Reading the Liturgy of February 3, 2017
PF S. Ansgarius, Bishop
PF S. Blasius, Bishop and Martyr
First Reading Heb 13: 1-8
Brothers, keep brotherly love! Do you reluctant to give a lift to people, because by doing so
some people - without knowing it - have entertained angels.
Remember those in prison as though you too are those in prison. Remember those who are ill-treated, since you are still alive in this world. Be ye all of full respect for marriage, and the bed be undefiled; for fornicators and adulterers God will judge. Do not become slaves of money, but being content with what you have. For God has said,
"I'm never going to let you, and I'm never going to leave you." Therefore we can confidently say, "The Lord is my helper. I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?" Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the end of their life, and imitate their faith. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
Thus saith the Lord.
Psalm Ps 27:
The Lord is light and salvation.
* God is light and my salvation, whom shall I be afraid?
The Lord is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid, too?
* Even if the army encamped against me, my heart does not fear;
even if war breaks out against me, in this regard I still believe.
* Because in times of danger, God protect me in his cabin;
He hid me in hiding in his tent, he lifted me up on a rock.
* I sought Thy face, Lord, do not hide thy face from me, do not reject your servant in anger. You are my help, O God my savior, do not cast me.
Introduction to the Gospel of Luke 8:15
Blessed are the saving word of God in the hearts of the good and sincere, and bear fruit thanks to perseverance.
Gospel reading Mark 6: 14-29
At the time of King Herod heard about Jesus because his name was already well known, and people said, "John the Baptist has risen from the dead, and that is why these powers are at work in him." Others said, "He's Elijah!" Others say,
"He was a prophet like the prophets of the first." But when Herod heard this, he said, "No, he was John whom I beheaded, and now rise again." Herod himself had sent men, arrested John, and bound in prison on account of Herodias, his brother Philip's wife, because Herod had married her. For John had rebuked Herod,
"It is not lawful for you to have your brother's wife!" Because the words Herodias had a grudge against him and wanted to kill him, but could not, because Herod feared John because he knew that John was a righteous and holy, and observed him.
But every time I hear John, Herod always oscillate, but he was pleased also to listen to him. Finally arrived also a good opportunity for Herodias when Herod - on her birthday - held a banquet for the officials, the officers and the leading men of Galilee. At that time, the daughter of Herodias came in and danced, and pleased Herod and his dinner guests. Then the king said to the girl, "Ask of me whatsoever thou wilt,
I will give it to you! "Then Herod swore to him,
"Whatever you ask I will give thee, though it is half of my kingdom!" She went out and said to her mother, "What shall I ask?" Mom replied, "The head of John the Baptist!" Then she quickly went to the king and asked, "I want to, so now you give me the head of John the Baptist on a platter!" So very distressed king! But because of his oaths and disinclined towards guests - his guests, he did not want to reject. The king immediately sent a bodyguard with orders to take the head of John. The man went and beheaded John in the prison. He brought the head on a platter and gave it to the girl, and the girl gave it to her anyway. When his disciples heard it, they came and took his body and laid it in a tomb. Thus the Gospel of the Lord.
Around June 2007, the Indonesian nation snapped his conscience by the tragic fate of a number of teachers who are members of the Community of Our Lady of Tears. They were ridiculed, accused of sanctimonious, physically threatened, lowered or delayed increase in rank, was asked to resign, even diperhentikan of his profession. What is their fault? They dismantle national exam leakage and fraud.
In today's Gospel we hear the story of the martyrdom of Saint John the Baptist, an extraordinary courage. For the sake of a principle, he was willing to suffer, for the sake of the values it stands for, he was willing to die in the hands of tyrants, King Herod together with Herodias, his wife. "It is not lawful for thee to have thy brother's wife" said John rebuked Herod. Certainly John already knew the consequences that would befall him, for daring to rebuke the ruling. Courage to uphold the moral and religious values like this are not shared by many people. And John the Baptist is just one example of that rare. As the young David facing the giant Goliath, John did not flinch rebuked rulers who wrongfully violates God's law. And, his death was a victory in itself.
Fighting for honesty, moral and religious values of courage and sacrifice, even life threatening. The blood of the martyrs has been shed for the sake of upholding truth and justice in society.
Celebration and commemoration of the martyrs as we do today, invites us to rethink the way we live and practice our faith. This is quite serious challenges, particularly because of our position as a small people and minority groups. Being a follower of Christ is indeed takes courage.
Item contemplation.
As social beings and human nature in need of others. Man must interact with each other for human life to be meaningful, it is in solidarity with each other. In interacting with another human being, of course, there intersaksi unfavorable because of errors in word and deed that often cause collisions. For a few people, unfavorable collision will cause hurt and resentment. In this situation of human social life to be disrupted. The story of John the Baptist who was beheaded in today's Gospel account, indirectly, would show us that vengeful turbulent in ourselves to others, sooner or later will bring uncomfortable situations. even going to be disastrous .. Strikes John the Baptist will be mistakes made Herod. John seemed to backfire for itself that ultimately led to his death.
Events like the above of course often we hear in their daily lives. By displaying this story, Jesus wanted so we will not be revenge to anyone to avoid things that are not desirable. Instead we must be humble to forgive each other. For all the errors and mistakes that we have done to others, we should be able to receive a strike as constructive criticism and also the means to fix flaws
Yes God is benevolent, we teach your people to dare to testify as martyrs You, and make us an example of forgiveness to our neighbor, as You always forgives our sins and mistakes. Amen.
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