Senin, 07 September 2015


The world today is in the communications age. There is the ease with communication tools to see what is happening in the world outside the scope of our lives. There is ease to contact and connect with people who are far away from where we live. There are many benefits derived from the ease of communication in this era. Business so smoothly; now being discussed, approved the agreement; sent by fax / email, so the business immediately and roads. We can be in contact with anyone, even with people who have not met. What is happening in this world quickly we know through the news in multi media. But unfortunately, the world is never just one side, fine. There is always a bad side, there was misuse. Useful information mixed with misinformation. People are greedy, with advances in communication, can dominate and monopolize the market. Gossip, issue, terror easily dispersed without traceable. We are unified by advertisements offering modern lifestyle. Humans become shallow and just go with the flow of consumerism that emphasizes material possessions; even worse, just go with the flow  as if  with a fake status symbol.
In the midst of this world as we hear again the prayer of Jesus for His disciples. We prayed for Jesus to be united as Jesus united with the Father and that we are set apart from the world. Style world unity characterized by uniformity (which is not the same so 'tungpai); interests (us different from you) and profit (up-down). World style unity even make boxes of separation between humans. The unity of the Father and the Son is the unity of love that mutual care and serve for the good of all. Father sent the Son, trust, maintain and protect. Son obeyed the Father, approaching and exploring the power of the Father. As a result: the world gets brighter and saved.
Concrete manifestation of unity is communication. Characteristic of the modern age of communication is a flood of information and freedom berekspressi. 24 hours a day we can passively, without doing anything gets all the info on television, advertising via sms, facebook and news on the mailing list. Because there is a variety of information that is presented, whether in the interests of certain parties and of expression of those who update the status. Do we need all the info it? Definitely not. But we are flooded with information. If we are not aware, we will be swamped by all the information. Lifestyle, worldview, values ​​of truth and goodness so on. So we are in a real communication with our fellow human beings, we are also involved in the current outlook and lifestyle as well. We are still and absorb all or our chatty no matter what the needs of others and each other.
Therefore Jesus also prayed that we be sanctified through the truth. Sanctified means set apart for something special and sacred. The truth is that we loved God so sanctified in truth means that we put in the light and allowing us to see the darkness and evil that separate us from the love, kindness, caring and service.
 Socrates lived in ancient Greece known as an intellectual and reputation in the field of knowledge and wisdom.One day a man came and said to Socrates: "Do you know what I just heard about one of your friends?". "Wait a minute," Socrates replied. "Before you tell me something about my friend, it might be a good idea to provide a moment and filter what you say.

  • The first "TRUTH" It is absolutely sure that what you tell me is true? ". "No," the man said, "I just heard about it and want to tell you". "Well" said Socrates. So you do not know whether it is true or not.
  • The second "GOOD". What will you say to me about my friend something good? "" No, instead of a bad thing. " "So, you want to tell me something bad about him, but you're not sure if that's true." 
  • The third "usefulness," said Socrates. "What do you want to tell me about my friend going to be useful to me?" "No, really not." The man replied. "Then, if what you want to tell me ... is not true, nor good nor even useful for me, why would you want to tell me?" [1]

A message that is older than 2000 years and is still suitable for the situation today. We need to filter the information we receive. That requires the habit of reflection. It takes time for reflection pause for a moment to digest what we received, which we say and do. Only then did we decide what we will do or sikapi against which we have received or are doing it. It seems complicated, yes. But in fact we have done so far. If there are people who speak to us, what we first do? Listen and contemplate as lightning, so that we can answer and respond.When people talk and we do not listen, for sure communication is not continued, as both sides talk about what he wants to say and no matter what the other party. From the experience of communication with the people nearby, we can reflect: whether our communication going well or not? then we need sikapi, nothing needs to be changed or repaired or unnecessary?
So the communication needs two things: talking and listening. Likewise in communication with God. Often in prayer, that happens we talk and try to listen to God speak or answer. We used to pray where we speak. Brief daily prayer: eat, sleep, wake up. There were diligent prayer devotion: Rosario, mercy. Many people do not know how to listen to God speak. We need to provide quiet time for God. It seems that in the midst of us, difficult to get a quiet time for the Lord. But in fact we have a lot of time that could be used to silence. How much time do we provide for television, although the show is not interesting? Listening to music? Chatting, daydreaming, staring and hang out without doing anything? So theoretically we have time to reflect and silent, to hear God speak; before / after we talk. Evening prayer time, we can took a few minutes to appreciate thanks to a day or beg forgiveness for the errors of the day. In Rosary: ​​before 10 Hail Mary, there is the chance of spontaneous prayer. We thought for a moment, who or what we want to pray, why do we pray for those / that.Before / after Mercy prayer, we read the Scriptures for a moment.
So, there are many opportunities and possibilities we take a moment of silence and wear it for a moment staring at and contemplate God. We take the time to greet our Lord. By providing time for the Lord, we can review all the events and the information that goes into our lives and stand before the Lord; so that our life is illuminated by his word and directed by His will. And if we do it together as brothers and sisters in the Lord, our life together became the embodiment of Christ's prayer for us today: to be one as the Father and the Son, sanctified and sent by Christ become His witnesses in the world. So that the last time this Easter Sunday, we position ourselves as followers of the risen Christ. Testified that the love of Christ to save the world and invites us all to walk toward heaven. Amen.

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