Kamis, 26 Januari 2017


Reading the Liturgy Saturday, January 28, 2017
PW S. Thomas Aquinas, Priest and Doctor of the Church

First Reading Heb 11: 1-2.8-19
Brothers, faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of all we do not see. For it is by faith had given testimony to our ancestors. By faith, Abraham obeyed when he was called to go out to the country to receive for an inheritance; he set out without knowing where he was headed. By faith, he sojourned in the land of promise, as if in a strange country, and there he lived in tents with Isaac and Jacob, the heirs of the same promise. For he looked for a city that is grounded solid,
designed and built by God himself. By faith Abraham also Sara herself received strength to conceive, even though she was past age, because she believed him faithful who had promised.
That is why, from one man, who even as dead, were born descendants as the stars in the sky and the sand on the seashore, innumerable. In faith, they all have to die as those who did not receive what was promised, but only from a distance they saw; and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth. For those who say such things declare plainly that they are seeking a homeland.
Suppose in that they will remember the land of origin, they have left behind, then they simply have the opportunity to return to it. But they were longing for the homeland is better, the heavenly homeland. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has prepared a city for them. By faith, Abraham was willing to sacrifice Isaac when he was tested, and he who had received the promises,
ready to offer up his only son, although whom it was said: "Descent derived from that Isaac will be called your descendants." Abraham believed that God was able to raise people even if they're dead! And from whence also he received him back.
Thus saith the Lord.

Psalms Luke 1: 69-70.71-72.73-75
Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, because he has visited and delivered His people.
* He raised for us a mighty savior, son of David, his servant. As promised from normal, through His prophets holy.
* To save us from our enemies and from the hand of all opponents who hate us, to show mercy to our ancestors and heed his holy covenant.
* For he had sworn to Abraham, our father, would free us from the hands of the enemy. So that we can serve Him without fear
and apply the holy and honest in his presence lifetime.

Introduction to the Gospel of John 3:16
Thus God loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son. Everyone who believes in Him have eternal life.

Gospel reading Mark 4: 35-41
One day, when it was evening, Jesus said to His disciples, "Let us leave to the other side." They left the crowd that was there and then departed, and took him in the boat in which he was sitting; and other boats were with him.
Then mengamuklah very powerful storm and the waves gushed into the boat, so the boat was beginning to fill with water.
At that time Jesus was in the stern on a cushion. Then the disciples woke Jesus and said to Him, "Teacher, do not you care if we drown?" Jesus got up, rebuked the wind,
and said to the lake, "Quiet! Be still!" Then the wind ceased and there was a great calm. Then Jesus said to his disciples, "Why are you so afraid? Why do not you believe?"
They became very takutdan said to one another, "Who is this guy? The wind and the sea obey him?"
Thus the Gospel of the Lord.

Who shallow faith? People who blame God when his trouble. Once a ship sailing across the ocean expanse. Amid the exploration, mengamuklah storm then hit the hull so tottering and loss of balance. The captain and its crew in hand to keep the ship not to wreck. The irony in these stressful situations, a passenger even panic, cursing, and blamed the captain and crew kapal..Sejenak let us look at the disciples were frantic and screamed in terror when the storm hit so that the water begins to fill in their boat. Indeed, the situation is tense. But are there among those who tried to keep the boat afloat in order to remove water from the boat? (Mark 4:38)
It is Jesus who invites them to leave to the other side (ay.35) This is the way of discipleship that is entered into the depths of faith, not just a stop on the mainland. Trials and tribulations are the yardsticks depth of faith of a disciple of the Lord Jesus. Even when the faith of a pupil lived more serious and profound, the Lord even as sleep. But we must be honest and believe that God is always there. He observed and keep us. He will provide help when we really needed it. If God seems far away, remember that God wants our faith is mature and not every time we got in papah and guided. If we have a hard, tough attitude and hard work to overcome the difficulty is the wisest move, rejoice in hope, patient in tribulation and persevere in prayer (Romans 12:12). Instead habit of complaining and blaming God is the weakest attitude.

For us let the mistakes and sins may be a storm that shook and slammed the state of our souls. As human beings of dignity before God, we too will remain a place of God as long as our hearts are open to reprimand him. Not only there, a strong attitude towards yourself to turn towards a better life is required. As long as we believe in and approached the Lord Jesus constantly and ask Him, He will relieve everything. Thus we can enjoy peace deep within us. In the quietness with the Lord Jesus Christ that we can go on and look at the clear direction of the main purpose of our lives.


O Lord, give us peace of mind that we are with You can enjoy our lives conform your will. Amen.

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