The mystery of God the Holy Trinity is not easy to understand. Many books have been written by theologians about the triune God; but none of them are actually able to explain it completely.
From the beginning of this reflection I remind you all, that this reflection must be hard to digest.
Put it this way:
Humans since time immemorial have always wanted to know about God. Who is the real God? With the help of the mind kodratinya, it turns out humans can know God with certainty through all what is in the universe. It turns out when people open to truth and beauty, he can arrive at a true recognition of God. By using his reason properly, humans can recognize God as Creator, as the Almighty, the Good and The Merciful.
But there is still a knowledge of God, which can not be accomplished man with his own power, which is possible only when we know God revealed them to us. Thankfully God is pleased revealed himself to us through Jesus Christ.
Among the many knowledge of God presented Christ to us, there is one truth that is so large, a great mystery of the Self God revealed in Christ to us. Great Mystery is not yet known in Old Testament times, and never will we know if Jesus did not submit it to us. Great Mystery is this: that God is only one, but in the one God there are three Yourself, namely: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Great mystery is called: God the Holy Trinity.
How is it possible: one but three, three but only one?
From the revelation of Christ, revealed to us that God the Father loves God the Son, and God the Son loves the Father. Father and Son in love with a love that has no beginning and no end, infinite love, love the unexpected magnitude. So immeasurable love of God the Father to God the Son, and so unfathomable love of God the Son to the Father, so that their great love that is reciprocal and mutually precede a private one as well, which is called the Holy Spirit. God the Holy Spirit from the eternal is what unites the Father and God the Son, so that without beginning and without end God is one as God Almighty Love.
Revelation of Christ presented to us, it becomes obvious that the one who is in God there are three, but KeallahanNya only one. Because the Godhead is only one, then the one Person who can not be divorced or separated than the other private. Self whole God the Father is in God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Self whole God the Son is also in God the Father and God the Holy Spirit. And so is the whole of God the Holy Spirit dwells also in the Self God the Father and God the Son. Not a private one is outside the other private. Each in a unified whole, from eternity to eternity. Each of these are not mutually resolve. The three persons of the same eternal, equal His power and His holiness as large.
The truth of this faith in the Triune God is the greatest mystery of all mysteries of our faith. This mystery is so great, so we will never be able to understand it. However the extent of the information given on this mystery, everything could never reveal the contents of the whole mystery to us.
Then, why God revealed this mystery kepadakita, if after all we will never fully understand the mystery?
The mystery of the triune God in fact is not a truth to be understood, but to be believed, and moreover to be lived and experienced. God revealed this mystery is not to confuse us, nor to complicate our faith. God revealed them so that we begin to live it and experience it in this life.
What is a live and experience it?
God turns life is to live in love, even God is love. And it turns out he is calling us to enter into His own life, which from the beginning of endless life in love. We are called to take part in God's great love. So it is clear the mystery of the triune God revealed to us that, since the world is preparing to live in love, because only by doing so can we enter into God's own life. Unity of life in the love that exists in three Persons of God was supposed to be a model of unity alive among us humans since in this world.
In the Book of Genesis is written like this: "God said: 'Let us make man in our image". God created human beings in His image turns, as being virtuous and self-determining. The image of God is to live in love. Above all creatures, we humans are much disanggupkan God to love and be loved by consciously and with free will. That is our image, and that is our call. Even more than that we are called to take part later in life the love of God himself.
How sublime dignity of our humanity, and how great the responsibility entrusted to us by God. Then the Feast of the Holy Trinity actually reminds us of the noble dignity of our humanity, invites us back to live in love. We came from divine love, and we should live in the divine love, and thus we shall be reunited with divine love.
So let always open our hearts to the love that meets the Triune God fills our hearts as well. Let us not deny the noble dignity of our humanity, the dignity that invites to love. Whatever the differences that exist among us, whether it's tribal and ethnic differences, differences in status, educational differences, etc., should not deny the dignity of all that we are created in the image of God, to live in unity martabatuntuk love.
Musings by Father Leo Sipahutar OFM.Cap.
Posted by Indonesian Papist
Pax et bonum
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