There are several posts from friends who question "how Scripture was written and why the Bible as it is now." Even worse that many Protestant denominations who blame the Catholic Church for not speaking and acting in accordance with the Scriptures. The question: "Who is the real owner of the Bible?" Which comes first there; Church or Scripture? (Sorry, I just invite you all to realize that before we talk about the interpretation of paragraph per paragraph, it is good we have a basic understanding of the history of writing and the establishment of Scripture itself).
I dedicate this article to friends PERKAT (Previously I've posted in the group "MIK" and "Return to the bosom of Mother Church).
"Many people currently is establishing his church is based on SCRIPTURE. The question arises: WHO CREATED THE BIBLE? WHAT THE BIBLE CHURCH OR CREATE A church which CREATING THE BIBLE?
To the main question: "WHO CREATED THE BIBLE" it seems difficult to understand. Therefore, perhaps we could formulate this way; THE SERVICES WHO IS COLLECTED IS BEING tulisan2 scattered BIBLE AS WE HAVE currently is?
With this title alone, we've been at odds with your belief / ri of our Protestants, the core teachings is "sola Scriptura" (only Scripture alone). However, I do not want polemics about the different beliefs like this. What I have described is a matter of the logic thinking and belief in the truth that is written by history.
Jesus during His earthly life is never mentioned on a Bible (in the sense of the necessity of a Bible as in religion Yahusi LAW). Right? He never commanded his Apostles to believe in a book. So even IA never commanded his disciples to write a book. Therefore, when the life of the Apostles, it must be admitted that there is no such thing BIBLE. In other words, we can conclude that Jesus never build His church on the foundation of a Book / Book as the basis of faith, but he built a church as the pillar and foundation of truth. (2 Tim 3:15). And He never promised a book / Book melaikan Himself will be with His Church until the end of time (Mat.12: 15) and the Holy Spirit will lead the apostles and their successors until the fullness of the truth which is after He ascended to Heaven (John 14: 16-17).
At the beginning of the church where there is no Scripture, Christians believe in the teaching of the Apostles, which becomes the basis of their faith, which is called by the church as "HOLY TRADITION." This can be seen in Mat.15: 6-9. While istilah2 such as the Trinity, Purgatory and lain2 derived from surat2 the Church Fathers were later corroborated by the Scripture later.
About the importance of tradition in the church can be read in 2 Thessalonians 2:15; "Therefore, stand fast and hold on ajaran2 that you received from us, either verbally, or in writing." Or in 1 Cor 11: 2: "... you will still remember me and hold fast to the teachings which I also delivered kepdamu.
With this explanation it would become clear that; First, the Bible is a TRADITION. Scripture is not something that is handed down by God as a book but in the form of inspiration that drives the writers wrote what they experienced. Second, oral and written traditions remain important in building a community of faith.
In the early days of the church, there are about more than 50 gospel, which included four Gospels that we kta in today's Scripture (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John). In addition, there are also other Gospels as the Gospel of James, the Gospel of Thomas, the Gospel of the Hebrews, etc. There are also 22 other Book of Acts, Acts of Paul, and others. Kitab2 many people confuse the Gospel increasingly early church. Between the Gospel and Kitab2 there is also the contents of which is contrary to the teachings of the Apostles, as the teachings of Arius who said that Jesus is not God, Apollinarius; Jesus was not a man, Macedonius; The Holy Spirit is not God. This fact is extremely worrying, especially in the business community to develop a life of their faith.
Facing real tantangan2 like the Catholic Church decided to select some of the book that shows the authenticity of the teachings of the Apostles and the betul2 inspiring. This is what will be called the Canon (means for mengukut authenticity and truth of the Scriptures). Thus, it can be said that GOSPEL CHURCH AND NOT COME FROM THE CHURCH COMES FROM THE GOSPEL (This is the answer to the writing on the status above).
Just as a testimony that many Protestants finally returned to the Catholic Church after realizing the truth of the story of the Bible. This is not the case because they just learned about the Scriptures themselves but they learn about the history of the formation of the Bible, which is the result of hard work of the Catholic Church. In this context, we can say that NO CATHOLIC CHURCH, WE WILL NOT HAVE THE BIBLE AS THERE TODAY.
4. CATHOLIC CHURCH TO COLLECT tulisan2-LAH YG scattered and make BIBLE AS currently is.
Starting from Melito, Bishop of Sardis (170 BC) yan gmencoba to possess a canon of the Old Testament, but because there are difficulties in the huge list kitab2 outstanding at that time, the business is not running smoothly.
The Council of the Church in Laodicea, with the permission of the Pope in Rome to try to produce the canon of Scripture. But this effort was only growing extent Pope Damasus. Under his leadership, he ordered St.Jerome translate the Scriptures from the original language to preformance Latin (the official language of the church at that time).
With power in the possession of the Pope, he then received the Gospel of Luke and combined with the other three Gospels on the grounds that Luke recorded the complete story of Jesus' childhood, especially in relation to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Luke, too, who for the first time paint a picture of the Virgin Mary with Jesus, which is still stored in the Church of the Basilica of Santa Maria Major in Rome. Matthew's Gospel clear idea of power is not taught Peter and the church built on it. The Gospel of John is used by early Christians to defend their faith, particularly in relation to the Eucharist as the Sacrament of the Body and Blood of Jesus. Mark also gave a clear picture of the power St. Peter to lead the church founded by Jesus, and this power is still run by his successors, the Pope in Rome.
Of the various explanations above, we then come to the logical conclusion that "NO SCRIPTURE WITHOUT THE CATHOLIC CHURCH". KATOLIKLAH CHURCH THAT HOLD THE BIBLE, which now even claimed by many people as his own, and even worse when they dare to say that they are MORE RIGHT, TO KNOW MORE about Scripture than the Catholic Church. This is really a joke that is not funny.
Thus, for those who deny the tradition, the power to teach and lead POPE and just believe in revelation always questioned the validity of the Scriptures. It must realize that when we call the Gospel of Luke, Mark, etc. does not mean that the Bible was really written by them. This belief is based on the traditions of the church. Therefore, Scripture itself is a collection of tulisan2 those who bear witness not only as an apostle but as a disciple of the apostles like Luke and Mark. Both of these authors are not incorporated in the 12 Apostles. They are students of the Peter and Paul.
Therefore, the struggle to include a book / chapter in the Holy Scriptures really take time and careful consideration of the contents of revelation and faith of the people who support the development, such as; Revelation. The book was initially not accepted by Christians prime. But only because of the decision of the Pope who considered that the contents of this book can help the people in the know and believe in Allah, then finally revelation contained in Scripture as it is today. Pope's power to determine this based on Mat.28: 20; Teach them about everything I have commanded you. And, behold, I will be with you till the end of time. (ye here are apostles taken command of Peter as the leader of the official appointed by Jesus).
Being a truth that everything is done by the apostles and early church fathers are not written in the Scriptures. Scripture itself admitted that in Yoh.21: 25; "There are many other things which Jesus did, tetpi if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that would be written." Therefore, those who believe that truth is only found in the Scriptures makes a great contradiction in their lives, when they received the revelation through their church leaders as truth. Is not what diwahyuhkan then IMPLIED in the Scriptures? Why do they have to admit it? The Catholic Church has been looking at the possibility that God will continue to work in every generation until the end of time. Therefore, the truth of the Holy Scriptures never denied, but the revelation or what is preserved in the church tradition is believed to come from God.
Therefore, despite all the weaknesses and shortcomings of the church, especially through pemimpin2nya, we can not make an excuse to leave the Catholic church, apalgi to hate. The Catholic Church is the Church founded by Jesus himself on the foundation of Peter as a sign of unity and the other Apostles. The other apostles, like James, Matthew, Thaddeus, etc. even the favorite disciple of Jesus, John, never founded a new church because of the power given to them. Although berbebda opinion on many things but they still believed to Peter as their official leader, who raised himself by Jesus. Even in Paul's day who get tremendous revelation of Jesus, even called an apostle for other bangsa2 was still acknowledge Peter as a leader because of the rights given by Jesus to Peter himself specifically.
Questions for reflection by all Christians (both Catholic and Protestant); "IF JESUS, IF PETER AND THE APOSTLES THE OTHERS NEVER SPLIT THE CHURCH BEING PART2 SEPARATE ONE ANOTHER, EVEN MANY misunderstanding GOOD AT LEVEL theological AND PRACTICAL LIFE HAPPENS, WHY DO WE HUMAN NOW should split BECAUSE IT IS THAT WISH WE not accommodated IN THE CATHOLIC CHURCH, THEN WE ARE STARTING A NEW CHURCH? What does the prayer of Jesus; That they may become 'to us today? IF JESUS unite THEN Devil who ALWAYS divorced scatters WE PASSED NAFSU AND DESIRE THAT WE CAN NOT WE CONTROL. Be aware of it and ponder . Come back to the bosom of the Catholic church because that's desired by Jesus.
Greetings and prayers,
Pater Inno
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