Rabu, 11 November 2015


Reading the Liturgy 12 November 2015
PW ST. Jehoshaphat, Bishop and Martyr

Reading 1: Wis 7: 22-8: 1
There wisdom in a wise and holy spirit, singular, plural and smooth,
easy to move, clear and not stained, light, can not be tampered with, likes to be good and sharp, not restrained, generous and affectionate human will, nonetheless, assured and steady, omnipotent and maintain everything and dive into all spirit wise, pure and smooth though. For wisdom is more agile than any motions, because the purity he penetrated and crossed everything. Wisdom is the breath of the power of God, and the glory of the Almighty pure radiance. Nothing is stained goes into it. Because wisdom is a reflection of eternal light, and an immaculate mirror of God's activity, as well as the image of his goodness. Although the single, but wisdom is able to be everything, and although living in him,
but renews everything. From one generation to another generation as it transitions into the holy souls, which made him a friend of God and prophet. There is no such thing beloved of God except those who live together with wisdom. For wisdom is more beautiful than the sun, and beats any place of the stars. Compared to the bright daylight he is superior because replaced during the night, while the crime is not to overpower wisdom. With strong it extends from one end to the other end, and a smooth ruled everything.
Thus saith the Lord.

Psalms: Psalm 119:
O Lord, for ever and ever Thy word remains firm.
* For forever, O Lord, your word remains firm in heaven.
* Thy Faithfulness of offspring to offspring; Kautegakkan earth, so that it stays there.
* According to the laws of thy now they existed, because all things serve you.
* When exposed, your word gives light, giving understanding to fools.
* Shine on your servant with thy face, and teach thy statutes me.
* Let my soul live that praise you, and let thy judgments help me.

Gospel: Luke 17: 20-25
On one occasion the Pharisees asked Jesus when the kingdom of God come. Jesus replied, "The kingdom of God comes without outward signs.
Can not say, "Look, he is here 'or' he was there. ' For indeed the kingdom of God already in the midst of you. "
Jesus said to the disciples, "There will come a time you want to see one day of the Son of man. But you will not see it. People will tell you, 'Look at him there! See him here!' But do not you go to There, do not you join. For as the lightning emanating from one end of heaven to the other end of the sky, so too does the Son of Man, on the day of his coming later. But first he must suffer many things
and be rejected by this generation. "
Thus the Gospel of the Lord.

In today's Gospel Jesus says very beautifully "Indeed the Kingdom of God already in the midst of you." The kingdom of God is Adadi among us, present in the various events of our lives. The kingdom of God is present when we let God as king in our lives daily day. When a father willing to forgive and accept the return of his son, who had embarrassed the family name with the evil, when a wife willing to accept the return of her husband who has an affair, that is where the kingdom of God is present, Unfortunately nowadays people often interpret the coming of the kingdom of God with signs Judgement is superb. It is supposed that the kingdom of God will come in a natural disaster or in an all-powerful supernatural signs incredible. To this Jesus has warned us, "Be careful .... People will say to you, 'Look at him There! See him here! 'But do not you go over there, do you follow "
In the last verse Jesus warned, a matter that should not be forgotten by those who strive to realize the Kingdom of God "But first he must suffer many things and be rejected by this generation.". This has been experienced by Jesus Christ our Lord. He came into the world to proclaim the Kingdom of God, but He was rejected and despised, however, Jesus did not back down, he obedient to the Father even unto death on a cross.

Items to contemplation
As followers of Jesus we are called to continue the mission and his work, which brings the Kingdom of God in this world. It's all we can begin to share the love in action simple act every day to others around us.

O Lord, help me so I always try to create the kingdom of God around me through words and actions. Amen.

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