The face of the Lord Jesus Christ
The Lord Jesus Christ is the face of God's Mercy. God the Father who is rich in mercy (Ephesians 2: 4), having revealed his name to Moses as "a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abundant in loving kindness of God" (Exodus 34: 6), never stopped showing divinity Him in many ways. In the fullness of time (Gal 4: 4), He sent His Son was born of the Virgin Mary to reveal his love definitively. Anyone who has seen the Lord Jesus, he has seen the Father (John 14: 9) Jesus showed mercy of God in the word, and his personal (MV no1)
In the mystery of God who became man in the Lord Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit, we need to contemplate diligently mystery of Divine Mercy, source of joy and serenity and peace. Mercy is a word that reveals the mystery of the Holy Trinity. Mercy is the basic law who live in the heart of every person, who viewed with respect as the sister brother's eyes narrow street life. Mercy is the bridge that connects between God and man, open our hearts to a hope for his beloved even though we are sinners (MV no.2).
Face of Motherhood of Mary.
Since the sin of Adam and Eve, God never intended man to hand over the power of evil. For this reason, God made holy and immaculate Mary (cf. Eph 1: 4) and chose him to be the Mother of the Redeemer.
When humans blinded by the allure of sin, God compensates the fullness of mercy "motherly" Him. God's mercy is always greater than all our sins, and no one can limit the love of God that is always ready to forgive ( like a mother's heart.
Presenting Face Mercy.
The Holy Father chose December 8, 2015 as the date that have a meaning that extent, the history of the Church. Holy door was opened to coincide with the 50th anniversary of u new phase. The church is called to evangelize new dengancara, which is a sign of the love of God the Father in the world (MV, no.4).
How to bring the Church to the world the face of God's mercy? The church no longer appear as a rigid institution full of pride to be the authority of the authority, but the Church is present with a face like the mercy of Christ, his bride and the Virgin Mary. At the opening of the Second Vatican Council, St. John XXIII stated "Now, the Bride of Christ chose to use the medicine of mercy rather than force and violence ...... Catholic Church's Ecumenical Council raised high lantern of truth Catholicism and wanted to show himself as a loving mother to all people: the patient's face and soft as a mother filled with deep concern in children who are marginalized ... "(MV. 4)
Blessed Paul VI in the closing of the Council also said: "We want memcatat that love is the basis of the Council's soul .... The story of the Good Samaritan has been the model of the spirituality of the Council of .... Rated values of the modern world is not only appreciated, but it is removed, cleaned and purified .... This thing we have to emphasize is all channeled wealth doctrine of unity directions, namely the service of humanity, in all circumstances, weaknesses and needs "
That is the way chosen to contemplate Face of Mercy Church of God, and reveals it to the world like a mother responds to her child's needs.
Copied from Rm. Adrian Pristio, O.Carm
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