Misunderstanding lately about compassion Pope Francis, Her words of love and so gave rise to rumors that the Church will soon allow those who divorced-and-remarried as well as those who marry non-Catholics to receive Holy Communion. Of course, if we understand the sheer love of it sentimental, we would think that this is a form of compassion: "they have not received the Holy Communion. They must have been greatly missed. Why do we stand in their way? Does not allow them to receive Holy Communion, the Church has done love? ". Conversely, when the Church forbade them to receive Holy Communion, we would be screaming that the Church has no compassion.
Talking about compassion; it helps us know the re-division of the traditional works of mercy in the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church teaches that there are 14 forms of works of mercy (CCC 2447), which is divided into seven corporal works of mercy (which is associated with the body) and seven spiritual works of mercy (related to souls), namely:
1. Feeding on the hungry2. Give drink to the thirsty
3. Give clothes to the naked
4. Giving a lift to the homeless
5. Visiting the sick
6. Visiting prisoners
7. Burying the dead
1. Slate sinners2. Teach do not know
3. Guiding hesitant
4. Entertaining sad
5. Forgiving mistakes willingly
6. Bear patiently the bitterness of life
7. Pray for the living and the dead
Certainly this division does not constrict compassion only be 14 examples of the action, but various forms of acts of compassion can be classified into 14 acts of mercy on top
From the division above, we can know that when we confront others who sin and shows that done is a sin, then we are not being judgmental; it was love that person. When we tell and teach the doctrine of the Church on the basis of a clear and true Catholics others, we are not being patronizing or pretentious but most understand we're loving fellow brother / i Catholic us.
Back to the common misconception on compassion in connection with Pope Francis; we need to know that when the Church forbids a man who divorced-and-remarried or married non-Catholic; The Church is to love the person, sparing them from sin sacrilege, of harassing acts Eucharist. Why is it called sacrilege? When a divorced and remarried Catholic, the person has violated the sanctity and dignity of marriage and thus have committed a mortal sin. Heavy sinner can not receive Holy Communion. Such is taught by St. Paul "So whoever unworthy manner eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord, he is guilty of the body and blood of the Lord." (1 Cor 11:27). When people are still forced to receive the Holy Communion, sanctifying grace is not obtained but sacrilegious sin, harassing something holy. When the Church prohibits the person receiving Holy Communion; Church once called the call to repent, turn from the error and return to the path of holiness. When a mother forbids her son, "Do not get there, there is a chasm!", Then the mother called her son to turn from the road to the abyss and back to the road safety. Is not this act of compassion?
St. Thomas Aquinas, following the tradition of the Church, teaches that spiritual works of mercy superior to the corporal works of mercy even though still taught not to ignore them. Spiritual works of mercy is deemed superior to corporal works of mercy for spiritual works of mercy are directly related to eternal salvation. Take for example according to the above context that rebuked fellow who sinned. Scriptures provide a clear statement about the relationship between admonish fellow who sins salvation and divine judgment.
Ezekiel 3:18 When I say to the wicked: Thou surely be put to death! --and you do not warn him or did not say anything to warn the wicked from his wicked, that he may live, that wicked man shall die in his guilt, but I will demand an account of his life from you.
Ezekiel 3:19 But if you warn the wicked, and he does not turn from his wickedness of the wicked, he shall die in his guilt, but you have to save your life.
Eze 3:20 If a right turn from the truth and he is cheating, and I put a stumbling block before him, he will die. Because you do not warn him, he will die in their sins and deeds of truth he did will not be remembered, but I will demand an account of his life from you.
Ezekiel 3:21 But if you warn the righteous man that he does not sin and did not sin, he will stay alive, because he was willing to accept the warning, and you have to save your life. "
Of course, when a Catholic sinner weight (example above sin weighs are divorced-and-remarried and married non-Catholic) are prohibited from receiving Holy Communion, then he should be told the reason the ban on the basis of clear and do not forget to tell how he repent or turn from his mistakes. This task is not only the duty of the ordained or lay the catechists, but all Catholics as a form of love for others.
Pax et bonum
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