Minggu, 12 Maret 2017


Reading the Liturgy Sunday, March 12, 2017

First Reading Genesis 12: 1-4a
In the land of Haran God said to Abram, "Leave your land, from your relatives and your father's household and go to the land that I will show you. I will make you into a great nation, and bless you and make your name famous;
and thou shalt be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and curse those who curse you. And all the families of the earth shall receive a blessing for you. "So Abram departed in accordance with the word of God.
Thus saith the Lord.

Psalm Ps 33: 4-5.18-19.20.22
Your lovingkindness, O Lord, may accompany us, as we look forward to you.
* Word of God is true, everything he does with fidelity.
He was happy to justice and law; the earth is full of his unfailing love.
* Indeed, the eyes of the Lord are upon their piety, to those who hope in His mercy; He was about to release their souls from death and preserve their lives in times of famine.
* Our souls wait for the Lord. He helper and our shield. Your lovingkindness, O Lord, may accompany us, as we look forward to you.

Second Reading 2 Timothy 1: 8b-10
My dear, thanks to the power of God, accept your share of suffering for the gospel of Jesus!
It was he who saved us and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to the purpose and the grace of his own. All this was given to us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time, and it is now being expressed by the coming of our Savior Jesus Christ. With His gospel of Christ has abolished death and brought life that can not perish.
Thus saith the Lord.

Introduction to the Gospel of Matthew 17: 5c
From the bright cloud, a voice of the Father, "This is my beloved Son; listen to Him!"

Gospel reading Matthew 17: 1-9
On one occasion Jesus took Peter, James and John his brother,
and jointly led them up a high mountain. There, they were all alone. And he was transfigured before them;
His face shone like the sun, and his garments became white as the light shines. Then appeared to them Moses and Elijah, talking with Jesus. Peter said to Jesus, "Lord, how happy we are at this place. If you want, let make three tents,
one for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah. "While he said that, suddenly there came a bright cloud overshadowed them, and from the cloud came a voice that said," This is my beloved Son,
in whom I am well pleased, listen to Him! "Hearing that fell down his disciples, and they were terrified. Then Jesus came to them. He touched them, saying," Stand up, do not be afraid! "And when looked up, they saw a except Jesus alone. when they came down from the mountain, Jesus commanded them, "Do you the story of the vision to anyone
before the Son of Man be raised from the dead. "
Thus the Gospel of the Lord.

The story of the call of Abraham (Genesis 1: 1-4a) to ponder in a long series of smaller stories (Gen. 1-11) tells the long story of God's mercy without limit, when the first human jatuk in sin (Gen. 3: 1-14) God gives us a new promise (Gen. 3:15) Likewise, when Cain killed Abel. He gave assurance of salvation to Cain. (Gen 4:15) when people be mean again and punished by the flood (Genesis 6-8) It binds a new covenant with Noah (Gen. 9) And for the umpteenth time when man fell into sin (Gen. 11). He called Abraham to start the work of salvation, a new way (Genesis 12: 1-4a)
Abraham's call was the beginning of a long history, which will be revised in the fullness of time. When "God may be all in all" (1 Cor 15:28), or when it appears a new heaven and a new earth. "The new Jerusalem descend from Heaven (Wahju 21: 1-2) Thus affirmed the belief expressed by the psalmist" For the word of God is true, everything is done - his loyalty ....... earth is full of God's faithfulness , (Psalm 33.4).
The story of salvation history is long, from Genesis to Revelation - should be a source of hope for us who believe, in a long history that tells how God directs history towards the final victory, although we hear, see and experience, often seems contradictory. This belief could encourage the faithful to work hard proclaim the "justice and law" (Ps 13:15) Even if the business is not yet showing results, he will not be discouraged, because God Himself will finish the work of his ministry.

Item contemplation.
Sightings glory of the Lord on Mount Tabor experienced by three disciples of Jesus is an extraordinary event and delivered to us in the second week of Lent. What is the relation? Is not at this time we should contemplate the mystery of the cross of Christ to follow the path of his cross? So true. But news of these sightings should be communicated to us the days of Lent, because this story is a story that brings us to the reflection of faith. Actually what was experienced by these students away from our day to day life experiences, but we do not need to be disappointed if we were not given the gift of sight like that.
When Jesus was transfigured on Mount Tabor, God invites us to listen to Jesus who is the favorite son-Nya.Allah will that we live united with his Son in faith. Therefore, we should not hesitate to listen to Him, though He was rejected and crucified like a criminal. We also need to learn contemplate the mystery of the cross in the struggle for the fullness of life, the glory of the Son of God. The cross of suffering is a necessary process that we go through and we should not jump away. Jesus himself did not want to jump to glory. He dampen strong desire of the students to remain at Mount Tabor, but bring them down down to fight the world, so that Jesus taught us that the road to glory has to go through the cross of suffering, so that when the time comes, we can say: Lord, it is good we at this place

O Lord, may we always be faithful to the cross of suffering that we experience every day. Do not let us give up on the patient. Amen.

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