First Reading Jer 18: 18-20
The opponents of the Prophet Jeremiah said, "Let us deal with Jeremiah, for the priest will not run out of teaching, wise men to give us advice, and prophets to declare God's word. Let us hit him with their own language and do not pay attention to every word!" "Look on me, O Lord,
and listen to voice my complaint! Be repaid kindness with evil? They have dug a pit to kill me! Remember how I stood before you, and pleading on their behalf, so that venting your anger on them.
Thus saith the Lord.
Psalm Ps 31: 5-6.14.15-16
Save me, O God, by your loyal love!
* You will get me out of the net that is placed against me, for you are my shelter. Into thy hands I give my life; So good as to free me, O God, the faithful God.
* For I hear many people whispering, haunting me from all directions; they are against me, they intend to take my life.
* But I, Thee O Lord, I believe, I said, "You are my God!" My future is in your hands, deliver me from the hand of my enemies and be free of those who come after me!
Introduction to the Gospel of John 8: 12b
I am the light of the world, the word of God, he who follow me will have the light of life.
Gospel reading Matthew 20: 17-28
As Jesus was going up to Jerusalem, he took the twelve disciples apart, and said to them, "Now we are going up to Jerusalem, and the Son of Man will be handed over to the chief priests and scribes, and they shall condemn him to death . They will hand him over to the Gentiles who do not know God,
that He mock-mock, scourged and crucified, but on the third day he will be raised. "Then the mother of Zebedee's sons and his sons to him, and kneeling before him to ask for something to Him. Jesus said," what do you want? "the boy's mother,
"Give orders, so that these my two sons may sit one day in your kingdom, one at your right and the other on thy left." Jesus answered, "You do not know what you are asking. Can you drink the cup, should I drink?" And they said to Him, "We can." Jesus said to them, "Grail-Ku will indeed ye drink, but to sit at my right or at my left is not mine to give. It is for those for whom my Father has been prepared."
Hearing that, angry ten other disciples to the two brothers. But Jesus called them and said, "You know that the government of nations rule the people with an iron fist
and magistrates exercise authority over them.
It is not so among you! Whoever wants to be great among you, let him be your servant, and whoever wants to be foremost among you, let him be your servant. Just as the Son of Man: He came not to be served but to serve,
and to give his life a ransom for many. "
Thus the Gospel of the Lord.
Jeremiah annoyance and despair. He is prepared to deliver all the warning of God to the robbers, criminals and fraudsters country. He has given criticism and scathing rebuke to the country's leaders are only thinking about his own wallet. They should be willing to change, to repent and thanking him. But what happened to the man of God? He even despised, hated, would be silenced and killed. In his willingness, Jeremiah fled to God and ask God to show himself as God's Just One is majestic. That is rewarding the good and punishing evil.
Humans like Jeremiah, the Old Testament characters still have much to learn about a personal God. Then came Jesus, the New Testament figures. He was a man who inspired and moved by the Spirit and God's love. He was reprimanded, invited the Israelites to turn and repent. He spoke not as irritated or seek position but of love and compassion. But unfortunately, his fate was no better than humans Jeremiah. Apparently the witnesses and heralds of God's love should be ready combated world and cronies cronies. But the human person of Jesus different from Jeremiah. Jeremiah said, "O Allah retaliate and punish the sinners and dissidents Your Word", Jesus said, "Father, forgive them and let them know that we love them"
We often resemble humans Jeremiah. We've been doing good, has been advising people, but she refuses to repent, even angry at us, we like to let myself or even curse him. How great is the attitude of Jesus who is always willing to forgive and to love, even if sick imagined. To the disciples who had had to sacrifice for Jesus, he said: "Do not look for praise, advantage or status for yourselves but serve, give yourself for the happiness of others. And when it's over, you can look forward, rather than demand, the seat in Heaven. "
Item contemplation.
Are we humans are demanding that the Old Testament God Just One is majestic? That is rewarding the good and punishing evil. Or we've started to become a man of the New Testament? Who wants to love, to forgive completely and then said: "I am the handmaid of the Lord, may my life pleasing to Him.
Father, teach us Thy people to love, forgive and serve our neighbors in total. Amen.
Son of Man: He came not to be served,
but to serve,
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