Whenever the Rosary, almost always we will contemplate the mysteries of Scripture that the Rosary is divided into Sorrowful Mystery, Joyful Mystery, Noble events and the most recent event is the Light. Sure there among all Catholics, including myself, have experienced difficulties to ponder the mysteries of these. There was also among Catholics including myself often just read The mysteries without trying to get into it.
Two days ago my friend donated a number of old books are good, one of which is a small prayer book (paperback book) output in January 1999 that contains the prayers basic and common in the Catholic Church. In this same book, I found an explanation of ways to ponder the mysteries of the rosary which I believe is beneficial to us all.
Contemplating ways Mysteries of the Rosary
1. Seeing what happened: When praying, we imagine the events in question with the help of wishful thinking, or by using images such as those found in this book. We wanted to see what happened, and as if present at the event which we contemplate; observing how the angels facing Maria, listen to what is said and what the angel said to Mary. So, we look and listen! Therefore, events that presented should be reflected and thought deeply.
2. Together with Jesus and Mary: Without even imagining we can together with Jesus and Mary, which is the attitude of faith seemed to "rest" in God. We do not need to pay attention to the words we say, and do not need to put a lot of interest in the meaning of those words. The only concern we point to God. We dwell in Him. We do as little as possible to let God work in us, in full control of our hearts. Then prayer and mystery only one objective, namely to prepare the way to meet with God, who speaks without words. For many people, praying the Rosary gives peace in the midst of any anxiety. Because of the Rosary is also many saints feel compelled to establish an intimate relationship with God and those who are just starting to foster the spiritual life more actively encouraged to learn to pray.
3. Handing Mystery: For easier focusing, mysteries can be divided so that at every ten times "Hail Mary", there is one particular aspect that is contemplated and considered. If in this way the Rosary felt spend more time, then it is better to pray 20 to 30 times "Hail Mary" (meaning 2 or 3 Mystery only once) alone rather than completing the 5th Mystery in haste and without paying attention to anything. Other times can be resumed. Because do not forget that the Rosary is a media help to meet the Lord.
4. Exploring the Mystery: With the help of pictures or visualization mysteries, we can see and ponder. Suppose course, we see an event that shows how great the love of Jesus to us (eg events of Jesus Flagellation). We are then compelled to love Him, serve Him and express sympathy to him. We can as if present with Him in the Holy Land for example by entering into the cave in Bethlehem, stood beneath the cross and watched Maria's face that turned into beaming when he saw his son rise. And perhaps our hearts by itself to rethink the meaning of the words we say: "Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners!"
5. Contemplating the results of the harvest of Mystery: Each mystery has the results of its own fruit. And every mystery to be manifested in the life of each of us. All events in Rosary tells the life of Jesus and his Mother. But the life of Jesus and his Mother continues in our lives. The mystery of the life of Christ is the mystery of our life. Therefore, we should examine what is taught every mystery to us and asked: "How can we make it happen?". For example, with the first Joyful Mystery (news angel to Mary), we can reflect on the meaning of words of Mary: "I am the handmaid of the Lord". Speech was perfectly expressed willingness to do whatever God wants. Maria did not consider himself more than a servant. Duties and obligations none other is not doing all that God commanded. Do we have such an attitude is that? Do not we also have to be willing to do whatever God requires? Indeed, we should be able to adapt perfectly to the will of God. If the desire is there, we can invoke the intercession of Mary to obtain grace. In the same way, we can contemplate every mystery, think about it, make it happen within ourselves and try to change our lives according to the teachings contained therein. We pray the Rosary every day in this way would be a force for us to move forward in our devotion to God.
6. Pray for Ujud (intention) of certain: Rosary earnest prayer for daily life as described in the Preface. A good practice is to create an equivalent in every ten times "Hail Mary" and prayers. The intention is usually in accordance with the things that interest us now or in accordance with the mystery of the ten Hail Mary is concerned.
For example: Excited events related to the childhood of Jesus. Then we pray for the parents, children, educators, family life and so on. In the first incident, we pray for mothers who are expecting the birth of a new child; the two events for midwives and nurses in order to imitate Mary helped Elizabeth; the third event for babies born into poverty; the fourth event to dedicate our children to Jesus and Mary; and the Fifth event to pray for our children so that did not die or suffer disturbances in childhood. We can also declare our willingness to surrender our children to God, if God called him to the noble task in the house of the Father.
In the sad events, we pray for a diverse group of sinners, for example to apostasy and brave-heart (the first event); for that violate tarnish the purity and fidelity in marriage (second event); for the proud and arrogant (third event), for which disobeys God (fourth event); and for all sinners (fifth event).
The events at Noble's pray for the triumph of the Church (the first event), for the human mind to be more drawn to God (second event); to ask the help of the Holy Spirit (third event); to beg intercession of Holy Mary, Queen and Mother of us (four events) and to ask that he lead us to the eternal happiness, the crown of our life in heaven (fifth event).
The addition of Indonesian Papist - In the light of events we pray for relatives and friends we were going to be baptized (the first event), praying for our marriage, our brother, or friend us that Christ will reveal Himself in marriage the marriage (second event), pray for evangelization and conversion to everyone in the modern era (event third), pray that Christ will be present and manifest His glory in the life menggereja us (event fourth) and pray that violations of the Liturgy increasingly reduced (fifth event).
7. Intersperse prayer with Scripture reading: Pope Pius XII and Paul VI often called the Rosary as a "summary of the whole Gospel". Indeed it. Mysteries of the Rosary are the mysteries of the gospel. If the Rosary interspersed with readings of Scripture, then the prayer will be very useful and is a superior way to meditate. Rosary prayer might be too long, if each of the ten "Hail Mary" given a quote from the Bible. Especially if we have to finish all. Therefore, the Rosary should be done with the variation. For example, on the first day we read a quote Scripture to ten times "Hail Mary" the first, the other day for ten times "Hail Mary" were both ff. If we intersperse prayer with Scripture readings, prayers we shall have the meaning that permeates the entire heart.
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