Jesus Christ was sent by God to redeem us and to inform us of his happy news. "... All of whom Moses in the law and the prophets, we have ketemukan is Jesus, son of Joseph from Nazareth." (John 1:45). One of the most powerful arguments to highlight the mission of Jesus is that all prophecy has been fulfilled in Him.
I. The origins. In accordance with the prophecy that is the promised Messiah is the son of Abraham from the line of Judah and David. Matthew describes the lineage that began with Abraham and ends with Joseph the husband of Mary, who gave birth to Jesus who is called Christ. (Matthew 1:16). According to the Jewish interpretation, the true Jesus son of David, because Joseph, the head of the family in which he was born, comes from David. The first Christian generation was generally aware that he is descended from Judah. (Heb 7:14)
Isaiah prophesied that the Messiah would be born of a virgin. "Behold a virgin shall conceive and bear a son." (Matthew 1:23). Also the birthplace of the Messiah known with certainty. Scripture says that the Christ comes from the seed of David and from Bethlehem, where David was. (John 7:42). That's where Herod sent the Magi from the east and it was based on the prophecy of Micah. "And thou Bethlehem, are by no means least ... because of you will come a ruler." (Matthew 2: 6)
There is another one prophecy that says that the Messiah would come from Nazareth: "Then was fulfilled what was spoken by the prophets, He shall be called a Nazarene." (Matthew 2:23)
II. The years of the First. The incidence of which is very important during the short settlement in Bethlehem is the arrival of the Magi. They came to worship the Child Jesus and hand offering. Thus again the prophecy fulfilled. (Isaiah 72:10). While the sad event, is the murder of the children of Bethlehem, is the fulfillment of the prophecy of Jeremiah. (Jer 31:15)
III. Pioneers. Malachi prophesied that a pilot will precede the coming of the Messiah. (Mal 3: 1). About this pioneering, Isaiah said; "A voice cries, 'Prepare in the wilderness the way for the Lord, make straight in the desert a highway for our God! Every valley shall be closed, and every mountain and hill leveled; hilly land should be flat ground, and ground grooved into the plains; then the glory of the LORD will be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together; indeed, the Lord himself has spoken. "(Isaiah 40: 3-5)
It is already fulfilled in John the Baptist. He uses the words clearly. He did not ask for respect for the Messiah for himself. "I am not the Christ" (John 1:20), but the voice of one crying in the wilderness as prophesied by the prophet Isaiah.
Jesus himself testified, that what was foretold by the prophet Malachi has been fulfilled in John. "... About whom it is written: Behold, I send my messenger before thy face, which shall prepare thy way before thee." (Matthew 11:10)
IV. King. There is a prophecy which says that Christ is king, priest and prophet. Christ present themselves as king. In front of the judge he admitted that he was the king. "You say that I am a king." (John 18:36). The public views him as king: "You are the king of Israel." (John 1:49), and His enemies use the same word to mock him, when he relies weak helpless on the cross. "Others he saved, but himself he can not save! He is King of Israel? Well he came down from the cross and we will believe in him." (Matthew 27:42)
V. Imam. Christ appeared as a priest. At the time Christ gave His life on the cross, the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. We have a great High Priest, Jesus. (Heb 4:14). He is the mediator of a new covenant. (Heb 9:15). It has been established with an oath by Him who said to Him: "The Lord has sworn and will not change: You are a priest for ever." (Heb 7:21)
Ordinary mind is not able to see the prophecy was fulfilled in Christ. Only trust can see the death of Christ on the cross as a sacrifice of a Priest. He himself had said earlier, that he came to give his life a ransom for many. (Matthew 20:28). And because of the sacrifices that he dedicate to remove sin. (Heb 9:26). He is the High Priest, Priest Mahasempurna, because he offered himself to God as a sacrifice without blemish. (Heb 9:14). And since by one offering He has perfected forever those whom He sanctified. (Heb 10:14)
VI. Prophet. Christ is shown as a prophet. He was a prophet not only because of the prophecy that he did, but mainly because he came in the name of God to deliver a message to humans. I am come in my Father's name (John 5:43), and what I heard from him that I speak to the world (Jn 8:26). So he taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes. (Mark 1:22). Through his work, is the miracle of His, He invited the audience to believe in his message.
VII. Servant of Allah. Messiah is described as a king with spiritual and religious power. It is displayed as a priest who volunteered and stoic self-sacrifice and surrender to the ferocity of his enemies for the sake of the happiness of his people. He is also shown as a prophet ideal, as another Moses, who faithfully and without hesitation, but also with humility and gentle running his mission and energetically defending his people. He is the herald of divine happiness. "Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the LORD has anointed me; He has sent me to bring good news to the poor, to help the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to captives and release to the prisoners from the prison, to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord. "(Isa 61: 1-2 ). That is the picture of Jesus. And as it goes is said in the Gospel; "She closed the book, gave it back to the officer, and sat down; and the eyes of everyone in the synagogue were fixed on him. Then he began to teach them saying: 'Today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing. "And all the people of him and were amazed at the beautiful words spoken to Him." (Luke 4: 20-22)
VIII. Humiliation. A description of the Messiah is not only showed bright aspects. There is also a prophecy that talks about the resistance, opposition, rejection, ending the misery and death of Christ. Though he had done so many miracles before them, yet they did not believe in him, so that what was spoken by the prophet Isaiah: "Lord, who has believed our report? And to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed?" Therefore they could not believe, because Isaiah also said: "He has blinded their eyes and hardened their heart, lest they should see with their eyes, and understand with their heart, and turn, and I would heal them." It is said by Isaiah, because he saw his glory and spoke about him. (Jn 12: 37-41)
New Testament see Christ as the stone that was rejected by the builders, but which has become the cornerstone (Matthew 21:42) and whoever falls on this stone, he will be destroyed and the people who struck the rock, he will be crushed (Matt 21: 44).
IX. Last days. Some key events towards the end of his life showed again that the prophecies have been fulfilled everything. Jesus rode a donkey was hailed in Jerusalem (Matthew 21: 5). Betrayal and thirty pieces of silver, and death is accepted without complaint: As a sheep He was led to the slaughter (Acts 8:32). His scourging must suffer; He is a worm and not a man (Ps 22: 7). He was treated as criminals. He was despised, his clothes and divided his cloak drawn, satisfied his thirst with vinegar, his stomach stabbed and traitor of his death.
X. Glory. The resurrection of Christ was prophesied as well. On the day of Pentecost, St. Peter wearing Psalm 16 to Christ: "... my body also will live in hope, because you will not abandon me to the grave, and not let your Holy One to see corruption." (Acts 2: 26-27 ). Also the ascension of Christ was prophesied in the Book of Psalms: "The Lord said to my Lord: Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet." (Acts 2: 34-35)
After that tersebarlah Kingdom of Christ to the whole world. This also has been mentioned in the prophecies, which is often talked about the universal kingdom of God's anointed man. His kingdom is a kingdom of grace. The kingdom is not limited to Israel. "Too little thing that you should be my servant to raise up the tribes of Jacob and to restore the preserved of Israel. But I will make you a light to the nations so that salvation from me to the ends of the earth. "(Isa 49: 6). Everything that has been fulfilled in Christ and in all those who gathered in the Church. St. Paul saw the beginning of the fulfillment of prophecy that says: "Praise God, O ye Gentiles, praise him, all ye nations." (Rom 15:11)
XI. Conclusion. Jesus Christ is the promised Redeemer. Because in Him have fulfilled everything that has been foretold. No one else, both before and after he can say this about him. Christ Himself said: "For if you believed Moses, you would believe would also unto me, for he wrote about me." (John 5:46)
Source: I Believe p. 31-35 work of Father Herman Embruiru, SVD.
Rabu, 30 September 2015
Reading the Liturgy Thursday, October 1, 2015
Feast of S. Therese of the Child Jesus, Virgin and Patron Missions

Reading 1: Isaiah 66: 10-14b
Rejoice with Jerusalem, and Shout therefore, all you who love her! Rejoice with him segirang-joy, all you who mourn ever thus! Should kamuminum milk refreshing and become satisfied, you should inhale and enjoy the milk-filled. For thus saith the Lord: Behold, I drain him like a river safety,
and the wealth of nations like a flooding river. You will suckle, will be picked up, and will be stroked stroked in her lap. As one whom his mother comforts, so you will Kuhibur; you will be comforted in Jerusalem. When you see it, your heart will rejoice, and you would like young grass that grows in abundance.
Thus saith the Lord.
Psalm: Ps 131: 1.2.3
Keep me in peace, O Lord.
* Lord, I am not high-minded, and not looking at the arrogant; I do not pursue things that are too big or things too wonderful for me.
* Really, I have calmed and quieted my soul; like a weaned child lay near her mother, yes, like a weaned child is my soul within me.
* Hope in the Lord, O Israel, from now until forever.
Gospel: Matthew 18: 1-5
On one occasion the disciples came to Jesus and asked, "Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?" And Jesus called a little child
and placed it in their midst, and said,
"I tell you: Indeed, if you are converted and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. As for who humbles himself as this little child,
he is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Whoever receives one child such as this in my name welcomes me. "
Thus the Gospel of the Lord.
One of the things that make a child is always loved by almost everyone is honesty, innocence and willingness to told anything. There are so many advantages of small children than in adults. Example: if the little boy was told to apologize after making a mistake, he must immediately without any load by anything, another case with adults, that adults told to apologize, certainly averse reluctantly even told he could be a target of abuse makinya. Properties of small children this is a guarantee for man to enter into the kingdom of heaven, as taught by Jesus in today's Gospel. For Jesus, the little boy became a model for everyone to repent and turn from every mistake.
Is there in this life we can live the spirituality of young children, according to the version of Jesus? There may be times when when we can, but certainly more often we are not able to do that. Ego, pride, lust, and the like has pervaded our lives. It is hard to do a conversion from our mistakes. Yet the willingness to repent this is a guarantee for us to enter Heaven. So let us learn the spirituality of children, as exemplified by St. Therese of the Child Jesus. During his life, Santa Teresa always do the will of Jesus, that he is pious, so that when he was 12 years old, he may receive communion for the first time. In front of a cross he promised: "Jesus on the cross who is thirsty I will give water to you, I am willing to suffer as much as possible so that many sinner who repents"
Reflections grain item.
Prayer Santa Theresia at the age of seven years "Jesus would you love to have toys. Let me be your toys, such as balls, soccer here and there, please. If you get bored, left corner of the room, whatever, I'll wait there. In fact, if you puncture, yes, certainly hurts, but I submit entirely to Thy will "Although very simple in the style of childhood turns out it deeply once, touch base and core faith, surrender everything to the will of Jesus. Marila we imitate Santa Teresa.
God make me like a child, which is always open to thy teaching and always do your will. Amen.
Feast of S. Therese of the Child Jesus, Virgin and Patron Missions

Reading 1: Isaiah 66: 10-14b
Rejoice with Jerusalem, and Shout therefore, all you who love her! Rejoice with him segirang-joy, all you who mourn ever thus! Should kamuminum milk refreshing and become satisfied, you should inhale and enjoy the milk-filled. For thus saith the Lord: Behold, I drain him like a river safety,
and the wealth of nations like a flooding river. You will suckle, will be picked up, and will be stroked stroked in her lap. As one whom his mother comforts, so you will Kuhibur; you will be comforted in Jerusalem. When you see it, your heart will rejoice, and you would like young grass that grows in abundance.
Thus saith the Lord.
Psalm: Ps 131: 1.2.3
Keep me in peace, O Lord.
* Lord, I am not high-minded, and not looking at the arrogant; I do not pursue things that are too big or things too wonderful for me.
* Really, I have calmed and quieted my soul; like a weaned child lay near her mother, yes, like a weaned child is my soul within me.
* Hope in the Lord, O Israel, from now until forever.
Gospel: Matthew 18: 1-5
On one occasion the disciples came to Jesus and asked, "Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?" And Jesus called a little child
and placed it in their midst, and said,
"I tell you: Indeed, if you are converted and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. As for who humbles himself as this little child,
he is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Whoever receives one child such as this in my name welcomes me. "
Thus the Gospel of the Lord.
One of the things that make a child is always loved by almost everyone is honesty, innocence and willingness to told anything. There are so many advantages of small children than in adults. Example: if the little boy was told to apologize after making a mistake, he must immediately without any load by anything, another case with adults, that adults told to apologize, certainly averse reluctantly even told he could be a target of abuse makinya. Properties of small children this is a guarantee for man to enter into the kingdom of heaven, as taught by Jesus in today's Gospel. For Jesus, the little boy became a model for everyone to repent and turn from every mistake.
Is there in this life we can live the spirituality of young children, according to the version of Jesus? There may be times when when we can, but certainly more often we are not able to do that. Ego, pride, lust, and the like has pervaded our lives. It is hard to do a conversion from our mistakes. Yet the willingness to repent this is a guarantee for us to enter Heaven. So let us learn the spirituality of children, as exemplified by St. Therese of the Child Jesus. During his life, Santa Teresa always do the will of Jesus, that he is pious, so that when he was 12 years old, he may receive communion for the first time. In front of a cross he promised: "Jesus on the cross who is thirsty I will give water to you, I am willing to suffer as much as possible so that many sinner who repents"
Reflections grain item.
Prayer Santa Theresia at the age of seven years "Jesus would you love to have toys. Let me be your toys, such as balls, soccer here and there, please. If you get bored, left corner of the room, whatever, I'll wait there. In fact, if you puncture, yes, certainly hurts, but I submit entirely to Thy will "Although very simple in the style of childhood turns out it deeply once, touch base and core faith, surrender everything to the will of Jesus. Marila we imitate Santa Teresa.
God make me like a child, which is always open to thy teaching and always do your will. Amen.
Selasa, 29 September 2015
I met Jesus in two ways it. And I remember once again the story of the woman who touched Jesus' cloak tassels. Now I want to tell some of the events that can explain the idea of this gospel.
One is the story of a young priest. He called me. From his tone seemed that he was very anxious and scared. He just knows that his voice had cancer membrane and within three weeks he had to undergo surgery to lift the membrane. He said that he was desperate. Just six years ago he was ordained.
When I prayed with him, I feel God wants me to talk to him about the Eucharist. I said, "Father, I can pray with Pastor now over the phone. But this morning Father would not meet Jesus?
Did not Father met with him every morning? "I did not know that the priest does not celebrate the Eucharist every day.
I told him, "Father, every day if Father celebrated the Eucharist, if Father took the sacred Host, eat, Father met Jesus. The woman in the Gospel just touch the hem of His garment. Father touched Him and receive Him into the body. Father accepts I told her, "Go and meet Jesus in the Eucharist. I can not tell anyone that someone will be healed as he had hoped, because I am not God. But Jesus will give strength to the mother to face whatever happens in life mother. If he wants to bring mother through the door of death, he will give grace so that it will be the mother road travel without fear. And if He willed mother continues to live, he will give me the grace to live. "Without my knowledge, he also looking for the pastor Father Kevin and say equal to him.
I asked him, "What teijadi?" And he said, "Look. This morning I was looking for a sister. I go to Mass as Sister say. When I go forward to receive communion, I said to myself, 'I'm going to meet Jesus. I will accept him dalarn hand and I will ask him for help. " Mother was a Catholic who often menyarnbut communion. But this time he looked at the Sacred Host and said, "I know you are really present. Today take this fear from me. If you are pleased, heal me. Do something for me." Then he told my, "When I put the Host on the tongue and swallowed it, I felt that something was burning tenggorakanku and down into the stomach. I saw her swollen stomach and lost."
The woman was cured. I do not know how many of us who celebrate the Eucharist only physically present, without faith, with hope, without being conscious of what we are doing. Maybe we go to Mass just because they want to get something and we do not thank God or praise Him because He has given himself to us.
Faith is a decision. We must fight. Maybe people say, "I do not understand the Mass. I do not feel anything, but I believe it." as food. There is nothing better than going to him. Please beg Jesus to heal Pastor. "I heard him crying. He kept saying to me," Sister, thank you, thank you. "
Three weeks later, she went to the hospital to undergo surgery. A few days later she called me, told me that he does not have the surgery. The doctors did not find his voice again kankemya and membranes clean.
Even I never knew his name. About a year later I heard ten pliers him through a friend of his. Before her illness, this is no longer a priest to celebrate the Eucharist except on Sundays. In this he was very reckless. God used this experience to change his life. Sarna once he recovered, but not just physically. He became a priest whose life centered on the Eucharist. For him the Eucharist becomes an opportunity to meet with the living Jesus, like the woman at the well told in John 4. He met Jesus at the well that is most abundant. There we can drink and will not experience thirst. Indeed, miracles are still happening, another healing story related to the Eucharist took place in Sydney, Australia. A woman comes to the Father Kevin and I talked. He met me and asked me to pray with him. He is desperate because of cancer in the stomach. His stomach becomes very large because of swelling. The doctors say that it is useless inoperable because the cancer has spread to everywhere.
I know that this afternoon there is a Mass, then I told him that I would pray bersarnanya. I said also that he went to Mass and ask Jesus to give him tunity harbor. The master himself is the fear of death.
He said, "Sister, I was scared to death. May God take this fear of me!" If we attend the mass with the right attitude, our lives will change. The churches are often filled with people coming in and then go home alone still equal, then people ask, "What did Jesus come? Did he fulfill his promise?" Or maybe we do not have faith hopeful that let him touch our lives and meet our needs? Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. He is Jesus gave healing in the Gospels. Then He must fulfill his promise to meet the needs of his people. We can blame the pastor if we lack faith. We said pastor drab, not charismatic, too hard, too scared. But actually because not there. Problem truth is our faith. True, if the pastor has a strong faith, it is very advantageous in worship. That is why in my ministry to priests, I always challenging pastors to believe more strongly. We must look beyond ourselves and humanity pastor. Then we can see and understand what is done by the priest at Mass. As a Catholic I taboo that I should not put a priest between myself and Jesus in the Eucharist.
The Church requires that we attend rnisa not because Jesus needs us. But as a good mother, the Church saw that we mernbutuhkan rnampu Bread of Life that we live in a world that hates us rnenurut Jesus himself as the equal world has hated Him. We need to be strengthened in our journey. Eating for our souls and our bodies: this is given by Jesus to us in mass.
source: Miracles in the Modern era
Rewritten by: Elisabeth SW - Solo
One is the story of a young priest. He called me. From his tone seemed that he was very anxious and scared. He just knows that his voice had cancer membrane and within three weeks he had to undergo surgery to lift the membrane. He said that he was desperate. Just six years ago he was ordained.
When I prayed with him, I feel God wants me to talk to him about the Eucharist. I said, "Father, I can pray with Pastor now over the phone. But this morning Father would not meet Jesus?
Did not Father met with him every morning? "I did not know that the priest does not celebrate the Eucharist every day.
I told him, "Father, every day if Father celebrated the Eucharist, if Father took the sacred Host, eat, Father met Jesus. The woman in the Gospel just touch the hem of His garment. Father touched Him and receive Him into the body. Father accepts I told her, "Go and meet Jesus in the Eucharist. I can not tell anyone that someone will be healed as he had hoped, because I am not God. But Jesus will give strength to the mother to face whatever happens in life mother. If he wants to bring mother through the door of death, he will give grace so that it will be the mother road travel without fear. And if He willed mother continues to live, he will give me the grace to live. "Without my knowledge, he also looking for the pastor Father Kevin and say equal to him.
I asked him, "What teijadi?" And he said, "Look. This morning I was looking for a sister. I go to Mass as Sister say. When I go forward to receive communion, I said to myself, 'I'm going to meet Jesus. I will accept him dalarn hand and I will ask him for help. " Mother was a Catholic who often menyarnbut communion. But this time he looked at the Sacred Host and said, "I know you are really present. Today take this fear from me. If you are pleased, heal me. Do something for me." Then he told my, "When I put the Host on the tongue and swallowed it, I felt that something was burning tenggorakanku and down into the stomach. I saw her swollen stomach and lost."
The woman was cured. I do not know how many of us who celebrate the Eucharist only physically present, without faith, with hope, without being conscious of what we are doing. Maybe we go to Mass just because they want to get something and we do not thank God or praise Him because He has given himself to us.
Faith is a decision. We must fight. Maybe people say, "I do not understand the Mass. I do not feel anything, but I believe it." as food. There is nothing better than going to him. Please beg Jesus to heal Pastor. "I heard him crying. He kept saying to me," Sister, thank you, thank you. "
Three weeks later, she went to the hospital to undergo surgery. A few days later she called me, told me that he does not have the surgery. The doctors did not find his voice again kankemya and membranes clean.
Even I never knew his name. About a year later I heard ten pliers him through a friend of his. Before her illness, this is no longer a priest to celebrate the Eucharist except on Sundays. In this he was very reckless. God used this experience to change his life. Sarna once he recovered, but not just physically. He became a priest whose life centered on the Eucharist. For him the Eucharist becomes an opportunity to meet with the living Jesus, like the woman at the well told in John 4. He met Jesus at the well that is most abundant. There we can drink and will not experience thirst. Indeed, miracles are still happening, another healing story related to the Eucharist took place in Sydney, Australia. A woman comes to the Father Kevin and I talked. He met me and asked me to pray with him. He is desperate because of cancer in the stomach. His stomach becomes very large because of swelling. The doctors say that it is useless inoperable because the cancer has spread to everywhere.
I know that this afternoon there is a Mass, then I told him that I would pray bersarnanya. I said also that he went to Mass and ask Jesus to give him tunity harbor. The master himself is the fear of death.
He said, "Sister, I was scared to death. May God take this fear of me!" If we attend the mass with the right attitude, our lives will change. The churches are often filled with people coming in and then go home alone still equal, then people ask, "What did Jesus come? Did he fulfill his promise?" Or maybe we do not have faith hopeful that let him touch our lives and meet our needs? Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. He is Jesus gave healing in the Gospels. Then He must fulfill his promise to meet the needs of his people. We can blame the pastor if we lack faith. We said pastor drab, not charismatic, too hard, too scared. But actually because not there. Problem truth is our faith. True, if the pastor has a strong faith, it is very advantageous in worship. That is why in my ministry to priests, I always challenging pastors to believe more strongly. We must look beyond ourselves and humanity pastor. Then we can see and understand what is done by the priest at Mass. As a Catholic I taboo that I should not put a priest between myself and Jesus in the Eucharist.
The Church requires that we attend rnisa not because Jesus needs us. But as a good mother, the Church saw that we mernbutuhkan rnampu Bread of Life that we live in a world that hates us rnenurut Jesus himself as the equal world has hated Him. We need to be strengthened in our journey. Eating for our souls and our bodies: this is given by Jesus to us in mass.
source: Miracles in the Modern era
Rewritten by: Elisabeth SW - Solo
Wednesday, September 30, 2015
PW S. Jerome, Priest and Doctor of the Church
First Reading Neh 2: 1-8
In the month of Nisan in the twentieth year of King Artaxerxes,
when it became my job to provide the wine, I lift up the wine and serve it to the king. Because I looked sad, which is unprecedented in the presence of the king, the king said to me, "Why is your face gloomy, even though you are not sick? You certainly sad heart." I then became very scared. I replied to the king, "Long live the king forever! How my face will not be sad, when the city where my fathers tomb ruins and its gates are consumed with fire?" The king said to me, "So, what do you want?" I pray to the God of heaven,
then replied to the king, "If the king is considered good and pleasing to your servant, send your servant to Judah, to the city of ancestral graves servant, these servants that rebuild it." Then the king said to me, being the queen sitting beside him, "How long are you going to go, and when you'll be back?" And the king is pleased sent me after I call him a period of time. I then said to the king, "If the king is so inclined, let him give me letters to the governors beyond the River, that they let me pass
until I arrive in Judah. Also a letter for Asaph, the park superintendent King,
so he gave me timber for beams for the gates in the fortress of the temple, for the city wall and for the house to which I go. "And the king granted, because the hand of my God upon me.
Psalm Ps 137: 1-6
Let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth, if I do not remember thee.
* By the rivers of Babylon, there we wept when we remembered Zion.
On the willows where we hung our harps.
* For there our captors demanded of us songs, and those who persecute us mirth, saying, "Sing us one of the songs of Zion!"
* How can we sing the Lord's song in a strange land? If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, let my right hand dry!
* Let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth, if I do not remember you, if I do not make Jerusalem above my chief joy!
Gospel reading Luke 9: 57-62
On one occasion, when Jesus and His disciples were on the way,
came a midway, said to Jesus, "I will follow you wherever you go." Jesus replied, "Foxes have holes, and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place
to lay His head. "And to others, Jesus said," Follow me. "
The man said, "Let me go first, and bury my father." Jesus answered, "Let the dead bury the dead, but you go,
and wartakanlah Kingdom of God everywhere. "And another one said," Lord, I will follow You, but first let me say goodbye to my family. "But Jesus said," Anyone who is ready to plow,
but looking back, it is not feasible for the kingdom of God. "
Thus the Gospel of the Lord.
People who follow Jesus will indeed earn salvation, That requires a total attitude in surrendering as well as in determining the life affirming that He is the source of salvation.
Attachment to wealth and relationships with others supported by egoism within yourself to be defeated. Not me who primarily determine his followers would be what kind, but He did choose. For it is necessary openness of heart and mind that would be guided by the Spirit.
How do our lives as His followers? What sort of attachment that we have to remove in order to become worthy of His followers? If we are honest, we may feel we have not deserved to be followers, but in the course of time, when we become His disciples, Jesus himself is with us to make us able to break away from all attachment, then continue to live in the name of Jesus, in the process of improvement themselves to achieve true salvation.
Items to Contemplation
Someone once told me why he was interested in becoming a priest. Actually, from the beginning he felt the call. But he tried to avoid. The delay was he doing to her work. But it turns out the call was strong. He could no longer resist it and then decide themselves following the path of the call.
When the work God has never stopped doing his work. He will continue to run his work to the success. So if we believe in God, we must follow His will. No matter how strong our refusal in time we will submit to His will.
God that people would you choose to follow your will and be ready to run perutusanMu. Amen.
PW S. Jerome, Priest and Doctor of the Church
First Reading Neh 2: 1-8
In the month of Nisan in the twentieth year of King Artaxerxes,
when it became my job to provide the wine, I lift up the wine and serve it to the king. Because I looked sad, which is unprecedented in the presence of the king, the king said to me, "Why is your face gloomy, even though you are not sick? You certainly sad heart." I then became very scared. I replied to the king, "Long live the king forever! How my face will not be sad, when the city where my fathers tomb ruins and its gates are consumed with fire?" The king said to me, "So, what do you want?" I pray to the God of heaven,
then replied to the king, "If the king is considered good and pleasing to your servant, send your servant to Judah, to the city of ancestral graves servant, these servants that rebuild it." Then the king said to me, being the queen sitting beside him, "How long are you going to go, and when you'll be back?" And the king is pleased sent me after I call him a period of time. I then said to the king, "If the king is so inclined, let him give me letters to the governors beyond the River, that they let me pass
until I arrive in Judah. Also a letter for Asaph, the park superintendent King,
so he gave me timber for beams for the gates in the fortress of the temple, for the city wall and for the house to which I go. "And the king granted, because the hand of my God upon me.
Psalm Ps 137: 1-6
Let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth, if I do not remember thee.
* By the rivers of Babylon, there we wept when we remembered Zion.
On the willows where we hung our harps.
* For there our captors demanded of us songs, and those who persecute us mirth, saying, "Sing us one of the songs of Zion!"
* How can we sing the Lord's song in a strange land? If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, let my right hand dry!
* Let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth, if I do not remember you, if I do not make Jerusalem above my chief joy!
Gospel reading Luke 9: 57-62
On one occasion, when Jesus and His disciples were on the way,
came a midway, said to Jesus, "I will follow you wherever you go." Jesus replied, "Foxes have holes, and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place
to lay His head. "And to others, Jesus said," Follow me. "
The man said, "Let me go first, and bury my father." Jesus answered, "Let the dead bury the dead, but you go,
and wartakanlah Kingdom of God everywhere. "And another one said," Lord, I will follow You, but first let me say goodbye to my family. "But Jesus said," Anyone who is ready to plow,
but looking back, it is not feasible for the kingdom of God. "
Thus the Gospel of the Lord.
People who follow Jesus will indeed earn salvation, That requires a total attitude in surrendering as well as in determining the life affirming that He is the source of salvation.
Attachment to wealth and relationships with others supported by egoism within yourself to be defeated. Not me who primarily determine his followers would be what kind, but He did choose. For it is necessary openness of heart and mind that would be guided by the Spirit.
How do our lives as His followers? What sort of attachment that we have to remove in order to become worthy of His followers? If we are honest, we may feel we have not deserved to be followers, but in the course of time, when we become His disciples, Jesus himself is with us to make us able to break away from all attachment, then continue to live in the name of Jesus, in the process of improvement themselves to achieve true salvation.
Items to Contemplation
Someone once told me why he was interested in becoming a priest. Actually, from the beginning he felt the call. But he tried to avoid. The delay was he doing to her work. But it turns out the call was strong. He could no longer resist it and then decide themselves following the path of the call.
When the work God has never stopped doing his work. He will continue to run his work to the success. So if we believe in God, we must follow His will. No matter how strong our refusal in time we will submit to His will.
God that people would you choose to follow your will and be ready to run perutusanMu. Amen.
There are several posts from friends who question "how Scripture was written and why the Bible as it is now." Even worse that many Protestant denominations who blame the Catholic Church for not speaking and acting in accordance with the Scriptures. The question: "Who is the real owner of the Bible?" Which comes first there; Church or Scripture? (Sorry, I just invite you all to realize that before we talk about the interpretation of paragraph per paragraph, it is good we have a basic understanding of the history of writing and the establishment of Scripture itself).
I dedicate this article to friends PERKAT (Previously I've posted in the group "MIK" and "Return to the bosom of Mother Church).
"Many people currently is establishing his church is based on SCRIPTURE. The question arises: WHO CREATED THE BIBLE? WHAT THE BIBLE CHURCH OR CREATE A church which CREATING THE BIBLE?
To the main question: "WHO CREATED THE BIBLE" it seems difficult to understand. Therefore, perhaps we could formulate this way; THE SERVICES WHO IS COLLECTED IS BEING tulisan2 scattered BIBLE AS WE HAVE currently is?
With this title alone, we've been at odds with your belief / ri of our Protestants, the core teachings is "sola Scriptura" (only Scripture alone). However, I do not want polemics about the different beliefs like this. What I have described is a matter of the logic thinking and belief in the truth that is written by history.
Jesus during His earthly life is never mentioned on a Bible (in the sense of the necessity of a Bible as in religion Yahusi LAW). Right? He never commanded his Apostles to believe in a book. So even IA never commanded his disciples to write a book. Therefore, when the life of the Apostles, it must be admitted that there is no such thing BIBLE. In other words, we can conclude that Jesus never build His church on the foundation of a Book / Book as the basis of faith, but he built a church as the pillar and foundation of truth. (2 Tim 3:15). And He never promised a book / Book melaikan Himself will be with His Church until the end of time (Mat.12: 15) and the Holy Spirit will lead the apostles and their successors until the fullness of the truth which is after He ascended to Heaven (John 14: 16-17).
At the beginning of the church where there is no Scripture, Christians believe in the teaching of the Apostles, which becomes the basis of their faith, which is called by the church as "HOLY TRADITION." This can be seen in Mat.15: 6-9. While istilah2 such as the Trinity, Purgatory and lain2 derived from surat2 the Church Fathers were later corroborated by the Scripture later.
About the importance of tradition in the church can be read in 2 Thessalonians 2:15; "Therefore, stand fast and hold on ajaran2 that you received from us, either verbally, or in writing." Or in 1 Cor 11: 2: "... you will still remember me and hold fast to the teachings which I also delivered kepdamu.
With this explanation it would become clear that; First, the Bible is a TRADITION. Scripture is not something that is handed down by God as a book but in the form of inspiration that drives the writers wrote what they experienced. Second, oral and written traditions remain important in building a community of faith.
In the early days of the church, there are about more than 50 gospel, which included four Gospels that we kta in today's Scripture (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John). In addition, there are also other Gospels as the Gospel of James, the Gospel of Thomas, the Gospel of the Hebrews, etc. There are also 22 other Book of Acts, Acts of Paul, and others. Kitab2 many people confuse the Gospel increasingly early church. Between the Gospel and Kitab2 there is also the contents of which is contrary to the teachings of the Apostles, as the teachings of Arius who said that Jesus is not God, Apollinarius; Jesus was not a man, Macedonius; The Holy Spirit is not God. This fact is extremely worrying, especially in the business community to develop a life of their faith.
Facing real tantangan2 like the Catholic Church decided to select some of the book that shows the authenticity of the teachings of the Apostles and the betul2 inspiring. This is what will be called the Canon (means for mengukut authenticity and truth of the Scriptures). Thus, it can be said that GOSPEL CHURCH AND NOT COME FROM THE CHURCH COMES FROM THE GOSPEL (This is the answer to the writing on the status above).
Just as a testimony that many Protestants finally returned to the Catholic Church after realizing the truth of the story of the Bible. This is not the case because they just learned about the Scriptures themselves but they learn about the history of the formation of the Bible, which is the result of hard work of the Catholic Church. In this context, we can say that NO CATHOLIC CHURCH, WE WILL NOT HAVE THE BIBLE AS THERE TODAY.
4. CATHOLIC CHURCH TO COLLECT tulisan2-LAH YG scattered and make BIBLE AS currently is.
Starting from Melito, Bishop of Sardis (170 BC) yan gmencoba to possess a canon of the Old Testament, but because there are difficulties in the huge list kitab2 outstanding at that time, the business is not running smoothly.
The Council of the Church in Laodicea, with the permission of the Pope in Rome to try to produce the canon of Scripture. But this effort was only growing extent Pope Damasus. Under his leadership, he ordered St.Jerome translate the Scriptures from the original language to preformance Latin (the official language of the church at that time).
With power in the possession of the Pope, he then received the Gospel of Luke and combined with the other three Gospels on the grounds that Luke recorded the complete story of Jesus' childhood, especially in relation to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Luke, too, who for the first time paint a picture of the Virgin Mary with Jesus, which is still stored in the Church of the Basilica of Santa Maria Major in Rome. Matthew's Gospel clear idea of power is not taught Peter and the church built on it. The Gospel of John is used by early Christians to defend their faith, particularly in relation to the Eucharist as the Sacrament of the Body and Blood of Jesus. Mark also gave a clear picture of the power St. Peter to lead the church founded by Jesus, and this power is still run by his successors, the Pope in Rome.
Of the various explanations above, we then come to the logical conclusion that "NO SCRIPTURE WITHOUT THE CATHOLIC CHURCH". KATOLIKLAH CHURCH THAT HOLD THE BIBLE, which now even claimed by many people as his own, and even worse when they dare to say that they are MORE RIGHT, TO KNOW MORE about Scripture than the Catholic Church. This is really a joke that is not funny.
Thus, for those who deny the tradition, the power to teach and lead POPE and just believe in revelation always questioned the validity of the Scriptures. It must realize that when we call the Gospel of Luke, Mark, etc. does not mean that the Bible was really written by them. This belief is based on the traditions of the church. Therefore, Scripture itself is a collection of tulisan2 those who bear witness not only as an apostle but as a disciple of the apostles like Luke and Mark. Both of these authors are not incorporated in the 12 Apostles. They are students of the Peter and Paul.
Therefore, the struggle to include a book / chapter in the Holy Scriptures really take time and careful consideration of the contents of revelation and faith of the people who support the development, such as; Revelation. The book was initially not accepted by Christians prime. But only because of the decision of the Pope who considered that the contents of this book can help the people in the know and believe in Allah, then finally revelation contained in Scripture as it is today. Pope's power to determine this based on Mat.28: 20; Teach them about everything I have commanded you. And, behold, I will be with you till the end of time. (ye here are apostles taken command of Peter as the leader of the official appointed by Jesus).
Being a truth that everything is done by the apostles and early church fathers are not written in the Scriptures. Scripture itself admitted that in Yoh.21: 25; "There are many other things which Jesus did, tetpi if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that would be written." Therefore, those who believe that truth is only found in the Scriptures makes a great contradiction in their lives, when they received the revelation through their church leaders as truth. Is not what diwahyuhkan then IMPLIED in the Scriptures? Why do they have to admit it? The Catholic Church has been looking at the possibility that God will continue to work in every generation until the end of time. Therefore, the truth of the Holy Scriptures never denied, but the revelation or what is preserved in the church tradition is believed to come from God.
Therefore, despite all the weaknesses and shortcomings of the church, especially through pemimpin2nya, we can not make an excuse to leave the Catholic church, apalgi to hate. The Catholic Church is the Church founded by Jesus himself on the foundation of Peter as a sign of unity and the other Apostles. The other apostles, like James, Matthew, Thaddeus, etc. even the favorite disciple of Jesus, John, never founded a new church because of the power given to them. Although berbebda opinion on many things but they still believed to Peter as their official leader, who raised himself by Jesus. Even in Paul's day who get tremendous revelation of Jesus, even called an apostle for other bangsa2 was still acknowledge Peter as a leader because of the rights given by Jesus to Peter himself specifically.
Questions for reflection by all Christians (both Catholic and Protestant); "IF JESUS, IF PETER AND THE APOSTLES THE OTHERS NEVER SPLIT THE CHURCH BEING PART2 SEPARATE ONE ANOTHER, EVEN MANY misunderstanding GOOD AT LEVEL theological AND PRACTICAL LIFE HAPPENS, WHY DO WE HUMAN NOW should split BECAUSE IT IS THAT WISH WE not accommodated IN THE CATHOLIC CHURCH, THEN WE ARE STARTING A NEW CHURCH? What does the prayer of Jesus; That they may become 'to us today? IF JESUS unite THEN Devil who ALWAYS divorced scatters WE PASSED NAFSU AND DESIRE THAT WE CAN NOT WE CONTROL. Be aware of it and ponder . Come back to the bosom of the Catholic church because that's desired by Jesus.
Greetings and prayers,
Pater Inno
I dedicate this article to friends PERKAT (Previously I've posted in the group "MIK" and "Return to the bosom of Mother Church).
"Many people currently is establishing his church is based on SCRIPTURE. The question arises: WHO CREATED THE BIBLE? WHAT THE BIBLE CHURCH OR CREATE A church which CREATING THE BIBLE?
To the main question: "WHO CREATED THE BIBLE" it seems difficult to understand. Therefore, perhaps we could formulate this way; THE SERVICES WHO IS COLLECTED IS BEING tulisan2 scattered BIBLE AS WE HAVE currently is?
With this title alone, we've been at odds with your belief / ri of our Protestants, the core teachings is "sola Scriptura" (only Scripture alone). However, I do not want polemics about the different beliefs like this. What I have described is a matter of the logic thinking and belief in the truth that is written by history.
Jesus during His earthly life is never mentioned on a Bible (in the sense of the necessity of a Bible as in religion Yahusi LAW). Right? He never commanded his Apostles to believe in a book. So even IA never commanded his disciples to write a book. Therefore, when the life of the Apostles, it must be admitted that there is no such thing BIBLE. In other words, we can conclude that Jesus never build His church on the foundation of a Book / Book as the basis of faith, but he built a church as the pillar and foundation of truth. (2 Tim 3:15). And He never promised a book / Book melaikan Himself will be with His Church until the end of time (Mat.12: 15) and the Holy Spirit will lead the apostles and their successors until the fullness of the truth which is after He ascended to Heaven (John 14: 16-17).
At the beginning of the church where there is no Scripture, Christians believe in the teaching of the Apostles, which becomes the basis of their faith, which is called by the church as "HOLY TRADITION." This can be seen in Mat.15: 6-9. While istilah2 such as the Trinity, Purgatory and lain2 derived from surat2 the Church Fathers were later corroborated by the Scripture later.
About the importance of tradition in the church can be read in 2 Thessalonians 2:15; "Therefore, stand fast and hold on ajaran2 that you received from us, either verbally, or in writing." Or in 1 Cor 11: 2: "... you will still remember me and hold fast to the teachings which I also delivered kepdamu.
With this explanation it would become clear that; First, the Bible is a TRADITION. Scripture is not something that is handed down by God as a book but in the form of inspiration that drives the writers wrote what they experienced. Second, oral and written traditions remain important in building a community of faith.
In the early days of the church, there are about more than 50 gospel, which included four Gospels that we kta in today's Scripture (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John). In addition, there are also other Gospels as the Gospel of James, the Gospel of Thomas, the Gospel of the Hebrews, etc. There are also 22 other Book of Acts, Acts of Paul, and others. Kitab2 many people confuse the Gospel increasingly early church. Between the Gospel and Kitab2 there is also the contents of which is contrary to the teachings of the Apostles, as the teachings of Arius who said that Jesus is not God, Apollinarius; Jesus was not a man, Macedonius; The Holy Spirit is not God. This fact is extremely worrying, especially in the business community to develop a life of their faith.
Facing real tantangan2 like the Catholic Church decided to select some of the book that shows the authenticity of the teachings of the Apostles and the betul2 inspiring. This is what will be called the Canon (means for mengukut authenticity and truth of the Scriptures). Thus, it can be said that GOSPEL CHURCH AND NOT COME FROM THE CHURCH COMES FROM THE GOSPEL (This is the answer to the writing on the status above).
Just as a testimony that many Protestants finally returned to the Catholic Church after realizing the truth of the story of the Bible. This is not the case because they just learned about the Scriptures themselves but they learn about the history of the formation of the Bible, which is the result of hard work of the Catholic Church. In this context, we can say that NO CATHOLIC CHURCH, WE WILL NOT HAVE THE BIBLE AS THERE TODAY.
4. CATHOLIC CHURCH TO COLLECT tulisan2-LAH YG scattered and make BIBLE AS currently is.
Starting from Melito, Bishop of Sardis (170 BC) yan gmencoba to possess a canon of the Old Testament, but because there are difficulties in the huge list kitab2 outstanding at that time, the business is not running smoothly.
The Council of the Church in Laodicea, with the permission of the Pope in Rome to try to produce the canon of Scripture. But this effort was only growing extent Pope Damasus. Under his leadership, he ordered St.Jerome translate the Scriptures from the original language to preformance Latin (the official language of the church at that time).
With power in the possession of the Pope, he then received the Gospel of Luke and combined with the other three Gospels on the grounds that Luke recorded the complete story of Jesus' childhood, especially in relation to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Luke, too, who for the first time paint a picture of the Virgin Mary with Jesus, which is still stored in the Church of the Basilica of Santa Maria Major in Rome. Matthew's Gospel clear idea of power is not taught Peter and the church built on it. The Gospel of John is used by early Christians to defend their faith, particularly in relation to the Eucharist as the Sacrament of the Body and Blood of Jesus. Mark also gave a clear picture of the power St. Peter to lead the church founded by Jesus, and this power is still run by his successors, the Pope in Rome.
Of the various explanations above, we then come to the logical conclusion that "NO SCRIPTURE WITHOUT THE CATHOLIC CHURCH". KATOLIKLAH CHURCH THAT HOLD THE BIBLE, which now even claimed by many people as his own, and even worse when they dare to say that they are MORE RIGHT, TO KNOW MORE about Scripture than the Catholic Church. This is really a joke that is not funny.
Thus, for those who deny the tradition, the power to teach and lead POPE and just believe in revelation always questioned the validity of the Scriptures. It must realize that when we call the Gospel of Luke, Mark, etc. does not mean that the Bible was really written by them. This belief is based on the traditions of the church. Therefore, Scripture itself is a collection of tulisan2 those who bear witness not only as an apostle but as a disciple of the apostles like Luke and Mark. Both of these authors are not incorporated in the 12 Apostles. They are students of the Peter and Paul.
Therefore, the struggle to include a book / chapter in the Holy Scriptures really take time and careful consideration of the contents of revelation and faith of the people who support the development, such as; Revelation. The book was initially not accepted by Christians prime. But only because of the decision of the Pope who considered that the contents of this book can help the people in the know and believe in Allah, then finally revelation contained in Scripture as it is today. Pope's power to determine this based on Mat.28: 20; Teach them about everything I have commanded you. And, behold, I will be with you till the end of time. (ye here are apostles taken command of Peter as the leader of the official appointed by Jesus).
Being a truth that everything is done by the apostles and early church fathers are not written in the Scriptures. Scripture itself admitted that in Yoh.21: 25; "There are many other things which Jesus did, tetpi if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that would be written." Therefore, those who believe that truth is only found in the Scriptures makes a great contradiction in their lives, when they received the revelation through their church leaders as truth. Is not what diwahyuhkan then IMPLIED in the Scriptures? Why do they have to admit it? The Catholic Church has been looking at the possibility that God will continue to work in every generation until the end of time. Therefore, the truth of the Holy Scriptures never denied, but the revelation or what is preserved in the church tradition is believed to come from God.
Therefore, despite all the weaknesses and shortcomings of the church, especially through pemimpin2nya, we can not make an excuse to leave the Catholic church, apalgi to hate. The Catholic Church is the Church founded by Jesus himself on the foundation of Peter as a sign of unity and the other Apostles. The other apostles, like James, Matthew, Thaddeus, etc. even the favorite disciple of Jesus, John, never founded a new church because of the power given to them. Although berbebda opinion on many things but they still believed to Peter as their official leader, who raised himself by Jesus. Even in Paul's day who get tremendous revelation of Jesus, even called an apostle for other bangsa2 was still acknowledge Peter as a leader because of the rights given by Jesus to Peter himself specifically.
Questions for reflection by all Christians (both Catholic and Protestant); "IF JESUS, IF PETER AND THE APOSTLES THE OTHERS NEVER SPLIT THE CHURCH BEING PART2 SEPARATE ONE ANOTHER, EVEN MANY misunderstanding GOOD AT LEVEL theological AND PRACTICAL LIFE HAPPENS, WHY DO WE HUMAN NOW should split BECAUSE IT IS THAT WISH WE not accommodated IN THE CATHOLIC CHURCH, THEN WE ARE STARTING A NEW CHURCH? What does the prayer of Jesus; That they may become 'to us today? IF JESUS unite THEN Devil who ALWAYS divorced scatters WE PASSED NAFSU AND DESIRE THAT WE CAN NOT WE CONTROL. Be aware of it and ponder . Come back to the bosom of the Catholic church because that's desired by Jesus.
Greetings and prayers,
Pater Inno
Senin, 28 September 2015
Info Post
"Adoro Te Devote" is one of the five beautiful hymns St. Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274) composed in honor of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament at Pope Urban IV's (1261-1264) request when the Pope first established the Feast of Corpus Christi in 1264. The hymn is found in the Roman Missal as a prayer of thanksgiving after Mass. A partial indulgence is granted to the faithful who devoutly recite this hymn.
In Latin
Adoro te devote, latens Deitas,
Quae sub his figuris vere latitas:
Tibi se cor meum totum subjicit,
Quia te contemplans totum deficit.
Visus, tactus, gustus in te fallitur,
Sed auditu solo tuto creditur;
Credo quidquid dixit Dei Filius:
Nil hoc verbo Veritatis verius.
In cruce latebat sola Deitas,
At hic latet simul et humanitas;
Ambo tamen credens atque confitens,
Peto quod petivit latro poenitens.
Plagas, sicut Thomas, non intueor;
Deum tamen meum te confiteor;
Fac me tibi semper magis credere,
In te spem habere, te diligere.
O memoriale mortis Domini!
Panis vivus, vitam praestans homini!
Praesta meae menti de te vivere
Et te illi semper dulce sapere.
Pie pellicane, Jesu Domine,
Me immundum munda tuo sanguine;
Cujus una stilla salvum facere
Totum mundum quit ab omni scelere.
Jesu, quem velatum nunc aspicio,
Oro fiat illud quod tam sitio;
Ut te revelata cernens facie,
Visu sim beatus tuae gloriae. Amen
In English
I adore Thee devotedly, God lying hidden,
Who under these symbols truly does reside;
To Thee my heart subjects itself totally,
Because in contemplating Thee, it dissolves totally.
Sight, taste, touch are deceived in Thee;
But hearing alone is safely believed.
I believe whatever the Son of God has said;
Nothing is truer than the Word of Truth.
On the cross the Only God lay hidden;
But here His humanity too lies hidden.
Yet believing and acknowledging both,
I ask what the penitent thief asked.
The wounds I do not inspect, as Thomas did;
Yet I acknowledge Thee as my God.
Make me believe in Thee always more,
To have hope in Thee, to love Thee.
O remembrance of the death of Our Lord,
Bread granting true life to man,
Grant my mind to live by Thee,
And to taste Thee always sweetly.
Merciful pelican, Lord Jesus,
Clean me who am unclean with Your blood,
One drop of which could make
The whole world saved from every sin.
Jesus, Whom I now behold veiled,
When will happen that which I so desire,
That seeing Thee with Thy face revealed
I may be blessed with the sight of Thy glory?
Adoro Te Devote on Youtube
Adoro Te Devote on Youtube
Santo Thomas Aquinas Pencipta Adoro Te Devote |
In Latin
Adoro te devote, latens Deitas,
Quae sub his figuris vere latitas:
Tibi se cor meum totum subjicit,
Quia te contemplans totum deficit.
Visus, tactus, gustus in te fallitur,
Sed auditu solo tuto creditur;
Credo quidquid dixit Dei Filius:
Nil hoc verbo Veritatis verius.
In cruce latebat sola Deitas,
At hic latet simul et humanitas;
Ambo tamen credens atque confitens,
Peto quod petivit latro poenitens.
Plagas, sicut Thomas, non intueor;
Deum tamen meum te confiteor;
Fac me tibi semper magis credere,
In te spem habere, te diligere.
O memoriale mortis Domini!
Panis vivus, vitam praestans homini!
Praesta meae menti de te vivere
Et te illi semper dulce sapere.
Pie pellicane, Jesu Domine,
Me immundum munda tuo sanguine;
Cujus una stilla salvum facere
Totum mundum quit ab omni scelere.
Jesu, quem velatum nunc aspicio,
Oro fiat illud quod tam sitio;
Ut te revelata cernens facie,
Visu sim beatus tuae gloriae. Amen
In English
I adore Thee devotedly, God lying hidden,
Who under these symbols truly does reside;
To Thee my heart subjects itself totally,
Because in contemplating Thee, it dissolves totally.
Sight, taste, touch are deceived in Thee;
But hearing alone is safely believed.
I believe whatever the Son of God has said;
Nothing is truer than the Word of Truth.
On the cross the Only God lay hidden;
But here His humanity too lies hidden.
Yet believing and acknowledging both,
I ask what the penitent thief asked.
The wounds I do not inspect, as Thomas did;
Yet I acknowledge Thee as my God.
Make me believe in Thee always more,
To have hope in Thee, to love Thee.
O remembrance of the death of Our Lord,
Bread granting true life to man,
Grant my mind to live by Thee,
And to taste Thee always sweetly.
Merciful pelican, Lord Jesus,
Clean me who am unclean with Your blood,
One drop of which could make
The whole world saved from every sin.
Jesus, Whom I now behold veiled,
When will happen that which I so desire,
That seeing Thee with Thy face revealed
I may be blessed with the sight of Thy glory?
Adoro Te Devote on Youtube
Adoro Te Devote on Youtube
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
Feast of S. Michael, Gabriel. Rafael, Archangel
Reading First Dan 7: 9-10.13-14
I, Daniel, saw thrones installed, and sat the Ancient of Days.
His clothing was white as snow, and the hair of his head like pure wool. His throne of flames, and its wheels burning fire. A river of fire arising and flowing from his presence. Thousands serve him, Hundreds of thousands stood before Him. Then sit down the court and opened the Books. I continue to see in the vision, visible from the sky together with clouds One like the Son of Man. He overlooks the Ancient of Days,
and he dihantar before Him. He is similar to the Son of Man is betrayed power and glory and power as king. Then every nation, tribe and language worshiped him. His rule is eternal,
and his kingdom shall not perish.
Psalm Ps 138: 1-2a.2b-3.4-5
Before the gods I will sing praises to thee, O Lord.
* I want to thank you with all my heart, for you listen to the words of my mouth; before the gods I will sing praises to thee. I will bow down toward thy holy temple.
* You will praise thy name, because of your love and because of thy truth,
because Thou name and thy word above all things. On the day I called, you answered me yet, you add strength in my soul.
* All the kings of the earth shall praise thee, O Lord, for they heard the promise of thy mouth; they will sing about the ways of the Lord,
For great is the glory of God.
Gospel reading John 1: 47-51
At that time Nathanael coming to him on the invitation of Philip. When saw Nathanael coming, Jesus said of him, "Behold, an Israelite indeed,
there is no deceit! "Nathanael said to him," How do you know me? "Jesus replied," Before Philip called you, I saw you under the fig tree. "Nathanael said to Him,
"Rabbi, you are the Son of God, King of Israel!" Jesus answered and said to him,
"Because I tell you, 'I saw you under the fig tree',
do you believe? Things greater than it would see. "
Then Jesus said to him, "I tell you, you will see the heavens opened, and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man."
Scriptures record the names of the three angels who are the main messenger of God, St. Michael, St. Rafael and St. Gabriel. They are called archangels because of their important role in God's plan. St. Michael, whose name means "who is like God", lead armies of demons and angels who dumped the rebellious angels into hell; at the end of time, St. Michael will draw the sword of justice in order to separate the good from evil (cf. Rev 12: 7dst). St. Gabriel, whose name means "power of God" to convey the news to the Virgin Mary that she has been chosen to be the Mother of the Savior (cf. Lk 1: 26-38). St Raphael, whose name means "healing of God", to heal Tobit blind eyes (cf. Tobit 5).
The angels are also our protector. The Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches, "Since childhood until his death angels surround the protection of human life and supplication" (No. 336). St. Basil (died 379) asserts, "An angel accompany every believer as a protector and shepherd, so menghantarnya to life" (Adversus Eunomium, III, 1). Most of us, since little has been learned recite simple prayers to our guardian angel, "Angel of God, my guardian dear, through whom the love of God revealed to me. Since this time my assistance, to illuminate, protect, lead and guide me. "Most of the saints can see an angel, like St. Peter (Acts 12: 1-19), or see their guardian angel, like St. Padre Pio and St. Elizabeth of Hungarian.
In addition, as Catholics, we remember the important role of St. Michael in defending us against Satan and the forces of evil. At the end of the 19th century, Pope Leo XIII (died 1903) had a vision that foretold the coming of age of suffering and war. In the vision, God allows demons choose an age where it may launch attacks against the Church's most powerful. The devil chose the 20th century. The Holy Father was so moved by this vision until he compose a prayer to St. Michael the Archangel, "Archangel St. Michael, Defend us in battle. Be our protector against all evil and vicious trap. We humbly beg God to conquer it, and thou, O commander of the heavenly army, with divine power, cast into hell Satan and all evil spirits who roam around the world that want to destroy the souls. Amen. "Over the years, this prayer is recited at the end of the Holy Mass in order to topple communism. All the faithful should return cried for help St. Michael in combat the devastating kejahat rampant in the world - abortion, euthanasia, terrorism, massacres certain nations, same-sex marriage, and so forth.
Reflections grain item.
As members of the Church, we are aware of the role of the angels in our liturgical activities. In the Holy Mass, in the Preface before the Eucharistic Prayer, we join together with all the angels and saints to melambungan hymn of praise, "Holy, holy, holy ...." In Eucharistic Prayer I, the priest prays, "God Almighty, send Thy holy angels deliver these offerings to the altar of your sublime. "In the End acclamation Funeral Liturgy, the priest prays," May the angels menghantarmu into Paradise; presumably the martyrs come to welcome you and take you to the holy city, new Jerusalem, the eternal. "In addition, the liturgical calendar we celebrate the Feast of the Archangel on September 29 and the Feast of the Guardian Angels on October 2.
Prayers and daily activities, sepatutnyalah we remember God's messengers who, because of his love life to protect us from the doom and guide us on the way of salvation.
Feast of S. Michael, Gabriel. Rafael, Archangel
Reading First Dan 7: 9-10.13-14
I, Daniel, saw thrones installed, and sat the Ancient of Days.
His clothing was white as snow, and the hair of his head like pure wool. His throne of flames, and its wheels burning fire. A river of fire arising and flowing from his presence. Thousands serve him, Hundreds of thousands stood before Him. Then sit down the court and opened the Books. I continue to see in the vision, visible from the sky together with clouds One like the Son of Man. He overlooks the Ancient of Days,
and he dihantar before Him. He is similar to the Son of Man is betrayed power and glory and power as king. Then every nation, tribe and language worshiped him. His rule is eternal,
and his kingdom shall not perish.
Psalm Ps 138: 1-2a.2b-3.4-5
Before the gods I will sing praises to thee, O Lord.
* I want to thank you with all my heart, for you listen to the words of my mouth; before the gods I will sing praises to thee. I will bow down toward thy holy temple.
* You will praise thy name, because of your love and because of thy truth,
because Thou name and thy word above all things. On the day I called, you answered me yet, you add strength in my soul.
* All the kings of the earth shall praise thee, O Lord, for they heard the promise of thy mouth; they will sing about the ways of the Lord,
For great is the glory of God.
Gospel reading John 1: 47-51
At that time Nathanael coming to him on the invitation of Philip. When saw Nathanael coming, Jesus said of him, "Behold, an Israelite indeed,
there is no deceit! "Nathanael said to him," How do you know me? "Jesus replied," Before Philip called you, I saw you under the fig tree. "Nathanael said to Him,
"Rabbi, you are the Son of God, King of Israel!" Jesus answered and said to him,
"Because I tell you, 'I saw you under the fig tree',
do you believe? Things greater than it would see. "
Then Jesus said to him, "I tell you, you will see the heavens opened, and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man."
Scriptures record the names of the three angels who are the main messenger of God, St. Michael, St. Rafael and St. Gabriel. They are called archangels because of their important role in God's plan. St. Michael, whose name means "who is like God", lead armies of demons and angels who dumped the rebellious angels into hell; at the end of time, St. Michael will draw the sword of justice in order to separate the good from evil (cf. Rev 12: 7dst). St. Gabriel, whose name means "power of God" to convey the news to the Virgin Mary that she has been chosen to be the Mother of the Savior (cf. Lk 1: 26-38). St Raphael, whose name means "healing of God", to heal Tobit blind eyes (cf. Tobit 5).
The angels are also our protector. The Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches, "Since childhood until his death angels surround the protection of human life and supplication" (No. 336). St. Basil (died 379) asserts, "An angel accompany every believer as a protector and shepherd, so menghantarnya to life" (Adversus Eunomium, III, 1). Most of us, since little has been learned recite simple prayers to our guardian angel, "Angel of God, my guardian dear, through whom the love of God revealed to me. Since this time my assistance, to illuminate, protect, lead and guide me. "Most of the saints can see an angel, like St. Peter (Acts 12: 1-19), or see their guardian angel, like St. Padre Pio and St. Elizabeth of Hungarian.
In addition, as Catholics, we remember the important role of St. Michael in defending us against Satan and the forces of evil. At the end of the 19th century, Pope Leo XIII (died 1903) had a vision that foretold the coming of age of suffering and war. In the vision, God allows demons choose an age where it may launch attacks against the Church's most powerful. The devil chose the 20th century. The Holy Father was so moved by this vision until he compose a prayer to St. Michael the Archangel, "Archangel St. Michael, Defend us in battle. Be our protector against all evil and vicious trap. We humbly beg God to conquer it, and thou, O commander of the heavenly army, with divine power, cast into hell Satan and all evil spirits who roam around the world that want to destroy the souls. Amen. "Over the years, this prayer is recited at the end of the Holy Mass in order to topple communism. All the faithful should return cried for help St. Michael in combat the devastating kejahat rampant in the world - abortion, euthanasia, terrorism, massacres certain nations, same-sex marriage, and so forth.
Reflections grain item.
As members of the Church, we are aware of the role of the angels in our liturgical activities. In the Holy Mass, in the Preface before the Eucharistic Prayer, we join together with all the angels and saints to melambungan hymn of praise, "Holy, holy, holy ...." In Eucharistic Prayer I, the priest prays, "God Almighty, send Thy holy angels deliver these offerings to the altar of your sublime. "In the End acclamation Funeral Liturgy, the priest prays," May the angels menghantarmu into Paradise; presumably the martyrs come to welcome you and take you to the holy city, new Jerusalem, the eternal. "In addition, the liturgical calendar we celebrate the Feast of the Archangel on September 29 and the Feast of the Guardian Angels on October 2.
Prayers and daily activities, sepatutnyalah we remember God's messengers who, because of his love life to protect us from the doom and guide us on the way of salvation.
Minggu, 27 September 2015

Now we live in a world that is filled with many people who do not believe, the modern world are skeptical, doubting everything. Young people today question the faith, to question the principles and all taboos adopted parents. The students discuss and sometimes deny the teachings of the professornya. Our world is increasingly becoming the world who embrace skepticism.
But, however it is good to be in doubt. Ragu in English means "doubt". "Doubt" comes from the Latin word "duo", which means: two. Ragu is a condition in which our minds floating between two conflicting opinions, and our minds do not choose one between the two. Ragu is a state of mind which is torn between conflicting opinions, and we can not trust one of them as true.
Being hesitant for a while may actually be becoming very useful, if we are with an honest heart want to find the truth. Because Columbus doubted the old theory which says that the world is flat, he finally found a new world, namely the United States. Because no doubt, eventually many of the principles of new knowledge eventually found. Because there is any doubt, the intellek ceaselessly learn and learn again. Because of dubious authenticity and the foundation of the Protestant Church, finally Cardinal Newman Catholic. And because Thomas doubted the resurrection of Christ, he finally got the privilege to be able to touch the wounds of Christ holy.
Therefore be hesitant actually is good, as far as we honestly and with a pure heart looking bright. But live forever in darkness is fatal and will lead us into a catastrophe. The most successful way to conquer a person is the master budinya, by making him always stay in indecision. However, the best way to prevail and win is to have critical minds, minds that thirst to seek the truth.
If we want to apply the principle of doubt earlier against our Christian faith, it would be menolonglah actually when we doubt our faith, with a view to a more faithful or at least become a believer. Sometimes in Confession someone told me: "Father, I doubt whether God really exists" or sometimes there is a saying: "I doubt whether the Catholic Church is the true Church." Then I said: " Good. And what do you do to clear up doubts raguanmu? "And usually the answer is:" No ". Doubts as it is wrong, and even worse when people finally said: "I doubt, and therefore I do not believe".
When we are in a state of doubt, we do not have certainty to believe or not believe. So the first thing we must do is to seek the truth. We must learn, conduct research, conduct surveys, finding out the truth of the main sources and original. And then, according to what we find, making inferences.
Often we are the ones who believe in our faith, but at the same time, we are the ones who do not know our faith well. And because they do not know well, sometimes we behave fanatical or superstitious to our faith it. What we need is to study in depth of our Christian faith. We must learn our faith in order to live it in a way that is pure. It's okay, if if hesitant attitude to be the beginning of it. It often happens, that is only if we doubt something, we then seek the truth with sincerity. Therefore, it is not wrong to hesitate, as long as it does not make us forget to get out of the hesitations that by finding and studying the truth with an honest heart.
Often we do not like the Apostle Thomas because of his disbelief. But on the other hand, let us emulate and imitate Thomas who deeply expressed his faith when he said: "My Lord and my God". Since the declaration of faith that Thomas devoted his life to serving Christ, Lord and God. We should learn from the apostle Thomas, says the same thing, "My Lord and my God" and devote our lives to serve Christ. ----
reflections by Father Leo Sipahutar, OFM.Cap.
published by Indonesian Papist
pax et bonum
The mystery of God the Holy Trinity is not easy to understand. Many books have been written by theologians about the triune God; but none of them are actually able to explain it completely.
From the beginning of this reflection I remind you all, that this reflection must be hard to digest.
Put it this way:
Humans since time immemorial have always wanted to know about God. Who is the real God? With the help of the mind kodratinya, it turns out humans can know God with certainty through all what is in the universe. It turns out when people open to truth and beauty, he can arrive at a true recognition of God. By using his reason properly, humans can recognize God as Creator, as the Almighty, the Good and The Merciful.
But there is still a knowledge of God, which can not be accomplished man with his own power, which is possible only when we know God revealed them to us. Thankfully God is pleased revealed himself to us through Jesus Christ.
Among the many knowledge of God presented Christ to us, there is one truth that is so large, a great mystery of the Self God revealed in Christ to us. Great Mystery is not yet known in Old Testament times, and never will we know if Jesus did not submit it to us. Great Mystery is this: that God is only one, but in the one God there are three Yourself, namely: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Great mystery is called: God the Holy Trinity.
How is it possible: one but three, three but only one?
From the revelation of Christ, revealed to us that God the Father loves God the Son, and God the Son loves the Father. Father and Son in love with a love that has no beginning and no end, infinite love, love the unexpected magnitude. So immeasurable love of God the Father to God the Son, and so unfathomable love of God the Son to the Father, so that their great love that is reciprocal and mutually precede a private one as well, which is called the Holy Spirit. God the Holy Spirit from the eternal is what unites the Father and God the Son, so that without beginning and without end God is one as God Almighty Love.
Revelation of Christ presented to us, it becomes obvious that the one who is in God there are three, but KeallahanNya only one. Because the Godhead is only one, then the one Person who can not be divorced or separated than the other private. Self whole God the Father is in God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Self whole God the Son is also in God the Father and God the Holy Spirit. And so is the whole of God the Holy Spirit dwells also in the Self God the Father and God the Son. Not a private one is outside the other private. Each in a unified whole, from eternity to eternity. Each of these are not mutually resolve. The three persons of the same eternal, equal His power and His holiness as large.
The truth of this faith in the Triune God is the greatest mystery of all mysteries of our faith. This mystery is so great, so we will never be able to understand it. However the extent of the information given on this mystery, everything could never reveal the contents of the whole mystery to us.
Then, why God revealed this mystery kepadakita, if after all we will never fully understand the mystery?
The mystery of the triune God in fact is not a truth to be understood, but to be believed, and moreover to be lived and experienced. God revealed this mystery is not to confuse us, nor to complicate our faith. God revealed them so that we begin to live it and experience it in this life.
What is a live and experience it?
God turns life is to live in love, even God is love. And it turns out he is calling us to enter into His own life, which from the beginning of endless life in love. We are called to take part in God's great love. So it is clear the mystery of the triune God revealed to us that, since the world is preparing to live in love, because only by doing so can we enter into God's own life. Unity of life in the love that exists in three Persons of God was supposed to be a model of unity alive among us humans since in this world.
In the Book of Genesis is written like this: "God said: 'Let us make man in our image". God created human beings in His image turns, as being virtuous and self-determining. The image of God is to live in love. Above all creatures, we humans are much disanggupkan God to love and be loved by consciously and with free will. That is our image, and that is our call. Even more than that we are called to take part later in life the love of God himself.
How sublime dignity of our humanity, and how great the responsibility entrusted to us by God. Then the Feast of the Holy Trinity actually reminds us of the noble dignity of our humanity, invites us back to live in love. We came from divine love, and we should live in the divine love, and thus we shall be reunited with divine love.
So let always open our hearts to the love that meets the Triune God fills our hearts as well. Let us not deny the noble dignity of our humanity, the dignity that invites to love. Whatever the differences that exist among us, whether it's tribal and ethnic differences, differences in status, educational differences, etc., should not deny the dignity of all that we are created in the image of God, to live in unity martabatuntuk love.
Musings by Father Leo Sipahutar OFM.Cap.
Posted by Indonesian Papist
Pax et bonum
From the beginning of this reflection I remind you all, that this reflection must be hard to digest.
Put it this way:
Humans since time immemorial have always wanted to know about God. Who is the real God? With the help of the mind kodratinya, it turns out humans can know God with certainty through all what is in the universe. It turns out when people open to truth and beauty, he can arrive at a true recognition of God. By using his reason properly, humans can recognize God as Creator, as the Almighty, the Good and The Merciful.
But there is still a knowledge of God, which can not be accomplished man with his own power, which is possible only when we know God revealed them to us. Thankfully God is pleased revealed himself to us through Jesus Christ.
Among the many knowledge of God presented Christ to us, there is one truth that is so large, a great mystery of the Self God revealed in Christ to us. Great Mystery is not yet known in Old Testament times, and never will we know if Jesus did not submit it to us. Great Mystery is this: that God is only one, but in the one God there are three Yourself, namely: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Great mystery is called: God the Holy Trinity.
How is it possible: one but three, three but only one?
From the revelation of Christ, revealed to us that God the Father loves God the Son, and God the Son loves the Father. Father and Son in love with a love that has no beginning and no end, infinite love, love the unexpected magnitude. So immeasurable love of God the Father to God the Son, and so unfathomable love of God the Son to the Father, so that their great love that is reciprocal and mutually precede a private one as well, which is called the Holy Spirit. God the Holy Spirit from the eternal is what unites the Father and God the Son, so that without beginning and without end God is one as God Almighty Love.
Revelation of Christ presented to us, it becomes obvious that the one who is in God there are three, but KeallahanNya only one. Because the Godhead is only one, then the one Person who can not be divorced or separated than the other private. Self whole God the Father is in God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Self whole God the Son is also in God the Father and God the Holy Spirit. And so is the whole of God the Holy Spirit dwells also in the Self God the Father and God the Son. Not a private one is outside the other private. Each in a unified whole, from eternity to eternity. Each of these are not mutually resolve. The three persons of the same eternal, equal His power and His holiness as large.
The truth of this faith in the Triune God is the greatest mystery of all mysteries of our faith. This mystery is so great, so we will never be able to understand it. However the extent of the information given on this mystery, everything could never reveal the contents of the whole mystery to us.
Then, why God revealed this mystery kepadakita, if after all we will never fully understand the mystery?
The mystery of the triune God in fact is not a truth to be understood, but to be believed, and moreover to be lived and experienced. God revealed this mystery is not to confuse us, nor to complicate our faith. God revealed them so that we begin to live it and experience it in this life.
What is a live and experience it?
God turns life is to live in love, even God is love. And it turns out he is calling us to enter into His own life, which from the beginning of endless life in love. We are called to take part in God's great love. So it is clear the mystery of the triune God revealed to us that, since the world is preparing to live in love, because only by doing so can we enter into God's own life. Unity of life in the love that exists in three Persons of God was supposed to be a model of unity alive among us humans since in this world.
In the Book of Genesis is written like this: "God said: 'Let us make man in our image". God created human beings in His image turns, as being virtuous and self-determining. The image of God is to live in love. Above all creatures, we humans are much disanggupkan God to love and be loved by consciously and with free will. That is our image, and that is our call. Even more than that we are called to take part later in life the love of God himself.
How sublime dignity of our humanity, and how great the responsibility entrusted to us by God. Then the Feast of the Holy Trinity actually reminds us of the noble dignity of our humanity, invites us back to live in love. We came from divine love, and we should live in the divine love, and thus we shall be reunited with divine love.
So let always open our hearts to the love that meets the Triune God fills our hearts as well. Let us not deny the noble dignity of our humanity, the dignity that invites to love. Whatever the differences that exist among us, whether it's tribal and ethnic differences, differences in status, educational differences, etc., should not deny the dignity of all that we are created in the image of God, to live in unity martabatuntuk love.
Musings by Father Leo Sipahutar OFM.Cap.
Posted by Indonesian Papist
Pax et bonum
Monday, September 28, 2015
First Reading Zechariah 8: 1-8
the word of the Lord of hosts, saying, Thus saith the Lord of hosts: "I'm
trying to Zion with great activities and with great fury." Thus saith the
Lord of hosts: "I will return to Zion and will live in the midst of
Jerusalem. Jerusalem shall be called the City of Truth, and the mountain of the
Lord of hosts will be called the Holy Mountain."
saith the Lord of hosts: "There will be more grandfathers and grandmothers
in the streets of Jerusalem, each one leaning on a cane because of advanced
age. And the streets of the city shall be full of boys and girls playing there.
saith the Lord of hosts: "If at that time the remnant of this people
consider it magical, whether I would consider it miraculous? Thus saith the
Lord of hosts. Thus saith the Lord of hosts:
I will save my people from the east to the west,
I will bring them home, so they live in the midst of Jerusalem. Then they will
be my people and I will be their God, in faithfulness and truth. "Thus
saith the Lord.
Psalm Ps 102: 16-21.29.22-23
The Lord has been building Zion and
appear in his glory.
The nations fear will be the name of the Lord, and all the kings of the earth
thy glory respect, if you already build up Zion, and manifest themselves in
your glory; if you listen to the prayer of the destitute, and not despise their
Let this be written for the generation to come, and the people who created
later will praise the Lord, for he has looked out of place His holy, the Lord
looked from heaven to earth, to listen to the complaints of the prisoners, to
liberate people determined to be dead.
Children thy servants shall dwell safely, and their offspring will remain in
your presence. so that God's name is told in Zion, and he praised in Jerusalem,
when the nations gather together and kingdoms come together to worship God.
Gospel reading Luke 9: 46-50
one occasion a quarrel arose between the disciples about who was the greatest
among them. But Jesus knowing their thoughts. So he took a child and put him on
his side,
he said to them, "Whoever receives this child in my name, he receives me.
And whoever receives me receives him who sent me.
the smallest among you is the greatest. "On another occasion John
said," Teacher, we saw someone casting out demons in your name, and we
have to prevent it, because he was not following us. "Jesus
answered," Do you prevent, for whoever is not against you, he sided with
you. "
the Gospel of the Lord.
a new Jerusalem and proclaim novelty in life expectancy is our vocation.
Zechariah's prophecy shows Serua and belief in God's great maintenance over the
life of the ancestors and ancestral beliefs kita.Munculnya maintenance and the
love of God is depicted very alive "Behold, I will save my people from the
east to westernized and I will bring them home so that they live amid
Jerusalem. Then they will be my people and I will be their God, in faithfulness
and truth "
Be a
new Jerusalem for this age, the social situation that we understand it, a
chance for us Catholics to proclaim the life that shows partiality. If God
preserve our lives, nenyediakan where life should we live, then we can show
others the attitude and the way we live are good also. Various initiatives that
emerge from Catholics to be a pioneer in maintaining the integrity of creation,
maintaining soil fertility by making holes biopore infiltration, maintain
regional catchment areas and water catchment, also fersedia clean water by
building "Society Movement Love Air", turned out to be a sign of new
hope in their daily lives, when others just think for their own needs, wish
always comes a new initiative to preserve this beautiful God's creation
Grains Reflections
words of Jesus invites us to experience the joy of living out our faith. The
presence of light in hope that leads us to the truth as a child, give us a
steadfast spirit in living and practicing love and service as a follower of
Ikon Gereja sebagai Ibu |
MOTHER LOVE ALL TIME OF MY LIFE AND THE LIFE, BUT YOU FOREVER eternal church. My mother gave birth to me, but My church gave birth to my soul to know God from my mother. My mother raise my body, but My church to enlarge my soul; My mother put the clothes on my body but my soul My church put on the equipment; All love my mother would come to an end but love My church would take me to the place where the head of the church is located. Therefore, it is true that the body without a head is dead. Why? Because the body can not be separated from the head. Christ as head of the Church can not be separated from the Church which is his own body. You may interpret it your way on the meaning of the church for you, but for me, the Church, which is the Body of Christ is "THE CATHOLIC CHURCH."
We can not restrict the work of the Holy Spirit. It is a truth, and no one can deny it. For this reason everyone was allowed to say anything about the truth of the faith and the church. But to me this is whom I believed and had;
"We can not see the temple which is the Body of Christ in this world. Where Jesus is inviting us to see His body? He is inviting us to come to his church, enjoying the sacraments held him in the Church as the grace of His gift. We can not see anymore Body His human, flesh born of the womb of the Virgin Mary and nailed to the cross, but His Body, His Church, but it is there all the time. And I remembered the words of his; " ... and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it (Mat.16; 18), and indeed, the word of this is true, because the real separation of the head of the body is death. Church alive all time be clear evidence that Christ as head never parted with the Church as his Body, because if Christ left the Church as His Body, then it means death for the church as a body.
Therefore, be thankful that you are chosen from the many people in this world to get to know and stay in the Church founded by Jesus himself. What about the church / religion More ... please ask them because I do not know ..... I prefer to talk about faith and My church rather than faith and beliefs of other brothers who I do not know ..... Sorry for my ignorance.
Greetings and prayers to the friends of a friend,
Duc in Altum *** ***
Whenever the Rosary, almost always we will contemplate the mysteries of Scripture that the Rosary is divided into Sorrowful Mystery, Joyful Mystery, Noble events and the most recent event is the Light. Sure there among all Catholics, including myself, have experienced difficulties to ponder the mysteries of these. There was also among Catholics including myself often just read The mysteries without trying to get into it.
Two days ago my friend donated a number of old books are good, one of which is a small prayer book (paperback book) output in January 1999 that contains the prayers basic and common in the Catholic Church. In this same book, I found an explanation of ways to ponder the mysteries of the rosary which I believe is beneficial to us all.
Contemplating ways Mysteries of the Rosary
1. Seeing what happened: When praying, we imagine the events in question with the help of wishful thinking, or by using images such as those found in this book. We wanted to see what happened, and as if present at the event which we contemplate; observing how the angels facing Maria, listen to what is said and what the angel said to Mary. So, we look and listen! Therefore, events that presented should be reflected and thought deeply.
2. Together with Jesus and Mary: Without even imagining we can together with Jesus and Mary, which is the attitude of faith seemed to "rest" in God. We do not need to pay attention to the words we say, and do not need to put a lot of interest in the meaning of those words. The only concern we point to God. We dwell in Him. We do as little as possible to let God work in us, in full control of our hearts. Then prayer and mystery only one objective, namely to prepare the way to meet with God, who speaks without words. For many people, praying the Rosary gives peace in the midst of any anxiety. Because of the Rosary is also many saints feel compelled to establish an intimate relationship with God and those who are just starting to foster the spiritual life more actively encouraged to learn to pray.
3. Handing Mystery: For easier focusing, mysteries can be divided so that at every ten times "Hail Mary", there is one particular aspect that is contemplated and considered. If in this way the Rosary felt spend more time, then it is better to pray 20 to 30 times "Hail Mary" (meaning 2 or 3 Mystery only once) alone rather than completing the 5th Mystery in haste and without paying attention to anything. Other times can be resumed. Because do not forget that the Rosary is a media help to meet the Lord.
4. Exploring the Mystery: With the help of pictures or visualization mysteries, we can see and ponder. Suppose course, we see an event that shows how great the love of Jesus to us (eg events of Jesus Flagellation). We are then compelled to love Him, serve Him and express sympathy to him. We can as if present with Him in the Holy Land for example by entering into the cave in Bethlehem, stood beneath the cross and watched Maria's face that turned into beaming when he saw his son rise. And perhaps our hearts by itself to rethink the meaning of the words we say: "Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners!"
5. Contemplating the results of the harvest of Mystery: Each mystery has the results of its own fruit. And every mystery to be manifested in the life of each of us. All events in Rosary tells the life of Jesus and his Mother. But the life of Jesus and his Mother continues in our lives. The mystery of the life of Christ is the mystery of our life. Therefore, we should examine what is taught every mystery to us and asked: "How can we make it happen?". For example, with the first Joyful Mystery (news angel to Mary), we can reflect on the meaning of words of Mary: "I am the handmaid of the Lord". Speech was perfectly expressed willingness to do whatever God wants. Maria did not consider himself more than a servant. Duties and obligations none other is not doing all that God commanded. Do we have such an attitude is that? Do not we also have to be willing to do whatever God requires? Indeed, we should be able to adapt perfectly to the will of God. If the desire is there, we can invoke the intercession of Mary to obtain grace. In the same way, we can contemplate every mystery, think about it, make it happen within ourselves and try to change our lives according to the teachings contained therein. We pray the Rosary every day in this way would be a force for us to move forward in our devotion to God.
6. Pray for Ujud (intention) of certain: Rosary earnest prayer for daily life as described in the Preface. A good practice is to create an equivalent in every ten times "Hail Mary" and prayers. The intention is usually in accordance with the things that interest us now or in accordance with the mystery of the ten Hail Mary is concerned.
For example: Excited events related to the childhood of Jesus. Then we pray for the parents, children, educators, family life and so on. In the first incident, we pray for mothers who are expecting the birth of a new child; the two events for midwives and nurses in order to imitate Mary helped Elizabeth; the third event for babies born into poverty; the fourth event to dedicate our children to Jesus and Mary; and the Fifth event to pray for our children so that did not die or suffer disturbances in childhood. We can also declare our willingness to surrender our children to God, if God called him to the noble task in the house of the Father.
In the sad events, we pray for a diverse group of sinners, for example to apostasy and brave-heart (the first event); for that violate tarnish the purity and fidelity in marriage (second event); for the proud and arrogant (third event), for which disobeys God (fourth event); and for all sinners (fifth event).
The events at Noble's pray for the triumph of the Church (the first event), for the human mind to be more drawn to God (second event); to ask the help of the Holy Spirit (third event); to beg intercession of Holy Mary, Queen and Mother of us (four events) and to ask that he lead us to the eternal happiness, the crown of our life in heaven (fifth event).
The addition of Indonesian Papist - In the light of events we pray for relatives and friends we were going to be baptized (the first event), praying for our marriage, our brother, or friend us that Christ will reveal Himself in marriage the marriage (second event), pray for evangelization and conversion to everyone in the modern era (event third), pray that Christ will be present and manifest His glory in the life menggereja us (event fourth) and pray that violations of the Liturgy increasingly reduced (fifth event).
7. Intersperse prayer with Scripture reading: Pope Pius XII and Paul VI often called the Rosary as a "summary of the whole Gospel". Indeed it. Mysteries of the Rosary are the mysteries of the gospel. If the Rosary interspersed with readings of Scripture, then the prayer will be very useful and is a superior way to meditate. Rosary prayer might be too long, if each of the ten "Hail Mary" given a quote from the Bible. Especially if we have to finish all. Therefore, the Rosary should be done with the variation. For example, on the first day we read a quote Scripture to ten times "Hail Mary" the first, the other day for ten times "Hail Mary" were both ff. If we intersperse prayer with Scripture readings, prayers we shall have the meaning that permeates the entire heart.
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