Tuesday, September 29, 2015
Feast of S. Michael, Gabriel. Rafael, Archangel
Reading First Dan 7: 9-10.13-14
I, Daniel, saw thrones installed, and sat the Ancient of Days.
His clothing was white as snow, and the hair of his head like pure wool. His throne of flames, and its wheels burning fire. A river of fire arising and flowing from his presence. Thousands serve him, Hundreds of thousands stood before Him. Then sit down the court and opened the Books. I continue to see in the vision, visible from the sky together with clouds One like the Son of Man. He overlooks the Ancient of Days,
and he dihantar before Him. He is similar to the Son of Man is betrayed power and glory and power as king. Then every nation, tribe and language worshiped him. His rule is eternal,
and his kingdom shall not perish.
Psalm Ps 138: 1-2a.2b-3.4-5
Before the gods I will sing praises to thee, O Lord.
* I want to thank you with all my heart, for you listen to the words of my mouth; before the gods I will sing praises to thee. I will bow down toward thy holy temple.
* You will praise thy name, because of your love and because of thy truth,
because Thou name and thy word above all things. On the day I called, you answered me yet, you add strength in my soul.
* All the kings of the earth shall praise thee, O Lord, for they heard the promise of thy mouth; they will sing about the ways of the Lord,
For great is the glory of God.
Gospel reading John 1: 47-51
At that time Nathanael coming to him on the invitation of Philip. When saw Nathanael coming, Jesus said of him, "Behold, an Israelite indeed,
there is no deceit! "Nathanael said to him," How do you know me? "Jesus replied," Before Philip called you, I saw you under the fig tree. "Nathanael said to Him,
"Rabbi, you are the Son of God, King of Israel!" Jesus answered and said to him,
"Because I tell you, 'I saw you under the fig tree',
do you believe? Things greater than it would see. "
Then Jesus said to him, "I tell you, you will see the heavens opened, and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man."
Scriptures record the names of the three angels who are the main messenger of God, St. Michael, St. Rafael and St. Gabriel. They are called archangels because of their important role in God's plan. St. Michael, whose name means "who is like God", lead armies of demons and angels who dumped the rebellious angels into hell; at the end of time, St. Michael will draw the sword of justice in order to separate the good from evil (cf. Rev 12: 7dst). St. Gabriel, whose name means "power of God" to convey the news to the Virgin Mary that she has been chosen to be the Mother of the Savior (cf. Lk 1: 26-38). St Raphael, whose name means "healing of God", to heal Tobit blind eyes (cf. Tobit 5).
The angels are also our protector. The Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches, "Since childhood until his death angels surround the protection of human life and supplication" (No. 336). St. Basil (died 379) asserts, "An angel accompany every believer as a protector and shepherd, so menghantarnya to life" (Adversus Eunomium, III, 1). Most of us, since little has been learned recite simple prayers to our guardian angel, "Angel of God, my guardian dear, through whom the love of God revealed to me. Since this time my assistance, to illuminate, protect, lead and guide me. "Most of the saints can see an angel, like St. Peter (Acts 12: 1-19), or see their guardian angel, like St. Padre Pio and St. Elizabeth of Hungarian.
In addition, as Catholics, we remember the important role of St. Michael in defending us against Satan and the forces of evil. At the end of the 19th century, Pope Leo XIII (died 1903) had a vision that foretold the coming of age of suffering and war. In the vision, God allows demons choose an age where it may launch attacks against the Church's most powerful. The devil chose the 20th century. The Holy Father was so moved by this vision until he compose a prayer to St. Michael the Archangel, "Archangel St. Michael, Defend us in battle. Be our protector against all evil and vicious trap. We humbly beg God to conquer it, and thou, O commander of the heavenly army, with divine power, cast into hell Satan and all evil spirits who roam around the world that want to destroy the souls. Amen. "Over the years, this prayer is recited at the end of the Holy Mass in order to topple communism. All the faithful should return cried for help St. Michael in combat the devastating kejahat rampant in the world - abortion, euthanasia, terrorism, massacres certain nations, same-sex marriage, and so forth.
Reflections grain item.
As members of the Church, we are aware of the role of the angels in our liturgical activities. In the Holy Mass, in the Preface before the Eucharistic Prayer, we join together with all the angels and saints to melambungan hymn of praise, "Holy, holy, holy ...." In Eucharistic Prayer I, the priest prays, "God Almighty, send Thy holy angels deliver these offerings to the altar of your sublime. "In the End acclamation Funeral Liturgy, the priest prays," May the angels menghantarmu into Paradise; presumably the martyrs come to welcome you and take you to the holy city, new Jerusalem, the eternal. "In addition, the liturgical calendar we celebrate the Feast of the Archangel on September 29 and the Feast of the Guardian Angels on October 2.
Prayers and daily activities, sepatutnyalah we remember God's messengers who, because of his love life to protect us from the doom and guide us on the way of salvation.
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