Senin, 12 Oktober 2015


Reading the Liturgy Sunday, October 11, 2015
Reading 1: Kep 7: 7-11

I pray, and I will be understanding, I pleaded, and the spirit of wisdom came to me. He is more than I preferred the scepter and throne; by comparison, the wealth I presume nothing. Gem of infinite value is not equal to him, because all the gold on earth just sand just in front of him, and silver are considered mere mud beside him. Beloved wisdom more than health and beauty such,
and I would rather have him than light, because sheen is not ceasing. However, upon him came also to me all the possessions,
tepermanai and net worth in his hand.
Thus saith the Lord.

Reading 2: Hebrews 4: 12-13
Brothers, the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword! Word was piercing to the division of soul and spirit, joints and marrow ;! The Word judges the thoughts and intents of the heart. There is no creature hidden before Him, because everything is naked and open the eyes of him to whom we must give an account.
Thus saith the Lord.

Psalms: Psalm 90: 12-13.14-15.16-17
Nibble us with your unfailing love, so we cheer our days period.
* Teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom.
Return, O Lord - how much longer? - And pity on thy servants!
* Nibble us in the morning with your unfailing love, that we may rejoice and be glad lifelong. Make our joy by grief in the past, by the years we have seen evil.
* Let Thy servants witnessed the deeds, let their children watch thy splendor. May the Lord's abundant mercy on us! Establish the work of our hands, yes, the work of our hands, courageous!

Gospel: Mark 10: 17-30
One day Jesus left and went on his way. Then came a run to get him and kneeling before him, he asked, "Good teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?" Jesus answered him, "Why do you call me good? No one is good but God! You certainly know the commandments: Do not murder, do not commit adultery, do not steal, do not bear false witness, and do not defraud, honor your father and mother!" The man said to Jesus, "Teacher, all these things have kuturuti since my youth." But Jesus looked at him and loves him, and said to him, "Just one thing you lack: Go, sell what you have, and give to the poor. Then you will have treasure in heaven. Then come up here, and follow me . " Hearing the words of Jesus, that person becomes upset, then went away sad, for he had great possessions. Then he looked at the students around him and said to them, "How hard it bears the person to enter the kingdom of God." The disciples were stunned to hear these words. But Jesus connect again, "My children, how difficult it was to enter the kingdom of God! It is easier for a camel through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God."
The pupils increasingly uproar and said to one another, "Who then can be saved?" Jesus looked at them and said,
"With men it is impossible, but not for God.
For with God all things are possible. "Then Peter said to Jesus," We have left everything to follow you! "
Then Jesus answered, "Truly, I say to you, whoever, for my sake and the gospel's sake, leave the house, brothers, mother or father,
children or fields, at this time also he will receive a hundred fold of mothers, brothers, sisters, mothers, children and fields,
even with persecutions; and in the future he will receive eternal life. "
Thus the Gospel of the Lord.

READING Gospel contains Jesus' statement that it is easier for a camel through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God (v. 25; see also Matthew 19: 23-24 Lk 18:25). Pupils react, if so, who would survive? Responding to this issue, Jesus suggests it is not possible for humans, but not for God; for him everything can happen. What is it and what does it mean wartanya talk to us now?
True religious attitudes and Spirituality? There are people who came and asked Jesus, what must be done in order to obtain eternal life (Mark 10:17). Jesus refers to religious instruction (v. 19). But after the man said that all is executable (Mark v. 20), Jesus took a step further. Recommends to that person to practice his wealth to the poor and follow him (v. 21).
The desire of people to obtain eternal life Jesus faced with the aspiration to achieve perfection. Eternal life can not be called perfection. In these passages also became clear that perfection is impossible to achieve by human beings with their own efforts. Perfection is the work of God for man. The disciples misunderstood. They think perfection is required in order to be saved, then they wonder who will be saved. In v. 27 Jesus helps them to see the light: it does not concern human perfection, but rather the work of God in man.
In this connection, a well thought out the difference between "religious attitude" and "spirituality". Although interlocking, both are not the same. Sincere religious attitude can lead to eternal life and opens the sacred dimension of life, but have not brought people really feel the pleasure and wisdom The Sacred. He alone will bring people to him. Not a few people who now feel saturated with "religious attitude" and want to get into "spirituality". Gospel this week expressed the difference between the two. Paradigm "religious attitude" can be long, for example: menggereja, communion, civilizing religion, agamaist. Then what is the paradigm of "spirituality"? We know there is, but what ujudnya, He alone knows more! True spirituality escape from the planning precisely because it can not be scheduled. And futile effort to it. Different Roads Same Destination?
The response of Jesus in Mark 10:27 is not actually directed to the disciples ("Who will survive?"). They are busy with their own thoughts about salvation that now it digoyah Jesus. Perhaps they believe that salvation is experiencing "shalom" or "peace" as often dikuliahkan the treaty theology of salvation. Theology of salvation as it is actually more inclusive paradigm "religious attitude", and not in areas of "spirituality". As a result, sooner or later people feel stuck, bored, no inspiration. The antidote is the theology of salvation that gives more space to the God who acts to help those who need his help. That is the image of God in the Old Testament. It was also the image of the Son of man in the New Testament who awaited the crowd: heal the sick, cast out demons, fed the multitudes, revive people. Perhaps it should say, his work is nonetheless could we name it as an abstraction "work safety", right? Well, this is where the greatest ordeal: naming spiritual experience "helped by God" with universal abstraction about the state of peace / shalom. Theology of salvation as it was clear reasoning, but less work kerohanian.Lalu Which is more safety idea to give space to spirituality? Perhaps Psalm 15 can help. Psalm that begin with the question of who would dwell in thy tents O Lord, who will live in your holy mountain? For the hermit in the Psalms, to live with the Lord in His residence is enjoying a spiritual experience to be near God's wisdom. This spiritual experience is not easily abstracted into a peaceful understood or understand safety for granted. The next verses mention the kinds of behavior that is indicative entrance to the residence of the Lord. Everything including "religious attitude" that is directed toward spiritual perfection, which is living with the Lord at his residence. Thus was shown the link between religious attitude with true spirituality and the perfection of life. Questions at the beginning of Psalm 15 tone similar to the question of the rich who come to Jesus in Mark 10:17 although the starting point is very different. Ascetic in Psalms that want to know how to keep people can be with God because this satisfaction. But those who met him was searching for certainty how could enjoy eternal life. For him to be with the Lord, "following Jesus" Mark 10:21, not a source of satisfaction! Surprisingly, the path of the hermit in Psalm 15 and in Mark 10: 17-27 is practically the same. Compare catalog of good deeds in Psalm 15 and Mk 10:19, but the end goal is different. All the good works that include religious seriousness. But this attitude can bring the two directions are very different from each other. The one to the spiritual satisfaction was with God, and the other to the gloom, to a sense of sorrow for not being able to follow the Lord. This constraint religious life are ambivalent towards the goal. So no wonder if the disciples confused. Jesus' answer did not continue-fill their confusion, but rather bring them aware of the work of God himself.

Items to contemplation
Let us search for spiritual satisfaction was with God, to reflect on Psalm 15: The Lord, who can ride in thy tabernacle? Who may dwell on your holy mountain? Which he accepted without blemish, doing what is just and who is telling the truth with all his heart, which is not spreading slander with his tongue, which does no harm to his friend and did not inflict reproach to his neighbors; who despise the person who was eliminated, but honors those who fear the Lord; who adhered to the oath, although the loss; which do not lend money at usury and does not accept a bribe against the innocent. Who in doing so, will not waver forever.

Yes, Father, make our hearts like the heart of your Son who always choose berfihak to the weak and small, so that our lives had become a means of creation of the Kingdom of God in this world. Amen....

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