Senin, 07 September 2015



Mercy: is this virtue in our families?

Nowadays, it is not a secret anymore, if there are a lot of families are cracked, even then parted. We may not have far to look for examples, because it could be happening in the circle of our relatives, even our own family. Why and how it can happen, it is not the same between one family to another. But there is a common root is the cause, that is, when there is no more mercy, or compassion genuine, who lived in the family. Mercy or compassion is the most important attribute of God, because God revealed himself as Love (1 Jn 4: 8). Without involving God, who is Love that unites this, the Christian family will lose direction and guidance, so that when there is a problem or dispute between members, each party will tend to focus on the interests and his own will, and not to the common good.
Divine Mercy, that we need to apologize for our families. In order to rely on the mercy of God, we are enabled to live the mercy of nature and apply it in our families. In this case, a fitting , if we look at the example of the Virgin Mary, who was first to live it and apply it in the Holy Family of Nazareth, and which until now continues to take part in the realization of the plan of the Divine Mercy in the history of mankind. Mary's special role and special, precisely because Jesus wills so. It requires that the Virgin Mary, His Mother to Mother of Mercy for us, so we can learn that nature's mercy, not only belongs to God alone, but also can be ours man. Therefore, by applying the mercy of nature in our lives, we changed gradually to become increasingly evident as the Mercy of God, in ourselves. Mary was the first man who made ​​God's mercy as inseparable unity in his own life, and therefore, let us follow his example.

Why is Mary called the Mother of Mercy?

Perhaps the simple answer is: because the Virgin Mary said so to the number of the elect, which by God's permission, receive personal revelation, to confirm explicitly what God wants to be understood by his people, with respect to the principles that have been submitted by the revelation of God in Scripture. Namely that the nature of God is primarily mercy and God wants us, as disciples of Christ, to be compassionate. To mean that God is the perfect example, that the Virgin Mary.
In her diary, St. Faustina wrote his spiritual experience, while praying the novena prayer for the intentions of his confessor. At the end of the novena, when he was reciting Hail, O Queen, she saw the Virgin Mary appeared to him by holding the Child Jesus, saying, "I am not only the Queen of Heaven, but also the Mother of Mercy and Mother-mu."1These words are similar to what was said by the Virgin Mary to St. Brigita from Sweden in the 14th century, "I am the Queen of Heaven and Mother of Mercy; I am joy for the righteous, and the door through which sinners will be brought to the Lord. "2 Protection of the Virgin Mary as the mother of the faithful, Mother of Mercy and also re-stated by the Virgin Mary, to St. Juan Diego of Guadalupe in the 16th century, and the St. Bernadette Soubirous in the 19th century. Thus, although the term Mother of Mercy might be considered anew by some people, but in fact it has been since the beginning of the century, the Church appealed to the Blessed Mother, to give protection to the prayers of intercession. Prayer is known as Sub Tuum Praesidium , which reads:
"Under our abundant compassion refuge, O Mother of God. Do not reject us in trouble, but deliver us from danger, [O thou] a sacred and blessed. "3
Dr. Robert Stackpole, director of the John Paul II Institute of Divine Mercy, explained that there are four reasons why the Virgin Mary known as Our Lady of Mercy, namely4:
  1. Because Mary was conceived without sin stained, created by the Divine Mercy for participating in the work of God's Mercy.
  2. For God has chosen him to be the Mother of Jesus, the Divine Mercy, and the Virgin Mary who gave birth to Jesus in the world.
  3. For carrying out the work of the Blessed Mother of God's mercy, to show you how to be a true disciple of Christ.
  4. Because Mary always be an intercessor for us, leading us to God application- application.

Mary created no stained for participating in the work of God's mercy

Gospel teaches us how God himself has chosen the Virgin Mary, and filled them with his grace. "Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee", we pray the Hail Mary, drawn from the greeting given by the angel messenger of God to Mary, while giving the good news to him. "Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you", translated into Indonesian by LAI be, "Hail, thou blessed, God is with you" (cf., Lk 1:28). But here we missed the point, that is, God greets homage to him, and referred to it as someone who is endowed with the grace of God, and accompanied by God himself. Such greetings were never delivered God to anyone else. The fullness of God's grace that the Virgin Mary herself is also a specificity for him, which is given by God in connection with the special task entrusted to him, namely to become the Mother of Christ, who is God, and therefore, Mary is called the Mother of God.
Because of these features, then anything inside the Virgin Mary, it is a creation of the Divine Mercy, and provided for the work of Divine Mercy. There are no other creatures, which perfectly expresses God's mercy, other than the Virgin Mary's Immaculate Conception. Because God's boundless mercy that enables the Virgin Mary receiving sanctifying grace is perfect, even since forming in his mother's womb, so it is really worthy mission as Mother of the Son of God is holy. Mary then respond to God's grace is truly exceptional, with willingness to obey and carry out the will of God in all his life.Devotion to the Blessed Mother of God is what makes it holy. Mary fulfills perfectly what is taught by the Apostle Peter, even before he teaches it to the Church:
"Live as children who obey and follow wittingly desires to dominate you ... but be ye holy in all your conduct, like the Holy One who called you, for it is written: You shall be holy, for I am holy." ( 1 Peter 1: 14-16)
Then the holiness of Mary, was not meant by God to be good for the Virgin Mary itself, or as a sort of requirement for her to be the mother of Jesus. God willed that the holiness of the Virgin Mary was an example for us, so that we too can, like the Virgin Mary, grows into a holy. With this holiness, we can take part in the plan of God's mercy, which is to bring as many people to eternal salvation.
Now let us look into ourselves each and especially in our families: Do we have become people who will obey God's command? What we have done to grow in holiness? Have we become compassionate to others, especially to the members of our families? Do we have to follow the example of God's mercy, to forgive all who have hurt us? For the mercy of God is not something that God intended for us to accept for ourselves, but also for us to share with our neighbor, especially those who are small, weak, marginalized and forgotten. And it's not impossible these people in our family. The extent to which we have given attention to the love of our children, even since they are in the womb? The extent to which we have given love and concern for our children, and also to our parents, especially if they are elderly and sickly? Do we have to treat our spouses, both husband and wife, with meekness? How do we treat each member in our household, including domestic workers, drivers and security guards? Do we have to treat them properly? For the compassion that we reveal to others we are the ones, which become evident whether we really have to love the Lord. The Apostle John wrote in his letter:
"If someone says," I love God, 'and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen can not love God whom he has not seen. "(1 John 4:20).

God chose Mary to be the mother who gave birth to Jesus, the Divine Mercy

On the date of October 20, 2014, we the people of Indonesia officially has a president and vice president were new.Mother Bp. Joko Widodo, certainly deserves to be called the mother of the President, for he is the President. So also, through our Lord Jesus Christ is the Divine Mercy, then his mother, Mary, appropriately referred to as the Mother of Mercy. Through the Virgin Mary was the one Christ the Divine Mercy can be born into the world, and take human form.Through the Virgin Mary who, Mercy invisible God became visible and present in the midst of his people.
The role of the Virgin Mary that is very special and the only one in the history of salvation of mankind, does not negate the role of each of us, which is also believed by God to take part in presenting the mercy of God in the midst of his people.After his ascension to heaven, Christ's presence in the midst of the Church is expressed in the holy Eucharist, that each day is celebrated by the Church in the celebration of the Eucharist. We as members of the Church are called by God to take part in the celebration of the Eucharist, so that after receiving Christ is truly present in the Eucharist is evident that, we too can share Christ to our neighbor. As Mother Mary has brought Christ into the world, we too are called by God to bring Christ to the world around us, whether at home, at school, at work, or anywhere.
So for our family, the question is whether we have together with our families, attend and take part in the celebration of the holy Eucharist? Because the Eucharist is the sacrament of love and the sacrament of unifying the will of God as a means to unite all members of our family. By taking part in the holy Eucharist, the couple renew their marriage vows. For in Ekaristilah, the Church as the Body of Christ to celebrate and express unity with Christ as the head. Husband and wife who have been united by Christ in the sacrament of Marriage, took part in the unity of Christ with his Church this. Given the deeply meaning of the Eucharist for the unity of husband and wife, then let us ask ourselves each, the extent to which we have been doing this? Whether as a married couple we have been present in the Eucharist and together renew the promise of marriage whenever welcomes Christ in Holy Communion? Is when experiencing struggles or problems in marriage or family, we draw strength from Christ in the Eucharist? Do we have sincerely helped prepare our children for First Communion with gratitude? The extent to which we ourselves live the meaning of the Eucharist, so that we can share our appreciation to our spouse, husband or wife, and to our children?

Mary perform the work of God's mercy to be true disciples of Christ's example

As the Mother of Mercy, Our Lady taught St. Thus Faustina, "I will, my dear child, that you implement these three very valuable virtue for me- and very pleasing to God. The first is humility, modesty and again, humility; the second is purity;and the third is the love of God. "5 In other words, Mary encourages us, in order to cultivate the three virtues in our lives, so that we can grow in holiness. To holiness that we are all called, as stated in Scripture (cf., Lev 19: 2; Matthew 5:48; 1 Thes 4: 3). The call to holiness is what was called back by the Second Vatican Council, as stated in Lumen Gentium.6Thus, the Church teaches that holiness is meant for everyone, not just for the religious; but also to us lay people, both single and family life. And to achieve this holiness, we must start from the first step, namely humility.
Why is humility? Humility is the foundation of all other virtues, because without humility, we can not really have other virtues.7 Humility is also referred to as the 'mother' of all the virtues, because it breeds loyalty, fear God, and honor him, patience, humility, gentleness and peace.8 The Lord Jesus wants us to learn from Him to be lemahlembut and humble (Matthew 11:29).
Modesty or humility comes from the word humus (Latin), meaning that the soil / earth.9 Thus, the humility intention is to put yourself 'grounded' to the ground. St. Thomas Aquinas said that the introduction of self begins to realize that all that is good in us comes from God and belongs to God, while all the evil in us arises from our own.10 Awareness of this brings us to the truth: that we are not nothing, and God is everything. In God's eyes we are sinners, but greatly loved by Him.Humility is this, says St. Thomas, is the basis of the 'spiritual home' us.11
Besides, humility is the opposite of arrogance that became the first sin of the first man. Pride is an attitude of 'refused' to obey God, as we see in the story of Adam and Eve (Genesis 2: 8-3: 14). Thus, God's plan to redeem humanity, manifested initially with humility; in this case, by humility Christ-as the new Adam; and humility Mother Maria- as the new Eve.Christ willingly emptied Himself, taking the human form, to then take the punishment the least as a servant (cf.. Philippians 2: 5-11). Letter to the Hebrews wrote about the words of Christ to His Father when He entered the world, which shows his obedience to God the Father:
"Sacrifice and offering you did not desire-but a body you prepared for me-. Burnt offerings and sin offerings you took no delight. Then said I, Lo, I come; in the book it is written of me to do your will, O God. "(Hebrews 10: 5-7)
Similarly, Mary shows his obedience to the Father, when he said to the angel who delivered the good news to her, that she would conceive the Son of God:
"Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to your word. "(Lk 1:38)
So, apart from Christ, the Virgin Mary is the perfect example of humility and perfection of love. Virgin Mary realizes that he is endowed by a special grace to be the Mother of God the Most High, yet he remained humble, with regard himself as a servant of God, ready to do His will. Humility is what drives the Virgin Mary to give priority to the needs of Elizabeth's brother, rather than thinking about their own struggle. Our Lady always be grateful for the grace of God received, and pondered them in her heart (cf., Lk 2:19, 51). Mary did not exalt himself and demanding privilege to have been chosen by God as mother of his Son. Mary did not complain when it does not gain lodging and therefore had to give birth at home to lowly animal. He still meet the requirements of their purification according to the law of Moses, and thus effacing herself as someone who has been sanctified by God (cf. Luke 2:22; Lev 12: 3-8). With humility, Mary carry out its role of raising the Lord Jesus, in poverty and simplicity, but with gratitude and praise to the Lord, as dikidungkannya in the Magnificat(Luke 1: 46-56). Thus, Mary shows that humility helps us to see everything with the eyes of God. We see our true self, do not overestimate the positive things that exist in us, but also does not deny that all the good in us is a gift from God, so it is appropriate that used for the glory of God (1 Tim 1:17).
St. Therese of the Child Jesus declares that humiliation is the 'secret of holiness'.12 That is, the willingness to accept mistakes is very important, so that we can grow in humility. To correct an error, first of all we must know and acknowledge it beforehand. For that, we need to be informed, whether by God himself, or through another person. It can embarrass us, but we need to take it to the field. Therefore, if this process we received the Christian spirit, we can be sure to be humble.13 This warning on the basis of this love, the most sincere applied in the family. For the families that we can be sure that if we are rebuked, it would have been done out of love and for the good of ourselves. In this case, parents have an obligation or responsibility to reprimand the children on the basis of love, if they have valid deviate from the path of God. Similarly, a husband and wife need to admonish if one away from God. In fact, even children can actually be in their own way to remind parents, if they do something wrong before God. This is where the necessary attitude of humility from those who rebuked, in order to accept it with open heart, and also from those who rebuke, so motivation is not to assert themselves; but all seek the good of his fellow members of the family.
Virtue is real humility is needed in the family. Because humility is the one that enables us to continue to give thanks to God, under any circumstances. If humility has lived in the family, then each member will strive to unselfish, willing to serve and pay attention to the needs of fellow members of the other without being asked. Humility makes us aware that all that is good in us is the gift of God, will encourage us to use it for God's glory. And one and the same goal will unite the whole family!
Jesus said, "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God." (Matthew 5: 8). And the innocence and purity of heart, is a requirement for us to see God in heaven. In the midst of the world around us is increasingly emphasizing the sensual things, Mary reminds us of the importance of the virtue of chastity. Purity is meant here is the integration of sexuality in man, leading to the inseparable unity of body and soul. Since the embodiment of our love for God and neighbor involves our body and soul, then this is where the virtue of chastity is not integral to the realization of true love.
We have all the baptized are called to safeguard the purity of our body, because through Baptism, our bodies become the temple of God, God's own dwelling place:
"Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who dwells in you, Holy Spirit whom you have from God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price has been paid: therefore glorify God in your body "(1 Cor 6: 19-20; cf., 1 Cor 3:16).
Mary, an example for us in terms of purity, because he really is a pure, both body and soul. Mother Mary was conceived immaculate and innocent throughout his life.14 He is a man who remains a virgin, both before, during and after the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ.15 They maintain the integrity of his body and soul, for the sake of her love for the God who had chosen to be the mother of His Son Jesus Christ. With purity of heart, Mary followed the example of Christ who also has given his body and soul entirely to carry out the will of God.
We too are called to be like Christ and the Virgin Mary, to offer our bodies to do the will of God and glorify Him. In this case, we need to always draw strength from Christ, who has been first offered himself on the cross. By contemplating Christ crucified, before reaching the glory of His resurrection, we are strengthened to crucify the body craving irregular, so that we may rise up in life with Jesus and in Jesus, to use our bodies in accordance with the desire of our souls to carry out the will God. So inseparable from the purity of the body is the purity of the soul, which is marked by the purity of conscience to do what is good and right, in accordance with the will of God. This purity of heart, it is important for us to keep and hold dear, because if we ignore it, then our faith is at stake. For thus taught by the Apostle Paul, "Some people have rejected his conscience pure, and therefore shipwreck of their faith" (1 Tim 1:19).
In the family, the purity of body and soul is tested, precisely because it is within families that true love is expressed. The husband and wife are called to preserve the purity of body and soul to embody loyalty to one another in maintaining the sanctity of the marital sexual relationship, which leads to the unity of love that is total, unconditional and leads to life.Purity of body and soul is also a struggle for children or young people, in the midst of the temptations of this age who tend to ignore it. Here it is important guidance and assistance from parents to their children, so that children can understand and uphold the order to maintain the purity of the faith that deliver them to eternal salvation.
Love of God
Although mentioned in the third, it does not mean that love of God is less important when compared to the virtue of humility and purity. On the contrary, the love of God that is the soul of all virtues. God's love will be the main thing to have, so that we can apply the humility and purity of true in our lives. The Lord Jesus himself taught us how we must love God, because then we too can love others. In the second law of love hang all the law and the prophets:
"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. And the second is: Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no other commandment greater than these. "(Mark 12:30, cf. Mt 22: 37-40)
Mary, being an example for us to love God. Nobody had a love relationship with the Lord Jesus more closely than the love of his mother, Mary, told him. Mother Mary was pregnant, give birth, rearing, and accompanying Christ, even under the foot of His cross, when almost all his disciples left Him. Love for God, encouraging the Virgin Mary to remain faithful to obey the will of God until the end of his life in the world. By the grace of God, the Virgin Mary assumed into Heaven, body and soul; and this became the fulfillment of God's promise of the resurrection of the body for Christians.16
God commands us to love Him and one another, closely related to the essence of God who is love (1 Jn 4: 8) and that God wants us to be like Him (cf.. Matt 5:48). Such is the St. Faustina, Jesus reiterated that the most important attribute of God, is his mercy, and God wants mercy was proclaimed to everyone, so that they, especially the sinners may return to Him."Wartakanlah, that Compassion is the greatest attribute of God. All the works of My hands were crowned with compassion. "17
In line with the will of Christ, the family needs to cultivate a love for God's righteousness. Within families, one learns to love God, and also to put a loved each family member. The family is, we learn to pray, to pray together and jointly receive the sacraments of the Church. In our families we grow in faith and love; in holiness and sacrifice as was done by Christ for us. In the family we learn to forgive and to give forgiveness, work with joy, and give ourselves to others,18 by the love and devotion to Allah who has blessed and unite us with our families.

Mary is an intercessor for us to bring our requests to God application-

Finally, Mary is worthy of being called Mother of Mercy, he himself expressed compassion and mercy on us, which has given Christ to be his sons as well (cf. Jn 19: 26-27). Christ wants Mary to continue to join us in our lives, as it was with Christ through his death on the cross. Once elevated to heaven, Mary remained with us as a spiritual mother for us. He continued to support the intermediary service Mediation of Jesus, continues to be intercessors for us who are still on pilgrimage in this world.19 Thus, we can always deliver our prayers to the Lord Jesus through the intercession of the Virgin Mary. The sensitivity of the Blessed Mother will need us, just as it does to the couple at Cana (cf. Jn 2: 1-11), it also did to us. Mary always leads us to Christ her Son, and asking us to do all that Christ commanded us (cf. Jn 2: 5).
Recognizing the role of the Virgin Mary who took part in the plan of God's mercy for man, we can or even should welcome this gift, by handing over our families into investments intercession prayers. We should not hesitate to pray with Mary and invoke the support of her prayers, because that is why he was given by Christ to us. We can do that by praying the rosary with the family, praying the Angelus, or pray submit our families to the inclusion of the Virgin Mary. The following is an example of the handover prayer:

Delivery of Family Protection Prayer to Our Lady
Head of the Family:

O, Heart of Mary Immaculate, a refuge for sinners, we submit to you our family. In an age of spiritual struggle that this terrible, between truth and deceit, between family values ​​pure and pembolehan all sorts of things that are misleading, we request that you accept our all in robes refuge, and guide us to the Sacred Heart of your Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.
By submitting ourselves to you, we accept you as our Mother and model. We open our hearts to you and your family, so that we receive the grace, the fruit of our surrender, that is full communion with the Heart of Jesus. I feel accept you in our home, in our hearts and our families. We invite you to take part in our life fully, in joy and sorrow with us. We entrust ourselves to the protection of motherhood-mu, to prayer and intercession, and to your guidance, because you are sure and perfect way, that brought us to Christ.

Family members:

Virgin Mary, Mother of Christ, who understand perfectly all the contents of his Heart, Mind and Nature of Him, we beg you to form us and teach us to be like Jesus, so that we can be a vivid picture of Christ in our families, in Church and in the world.
You who are the Blessed Virgin and Mother, pour into our family, the purity of spirit, soul and body. May we all live in chastity according to our state of life and virtues of moderation may prevent the entry of any kind of impurity, reduction or manipulation of the body, into our family.
You who are our Spiritual Mother, help us grow in the life of grace, to live fully in the divine life, which we receive when we are baptized. Lead us to the path of holiness and do not let us fall into mortal sin or waste which have obtained mercy of Christ for us through His sacrifice of the Cross.
You who is the model for our lives, teach us to be docile like you, in order to receive the devout and gratitude, all the truth taught by thy Son through the Church and through the Church's Magisterium.
You who are Intercessors in front of your son, look with eyes of love, all our family members, and even though we did not realize what we need themselves, bring us closer to the prince of yours, and ask Him, like in Cana, for the miracle of water into wine when the wine was our family's love.
You who specifically took part in the sacrifice of Christ who saves, and lead this family in fidelity before the Cross of Christ. In times of distress, we may not find our own self-interest, but rather chose to accompany the suffering. In times of drought and solitude, may we faithfully hold our promise to you, and may we live a life of sacrifice and struggle we are in union with the crucified Christ your Son.

Head of the Family:

With the unity of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Sacred Heart of Jesus, we ask that our family, which today submitted to the Second Heart this, can live in love, peace, generosity, faithfulness, joy and unity. Hopefully, our family became a holy place, in which each of its members pray together, and communicate with each other in joy and enthusiasm;where husband and wife respect each other; where children-both young and teen love, honor and manaati their parents;where our parents carry full responsibility, the duty to love, shape, guide and teach our children, so that they can grow in grace before God and man. We ask that the submission of our present, our families can be protected from all evil, both spiritually and physically. May your hearts are not stained lead in this house, so that the Lord Jesus Christ may be more we love, we hear, and we obey in our family.
Through Christ our Lord and Mediator, Amen.
In addition to submitting our families in protective prayers of Mary, we too can pray with him to invoke the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and the conversion of the world. As Mother Mary comes in the middle of the Apostles to apply descent of the Spirit (cf. Acts 2:14), he is present among our families and also to pray for the Holy Spirit to overshadow our family.The Holy Spirit is what encourages us to have a great desire to pray for the conversion of others, especially those we love, without neglecting repentance ourselves. Christ himself told St. Faustina, "Prayer is the most agreeable to my heart is a prayer for the conversion of sinners. Behold, my son, that this prayer is always heard and answered. "20 Thus, we learned that prayer is a prayer Koronka Divine Mercy is pleasing to God, for in the prayer we ask God's mercy for the world, "For the sake of His sorrowful Passion, show us Your mercy on us and the whole world ..."

Mother Mary, pray for us!

So great is the love of Jesus the Divine Mercy, to us, because He has given His Mother Mary to be the Mother for us as well, so that the Blessed Mother, who had first received God's Mercy, mercy can also distribute it to us. By looking at the example of Mary, we too are called to channel the compassion and mercy of God to humanity, especially to each member of our family. Like Mary, who because of Divine Mercy, was made holy immaculate since in the womb until the end of his life, we too are called to live in holiness, and thus take part in the work of God's Mercy. In the struggle we pursue holiness, we can always look to the example of the Virgin Mary, which can help us to be people of compassion. He set an example for us in terms of humility, purity and love of God; Third charity that is very important to cultivate in our family, so that the unity of love in our family is maintained. Finally, let us remember that the Lord Jesus and the Virgin Mary has never left us. Mary become intercessors for us before the Lord Jesus. By the mercy of the Lord Jesus is, we have a strong expectation that he will always be a refuge for us as long as we repent and rely upon him, in all our lives. "Lord Jesus, You trust in You. Mary, you are the imitators, pray for us! "

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