Jumat, 27 November 2015


Reading the Liturgy Saturday, November 28, 2015

Reading 1: Dan 7: 15-27
I, Daniel, moved by the vision that I've had, and I feel very agitated because of the vision he had seen. So I approached one of those standing there, and I asked for an explanation of all this. Then he said to me and tell its meaning, "These four great beasts tail that is
four kings who will arise from the earth. After that the saints of the Most High will receive the kingdom and will possess it forever. "Then I wanted to know the meaning of the fourth beast, which is different from other animals.
It was very scary animal, hoofed toothed iron and copper. The beast devoured and crushed its prey, and the rest trampled with his feet.
I also want to get an explanation of the existing ten horns on its head and about the other horn, the horn that had eyes and mouth as well as bragging; growing so patahlah previous three horns, and likely to be greater than all the existing horn.
I saw that horn waging war against the saints and defeating them, until the Ancient of Days arrived and judgment was given
the saints of the Most High. --- And there came time
saints it took office. ---
So then he said, "The fourth beast is the fourth kingdom
which will be on the earth, and that is different from all other kingdoms; he will devour the whole earth, trampling and crushing.
The ten horns are ten kings that arise from that kingdom.
Then they will turn up a king; he differs from the former kings and will subdue three kings. He shall speak words against the Most High, and shall persecute the saints of the Most High. He attempted to change times and laws: and they shall be given into the hand during one period and two times and half a time. Then the court will convene. Power will be taken from the king, he would be annihilated and destroyed forever. So the government, the power and the majesty of all the kingdoms under heaven will be given to the saints, the people of God Most High. Their reign is eternal reign, all powers shall serve and obey them.
Thus saith the Lord.

Psalm: T.Dan 3: 82-87
* Praise the Lord, ye children of men.
U: Praise and noble of Him forever.
* Praise the Lord, O Israel.
U: Praise and noble of Him forever.
* Praise the Lord, the priests of the Lord.
U: Praise and luhurkan him forever.
* Praise the Lord, O servants of the Lord.
U: Praise and noble of Him forever.
* Praise the Lord, spirits and souls of the righteous.
U: Praise and noble of Him forever.
* Praise the Lord all the Mursid and humble.
U: Praise and noble of Him forever.

Introduction to the Gospel of Luke 21:36
Watch, and pray always,
so you are worthy to stand before the Son of Man.

Gospel: Luke 21: 34-36
At that time Jesus said to the disciples of His, "take heed to yourselves, lest your heart loaded by carousing and drunkenness and worldly interests, and not until the day of the Lord suddenly fall upon you like a trap. For it will overwrite all the inhabitants of the earth. Be on guard constantly, praying, so that you get the strength to escape all that will happen, and so that you stand before the Son of Man. "
Thus the Gospel of the Lord.

Today's Gospel about Jesus rebuked the man whose life is filled with debauchery, drunken drinking and fettered by worldly interests. Such a situation would cripple human relationships right with God and the human relationship with each other. A sense of security by the abundance of food and beverage filling and intoxicating could make a man closed his heart for others who are suffering, hungry and poor. Jesus counseled his followers to remain loyal to his arrival with the attitude of a sensitive heart, which always keep vigil and pray continually.
We do not know when the Lord's return, but the Word of God today invites us to remain faithful in faith and believe that God is truly present amid us. God is always listening and paying attention to our prayers. God did not call us to shackled in orgies and drunkenness, but to bring the goodness of God through concrete actions every day, where there was a successful experience and failure, experience sad and happy, but we are not alone, because through the vigil continues, sensitive heart and faithful in prayer , we are given the strength and faith in the truth that He is present and acts in our midst this world. And in the end, God through His Son Jesus Christ who was sacrificed to die on the cross and rose gives a new hope in the Holy Spirit, call and collect us to get into the party Supper of the Lamb in His kingdom

Item reflection
Jesus gave counsel that we escape free from all pleasures of the world and we are invited to keep watch in prayer. This attitude will lead us away from debauchery and concerned with their own pleasure. The wise man also advises:
"Pray as if your life to stay one day, work hard as if you will live a thousand years" Ora et Labora said the Latins, praying and working is way worth it to wait for the Lord.

Yes Lord, open our hearts to be always faithful to keep vigil and pray before You. Amen.

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