Kamis, 23 Februari 2017


Reading the Liturgy Friday, February 24, 2017

First reading Sir 6: 5-17
Said kind words got a lot of friends, and the hospitality propagated by soft sweet tongue. Hopefully a lot of people make peace with you,
but only one of a thousand just become advisers and counselors. If you want to get a friend, test him first, and do not immediately believe him. Because there are people who are friends only during favorable, but when you get into hot water, he did not survive. There was also a friend who turned into enemies, and an insult to thee by telling percekcokanmu with him.
There is another friend who participated in the banquet, but did not survive the day kemalanganmu. At the time he was one mind you prosper with thee, and get along with your household. But if you retreat he turned against thee, and hide themselves against you. Stay away from the enemy, and beware of the friend. A faithful friend is a strong protector; who discovered it, finding a treasure.
A faithful friend, no priceless, and no price is paid. A faithful friend like medicine of life; only the righteous will obtain it. The righteous maintain friendships with straight heart, because as he himself, so shall his friend.
Thus saith the Lord.

Psalm Ps 119:
Let me live according to the instructions thy commandments.
* Blessed art thou, O Lord; teach thy statutes to me.
* Provisions thy will be a source of joy, your word will never forget.
* Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law.
* Make me understand instructions thy precepts, that I reflect on the deeds wondrous.
* Give me understanding, and I will hold thy law; with all my heart I want to preserve it.
* Let me live according to the instructions of your commands, because I love it.

Introduction to the Gospel of John 17: 17ab
Your Word, O Lord, is the truth. Sanctify us in the truth.

Gospel reading Mark 10: 1-12
One day Jesus went into the region of Judea and beyond the Jordan. there are many people came together to him, and as usual he was teaching them. Then the Pharisees wanted to test Jesus.
They asked, "Can a husband to divorce his wife?" But Jesus answered them, "What is the command Moses to you?" They replied, "Moses permitted a man to divorce by making divorce papers." Then Jesus said to them, "Because of your hardness of heart Moses write commands for you. Because at the beginning of the world, God made them male and female; for the man leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife. The two then become one flesh. They are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God united, jangalah separate. "
Once they arrived at the house, the disciples asked anyway about it to Jesus. Then Jesus said to them, "Whoever divorces his wife
and marries another woman, he is living in adultery against his wife.
And if a wife divorces her husband and marries another man, she commits adultery. "
Thus the Gospel of the Lord.

A promise which is pronounced "....... I pledged allegiance to you in profit and unfortunate, and I want to love and respect all my life ... So
I promise for the sake of God and these holy Gospels "An unspoken promise so sweet when two beings, men and women pledged their relationship as husband and wife in the Sacrament of Marriage. Then become husband and wife that carry a heavy task, namely to keep the promise that they say could last until death parted.
Through today's Gospel, we are faced with a fundamental principle in the sacrament of marriage, which is what God has joined together let no one separate. This principle is already there at the beginning of the world, when God created man, male and female. Therefore men also women will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife and they become one flesh. Through the sacrament of marriage, God wanted the union of husband and wife are each other happy union with one another. So bahagialah husband and wife who lived marriage to build mutually provide solid protection, staring at each other with each other as a person of value, each presenting friendliness and gentleness and mutual life into drugs.

Item contemplation.
If we examine the marital life of celebrities on television, maybe we'll be surprised and concerned at the same time. Why is it so easy divorce? Is divorce always be the best solution to solve problems arising in the family? Is not divorce will only create new problems especially for children? In situations where divorce becomes an easy way to solve the problem, then the Catholic families were invited to testify about the spirit of Love, Loyalty, Forgiveness. In this spirit the Catholic married couple maintain dignity and sanctity of the Sacrament of Marriage.

Yes benevolent God, help us thy people, to faithfully live the commitments which we have spoken in daily living. Either commitment to become husband and wife, became a monk nuns, or the commitment to be your true disciple. Amen.

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