in the shadow of thy face against the conspiracy of men; You protect them in the cottage
the tongue strife.
*Bless God! He has shown his loyal love to me with magic in times of trouble!
* In my confusion I thought, 'I have been cast out of your sight. " But it turns out you listen to the voice of my supplications,
when I called to you for help.
* Love the Lord, all ye His beloved! God protects those who setiawan, but the proud rewarded him with no half-hearted.

Introduction to the Gospel of Luke 7:16
A great prophet has appeared among us, and God visited His people.

Gospel reading Mark 5: 1-20
On one occasion, came Jesus and His disciples across the Sea of ​​Galilee, in the region of the Gerasenes. Jesus had just got off the boat,
there came to him a man with an evil spirit from the cemetery.
People that live in it and nothing else that could bind with chains though! Had often been shackled and chained, but he tore the chains and shackles that dimusnahkannya, so no one was strong enough to tame it. Night and day among the tombs and in the hills, screaming and beating himself with stones. When she saw Jesus from afar, he ran to get him. He then worship Him, and loudly he screamed,
"Leave me alone, Jesus, Son of the Most High God?
By God, do not torment me! "For Jesus had said to him," O you unclean spirit! Out of this man! "Then Jesus asked him," What is your name? "He replied," My name is Legion, for we are many. "He begged Jesus repeatedly not to send the spirits out of the region. It is there, in hillside,
a herd of pigs was feeding. Then the spirits begged Jesus, saying, "Send us into the swine, and we may enter!" He gave them permission. So the evil spirits and entered the pigs. Then the herd of pigs were about two thousand in number was down the steep slope into the lake and suffocate in it. Then run the herdsmen that! They reported it in the city and in the countryside. And the people came to see what had happened. They came to Jesus
and saw the demon-possessed man was sitting; man who had been possessed by the legion, now dressed and already sane. So fear them. People who had seen it told what had happened to the demon-possessed man, and about the pigs. Then they asked Jesus to leave their region.
At the time he went back into the boat, the man who had been possessed by demons begged him that he was allowed to accompany him. But Jesus did not let her. Jesus said to the man, "Go home, to the people sekampungmu, and announce unto them all that had been done by the Lord upon you, and declare how he had mercy on you!" The man went away and began to proclaim in Decapolis what Jesus had done for him; and everyone was amazed.
Thus the Gospel of the Lord.

Somewhere region of the Gerasenes, there was a young man possessed by a demon. So powerful was this demon that nobody can throw him. They also can not bind this young man with a chain even though. This young man yelling screaming and slashes in his body with stones. It is tragic and terrible, and then came the moment that this happy, when the young man who met Jesus kerasukkan it. Drama exorcism in today's Gospel like the end of an exorcism Hollywood film, The young man who was possessed by many demons liberated by Jesus. Satan will no longer rule over the young man's body.
Task devil was shackled man so far from God, ruined man and make him lose hope. In this modern world, for example, people can be far from God due fettered free sex, drugs, hatred, revenge, pornographic or other attachment that ultimately made him feel empty and lost hope. When a person is no longer able to control herself, but enslaved by his sins he requires an encounter with Jesus. Of himself, he was not able to escape the shackles of demons when Jesus did not help him.
Jesus comes to love human beings and human beings make valuable because it is loved. Jesus loves human effort to free us from the bondage of sin. Do we realize Baptist grace of the sacrament we receive frees us from original sin? Also the sacrament of Penance frees us from sin and human weakness we? Love is supposed to membebbbaaaskan not binding, Jesus loves people by giving human freedom.
In every life choice that we have, we can choose to love God or not. If we choose to love God, we should remember the love of His liberating. In the same way, we can learn to liberate others through love, forgiveness, prayers and greetings. Do not let hatred overcome us, so that we can be a witness to God's love in our daily lives. Congratulations love, congratulations liberating.

Item contemplation.
Let us just pray for those people who may have it harm us.
The part of us, let us offer all our suffering it. Let it be a penance for our sins to our neighbor, including all things that we created and perhaps have failed them.

Yes benevolent Lord, teach us to always pray for those who hate and might have tried to harm us. Amen.


Reading the Liturgy Sunday, January 29, 2017

First Reading Zephaniah 2: 3; 3: 12-13
"Seek the Lord, all ye humble of the land, all you who did his judgment; seek righteousness, seek humility; perhaps you will be sheltered on the day of the wrath of God."
And God said, "In your midst I let my life be a people humble and weak, which will seek the protection of God's name.
They are the remnant of Israel. They will not be violent or speak lies. In the mouth they will not flap fraudsters.
Instead they would like a flock of sheep that graze and lie down without anyone bothering him. "
Thus saith the Lord.

Psalm Ps 146: 1.7.8-9a.9b-10
Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
* Praise the Lord, O my soul! It was he who uphold justice for the oppressed and gives food to the hungry. God frees people locked up,
* The Lord opened the eyes of the blind, the Lord lifts up all who are bowed down, the Lord loves the righteous. God keep strangers.
* The orphan and the widow of his back, but the way of the wicked is bent him. The Lord reigns forever, your God, O Zion, to all generations!

Second Reading 1 Corinthians 1: 26-31
Brothers, try to remember how you were doing when called upon.
By human standards not many of you were wise, not many were powerful, not many are privileged. But what is foolish in the eyes of the world chosen by God to shame the wise, and the weak things of the world God chose to confound the strong, and what is not respected and despised in the world, even things which are not, God chose to nullify which mean,
lest any man should boast before God. But God has made you are in Christ Jesus, and through him Christ became wisdom to us. He who justifies, sanctifies and redemption. Thus, as stated in scripture, "Whoever boasts, let him boast in the Lord."
Thus saith the Lord.

Introduction to the Gospel of Matthew 5: 12a
Rejoice and be glad, because great is your gift in Heaven.

Gospel reading Matthew 5: 1-12a
Once, when he saw the crowds, Jesus went up into the hills.
After He sat down, His disciples to Him. Then he began to speak and convey these teachings to them, "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled. Blessed are those who are generous,
for they will be shown mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God. Blessed are those who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are ye, when ye be reproached for My sake, and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil. Rejoice and be glad, because great is ganjaranmu in heaven. "
Thus the Gospel of the Lord.

One man is currently kebahagiaankita feel loved and owned. Each of us need to belong and be loved. A child will be very happy when he felt that his parents loved him. A father or mother will be very happy and feel valued when their children receive it and have it. Similarly, the people will be happy when the pastor knew her and she was accosted as his people. Likewise a pastor will be happy when she was owned and loved his people.
The words of Jesus today, reminding us all that we deserve to be happy because we are loved by God. To us, God give blessing and grace. We are in all the weaknesses and limitations feel lucky because elected and appointed belong as children of God. Thanks to this is a happiness and happiness is a blessing.
In our daily life, happiness and blessings should always lived and kindled in our hearts. This happiness must be shared to us in daily living. When we dare to kneel humbly before God, when we dare to leave our pride and arrogance, a sense of happiness that will grow. We will be happy when we dare continue to strive to build peace in families and our environment. We will be happy when we dare to forgive others who wrong us. Happiness comes when we share and be generous to others who need our help. Where we will be happy when we see our neighbors are happy because of the help, support and our prayers.

It was strange when we reflect on the Beatitudes of Jesus, because Jesus actually call blessed by the poor, the afflicted, the meek, generous and even persecuted for Christ. This is not a game of word that just want to flip the turn of fate. Fill out all the words of this will be easy to digest and accept it if we contemplate the living Lord Jesus Christ Himself who live perfectly, poverty, suffering, and sorrow, gentleness, generosity, and so on.
In turn, St. Paul had also the name of suffering for the task of evangelization, however, that all contemplated by St. Paul as part of the life of discipleship that must be followed, and precisely thus he became able to replace entertain everyone.
Let us reflect and interpret all the workload, the burden of suffering, mental burden, that we must bear every day because of the mission that we have received by the light of the Beatitudes and the experience of St. Paul. Not easy to live faithfully in marriage and vocations to the priesthood or monastic. Not easy for a simple life while everything else is available and possible. Not easy to survive when we are being bullied or bullied at work or the scope of our work precisely because we want to be honest and good. We view the cross of Christ, Christ is able to comfort and strengthen us not through the appearance of the body and his face glistening but through his body that still leaves wounds of crucifixion that but now as the Lord of glory that it is present in everyday human simplicity.


Yes, God is merciful. may we always be humble in dealing with thee and others in order to create peace in our life, Amen.

Jumat, 27 Januari 2017


Ten advice from Pope Francis for All Couples
Undergo a serious relationship is often not as easy as it looks.
1. Take your time, even if you are very busy. Love takes time and place, all outside of it could come second. The time it takes to talk about various things, enjoy time together, plan to live, listen to each other, and look at your partner in their eyes. Sometimes problems are not a couple, they just never enjoy time together.
2. Listen, sometimes people just want to be heard. Your spouse may not need a solution, they just want to share grief, despair, fear, anger, and the fragility of their current conditions.
3. Accept shortage, we must understand that everyone has good and bad of each. Love does not have to be perfect, but we have to accept any deficiency partner and respect that every human being must not have errors.
4. Do not sleep with your anger, do not ever put an end to your day with anger. Always covered, your family with peace. How to? Very easy. You can start with a hug. Sometimes we do not need a word, a hug just to finish a fight.
5. Always say 'please', 'thank you' and 'sorry'. These three words may sound very ordinary but has a remarkable effect when spoken to a couple.
6. Trust is the key, we do not need to always be suspicious of the pair had been lying or cheating. Love is not about controlling partner and suspect every move. Precisely love can only grow when we give a sense of trust and liberate our partners. With confidence that the relationship can grow.
7. Love takes struggle, never expect a perfect love story. Love takes struggle and sacrifice. As the proverb that says 'fine wine matures with age', the more you fight and sacrifice for your relationship, then the relationship will be more mature and better over time.
8. Different opinions may be, do not hurt, each partner must have a different opinion, the key is that you should not meyakiti and angry. Most couples disagree about little things, so do not let the little things that make you and your partner feel uncomfortable or upset.
9. Read the book and added knowledge, be interesting. In talking with the couple, lest we become bored. Try to always learn and gain knowledge. So in talking with your spouse will always learn and gain knowledge.

10. Satisfy couples, For couples who are married, God created sex. Having sex with a partner should be satisfactory for both sides. Let us not seek self-gratification and objectify couples. Sex will be the most beautiful experience when both sides enjoyed it.


In the life of faith, we often puzzled by the phenomenon that is sometimes bizarre but real. For example, we look at the Christians who so diligently to church, diligently following the spiritual deepening spiritual fellowship, praying diligently and reading, even the church and parish became a second home. But in socio-civic life everyday lacked the 'heart' against one another. In fact they are often labeled as people who do not have compassion for other people.
Instead, we find also those Christians who in the exercise of faith rarely go to church, never took part in environmental activities, never read the Bible and never even pray at all. But this guy was so good against one another. Like to help others who are suffering, to help those in need and also actively involved in socio-civic activities.
The question we could emerge, which is it, where appropriate. Which one should we choose, the first or the second? I will not answer what is right or what is right, but rather wants to invite colleagues to see ourselves each. What I want to lift the look of this phenomenon is the extent of my everyday life also reflects my faith life. Or the extent to which I was an adult in the spiritual. Is it spiritual maturity can be measured ?. If you can what can we use to measure spiritual maturity. Is not a question of faith is a very personal matter.
Problem of the relation between me and God. Who is to gauge whether I really believe in or mature in living the faith or not? Which can measure the maturity is to me personally. This is true, because it's not just a matter of mere spiritual cultivation, but also a matter of embodiment, the spiritual maturity can be measured in terms of motivation, but also its realization. We believe that 'faith without works is dead'.
According to experts spiritualist, we can measure our spiritual maturity of some of these indications.
v There is a strong desire or longing hearts determined to be 'holy' than just experiencing temporary happiness in life.
v Has the virtue to always willing to give and to give than to receive and to be given or even demanding.
v Always felt honored when given the opportunity to serve than to be served.
v Always experiencing happiness in his personal life, both born like any mind.
v Always feel blessed, always feel grateful for the gift you have received, from the always feel less and want more than what is required.
v Able to accept everything with the attitude of 'what is' 'Nrima pandum ing' of the ambition to have everything and demanding others to be just like him.
v Always live in a world of love, everything is measured by love.

This is an indication that can be used to measure whether I've felt reaching 'spiritual maturity', according to the Christian faith that I believe. The above case will never happen if we feel confident that I have always tried to be on track seven this indication.
Does being a saint is really a longing of every human being. Does God wants us to be holy or ....? The answer lies in the hearts of each of us, but when we return to the invitation of Jesus himself the "Be ye perfect as the Father is perfect existence", then we would nod that perfection of life, or chastity is the ultimate goal of every person who recognizes himself as a disciple of Christ , Because in fact God calls us to be holy. The size of our spiritual perfection is 'to be like Christ' in all aspects of his life. Hopefully, this handy little afterthought.
Happy days and Sunday.
In Christ.
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