Reading the Liturgy Monday, October 19, 2015
PF ST. Paul of the Cross, Priest, PF S. John de Brebeuf and Isaac Jogues, Priests, and friends; Martyr
Reading 1: Rom 4: 20-25
God's promise to Abraham did not waver in unbelief, but on the contrary, it even strengthened in his faith and glorifying God, he believes fully that God is able to do what he has promised. Then it was reckoned to him as righteousness. The words "it was credited to him" were not written for his sake alone, but for us also,
because it was reckoned to us, because we believe in Him who raised Jesus our Lord from the dead, Jesus who was delivered for our offenses, and was raised for our justification.
Thus saith the Lord.
Psalm: Luke 1: 69-75
Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, for he has visited his people.
* God has raised for us a mighty savior, son of David his servant. As promised from before, with the intercession of his holy prophets.
* To save us from our enemies and from the hand of all opponents who hate us, to show mercy to our ancestors and heed His holy covenant.
* For he had sworn to Abraham, our father, would free us from the hands of the enemy. So that we can serve Him without fear and force holy and honest in his presence for the rest of our lives.
Gospel: Luke 12: 13-21
On one occasion Jesus taught many people. One of them said to Jesus, "Teacher, tell my brother, that he divide the inheritance with me." But Jesus replied, "Man, who raised I
a judge or mediator for you? "Jesus said to the crowd,
"Take heed and beware of all covetousness: for although an abundant treasure, life does not depend on the wealth of it."
Then he reported to them the following parable: "There was a rich, abundant soil results. He asks himself, 'What shall I do, because I do not have a place to store all the results of my land.' Then he said, 'Here's what I'll do: I will pull down my barns and build bigger ones, and there I will store all my grain and my goods. Then I will say to my soul: My soul, do you have a lot of stuff, buried for many years, rest, eat, drink and be merry! '
But God said to him, 'O fool, this night thy soul shall be taken from you. For whom later what had kausediakan it?
So it is with those who store up treasure for himself,
but he is not rich toward God. "
Thus the Gospel of the Lord.
At first reading, the promise of God, Abraham did not waver, even strengthened in faith and glorify God. This is according to St. Paul credited to him, even to us who believe in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Inheritance faith and effort themselves to capture the will of God based on what we receive in the teaching of the faith, it is very useful to cultivate our faith.
The question of how God became man in Jesus? Answered by YOUCAT Indonesia ... Popular Catechism no. 76 thus: "For us humans and for our salvation he came down from Heaven (Nikea - I believe no 456-460) In Jesus Christ, God was reconciling the world to Self - his, and redeem mankind from the bondage of sin," so loved God the world, that He gave His only begotten Son (John 3, 16). In Jesus, God became man, living with the world, we feel the suffering and death, as well as being just like us except sin "
For the formulation of the faith that has been tested itulan two thousand years, we give form and the obedience of faith by way of daily living were inappropriate as the faithful. Confidence to proclaim the faith and also pass down to children and grandchildren and the generations of our descendants, need to look for breakthroughs that have a significant impact. The happiness of life is also not dependent on the abundance of things, but how we receive every grace given also use it for the good and welfare together.
Items to contemplation.
Appreciate the role of God in life means not merely acknowledge His existence, but also how to understand His Word and run it in their daily life. Allah does not forbid His children to be rich, yet worldly wealth without any appreciation of the word of God, which is love, giving false and misleading safety. When we focus on love for God and neighbor, we will become rich before God.
Father, do not let me fall on the crazy nature of the property and wealth alone. But personally always make me appreciate what I have. Amen.
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