Minggu, 26 Februari 2017


Reading the Liturgy Monday, February 27, 2017

First reading Sir 17: 24-29
For people who regret the Lord opened the way back. God comforts those who have lost courage. Turn to God and let go of your sins, pray in front of him and stop insulting.
Go back to the Most High and turn away from the wicked world, and be very loathe to abomination. Who on the dead praise the Most High as a substitute for the living? Who is dedicated it in there? Praise of the dead are gone, as from the dead at all. Whereas he who is alive and well, he praised God. Great is God's mercy and forgiveness for all who turn to Him!
Thus saith the Lord.

Psalm Ps 32: 1-
Rejoice in the Lord and shout for joy, O people honest.
* Blessed are those whose transgressions are forgiven, and his sins are covered! Blessed are those who mistake was not counted the Lord, and not soulless cheater!
* Finally, I express my sins to You and not hide my iniquity; I said "I'll be with the Lord."
So you've forgiven my mistakes.
* Therefore let all the godly pray to Thee, while overwritten distress; despite the great flood happened, he will not be knocked.
* You are hiding me, O Lord! You look after the distress you protect me, so I escaped and cheered.

Introduction to the Gospel 2 Cor 8: 9
Jesus became poor although he was rich, so that you become rich thanks to his poverty.

Gospel reading Mark 10: 17-27
One day Jesus left and went on his way. Then came a run to get him, and he will bow before him, he asked, "Good teacher, what must I do
to inherit eternal life? "Jesus said to him," Why do you call me good? No one is good but God! You certainly know the commandments: Do not murder, do not commit adultery, do not steal, do not bear false witness, and do not defraud, honor your father and mother! "
The man said to Jesus, "Teacher, all these things have kuturuti since my youth." But Jesus looked at him and loves him,
and said to him, "One thing you lack: Go, sell what you have, and give to the poor. Then you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, and follow me." Hearing the words of Jesus, the man became upset and went away sorrowful: for many are his property. Then he looked at the disciples around Him and said to them, "How difficult it
the person who bears enter into the Kingdom of God. "The disciples were stunned to hear these words. But Jesus connect again,
"My Children, how difficult it was to enter the kingdom of God.
It is easier for a camel through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God. "The disciples increasingly fidgety and said to one another," Who then can be saved? "Jesus looked at them and said," For human beings it not impossible, but not for God. For with God all things are possible! "
Thus the Gospel of the Lord.

If we compare compare lives of the rich and the lives of the poor, the rich are less secure than the poor, the rich man is always thinking of his property that is not lost, because fear is so great, he is a fence of his house with a row of security guards. Another case with the poor, they do not have anything other than one in their bodies so they do not worry about losing anything. The rich are too attached to his property will be very anxious to hear the statement Jesus made a statement today, Jesus does not intend to prohibit Here we have a treasure, but it reminds us not to get too attached to possessions and mendewa dewakan our property. If we are simple people but so love yourself and are not willing to sacrifice for others, we are also difficult to enter into the kingdom of heaven. To follow Jesus we are in demand to sacrifice whatever is on us, even our lives. We give our whole being to Him and we should no longer be ours but belongs to him.

Item contemplation.
What is my attitude toward Jesus' invitation: "Come with me"? The extent to which attachments to possessions, family, worldly pleasures and myself? What requirements often I give so they can follow Jesus?

Good God almighty and eternal, we are your people are grateful for your compassion is boundless, show us the "treasure" that should we have not voluntarily but Thy will. Amen.

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