Sabtu, 28 November 2015


Reading the Liturgy Sunday, November 29, 2015

Part 1: Jeremiah 33: 14-16
Thus says the Lord, "Behold, the days come, that I fulfill the promise I made to the house of Israel and Judah. ​​At that time I will raise a righteous descendant of David. He will execute justice and righteousness in the land. At that time Judah will freed, and Jerusalem will live in safety. And with this name will be called:
The Lord our justice!
Thus saith the Lord.

Psalms: Psalm 25: 4-5ab.8-9.10
Thee, O Lord, I lift up my soul.
* Tell your streets to me, O Lord, show thy hallways me. Take me to walk in Your truth and teach me, for You are the God who saves me.
* God is good and true; He therefore show the way to those who are astray.
He guides the humble in what is right and teaches them his way unpretentious people.
* All the ways of the Lord are mercy and truth to those who adhered to the treaty and his warnings. God's intimate associate with the righteous in him, and his covenant he tell them.
Reading 2: 1 Thes 3: 12-4: 2
Brothers and sisters, may the Lord make you increase steadily, and abundant in love with each other, and the love for all people,
as we also loves you. May He strengthen you, so blameless and holy before God and our Father at the coming of our Lord Jesus, together with His saints. Finally, brothers, for the sake of the Lord Jesus we ask and urge you: You have heard of us, how you should live in order to please God. It was indeed ye after. But let you do it more seriously again. You know also clues which we have given you the name of the Lord Jesus.
Thus saith the Lord.

Introduction to the Gospel Psalm 85: 8
! Show us your unfailing love, O Lord, and give us salvation from you.

Gospel: Luke 21: 25-28.34-36
On one occasion, Jesus blessings to His disciples, "It would appear the signs in the sun, the moon and stars, and on earth.
The nations of the earth shall fear and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea. People will die of fright because of anxiety in connection with everything coming on the earth, for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. At that time people will see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. When these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is near. Therefore, keep yourselves, lest your heart filled with debauchery and drunkenness and worldly interests, and not until the day of the Lord suddenly fall upon you
like a trap. Because it will overwrite all the inhabitants of this earth. Keep watch and pray always, that ye may gain the strength to escape all that will happen, and that you may stand before the Son of Man. "
Thus the Gospel of God

Today is Sunday Advent I. The new liturgical year begins, and we begin the liturgical year is to wait for the coming of the Lord. Actually four weeks of Advent week has a different meaning. Advent Sunday I and II are directed to contemplation of waiting the arrival of Jesus at the end of time. Then reading the second reading this week is associated with the end of time, the coming of the Son of Man will come with power and will judge all people. Medium Advent Sunday readings readings III and IV are directed to the preparation of waiting the coming of the Lord Jesus first, when incarnate and was born as a human being.
Keywords for waiting is to just in case. That is what our Lord said in the Gospel today. In order for the coming day of the Lord is not surprising to us, let us just in case. We must just keep praying .. Looked here, praying not just for praise and plead with God about what we need meaningful Pray also for our protection against temptation and things that make us ready to welcome the Lord. Pray also is the most fitting way to gain strength for resilient power we as disciples of Christ's disciples.

Item reflection
We are already used to pray. But would not this be our prayer contains various request that we are healthy, we survived, we passed the exam, our fortune jackpot continues, our house does not leak, and so on. When we pray, whatever its content, whether whatever we ask, would have been really good as long as we point to our Lord. And the more diligently and regularly we pray, we will increasingly feel that the spiritual life we ​​are strong, that we are resilient, that we are more peaceful. In the sense that we have just in case as requested by the Lord

O Lord, to my assistance that I was not dissolved in worldly affairs, but always rely on thee in my entire life. Amen

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