Now we live in a world that is filled with many people who do not believe, the modern world are skeptical, doubting everything. Young people today question the faith, to question the principles and all taboos adopted parents. The students discuss and sometimes deny the teachings of the professornya. Our world is increasingly becoming the world who embrace skepticism.
But, however it is good to be in doubt. Ragu in English means "doubt". "Doubt" comes from the Latin word "duo", which means: two. Ragu is a condition in which our minds floating between two conflicting opinions, and our minds do not choose one between the two. Ragu is a state of mind which is torn between conflicting opinions, and we can not trust one of them as true.
Being hesitant for a while may actually be becoming very useful, if we are with an honest heart want to find the truth. Because Columbus doubted the old theory which says that the world is flat, he finally found a new world, namely the United States. Because no doubt, eventually many of the principles of new knowledge eventually found. Because there is any doubt, the intellek ceaselessly learn and learn again. Because of dubious authenticity and the foundation of the Protestant Church, finally Cardinal Newman Catholic. And because Thomas doubted the resurrection of Christ, he finally got the privilege to be able to touch the wounds of Christ holy.
Therefore be hesitant actually is good, as far as we honestly and with a pure heart looking bright. But live forever in darkness is fatal and will lead us into a catastrophe. The most successful way to conquer a person is the master budinya, by making him always stay in indecision. However, the best way to prevail and win is to have critical minds, minds that thirst to seek the truth.
If we want to apply the principle of doubt earlier against our Christian faith, it would be menolonglah actually when we doubt our faith, with a view to a more faithful or at least become a believer. Sometimes in Confession someone told me: "Father, I doubt whether God really exists" or sometimes there is a saying: "I doubt whether the Catholic Church is the true Church." Then I said: " Good. And what do you do to clear up doubts raguanmu? "And usually the answer is:" No ". Doubts as it is wrong, and even worse when people finally said: "I doubt, and therefore I do not believe".
When we are in a state of doubt, we do not have certainty to believe or not believe. So the first thing we must do is to seek the truth. We must learn, conduct research, conduct surveys, finding out the truth of the main sources and original. And then, according to what we find, making inferences.
Often we are the ones who believe in our faith, but at the same time, we are the ones who do not know our faith well. And because they do not know well, sometimes we behave fanatical or superstitious to our faith it. What we need is to study in depth of our Christian faith. We must learn our faith in order to live it in a way that is pure. It's okay, if if hesitant attitude to be the beginning of it. It often happens, that is only if we doubt something, we then seek the truth with sincerity. Therefore, it is not wrong to hesitate, as long as it does not make us forget to get out of the hesitations that by finding and studying the truth with an honest heart.
Often we do not like the Apostle Thomas because of his disbelief. But on the other hand, let us emulate and imitate Thomas who deeply expressed his faith when he said: "My Lord and my God". Since the declaration of faith that Thomas devoted his life to serving Christ, Lord and God. We should learn from the apostle Thomas, says the same thing, "My Lord and my God" and devote our lives to serve Christ. ----
reflections by Father Leo Sipahutar, OFM.Cap.
published by Indonesian Papist
pax et bonum
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