Reading the Liturgy Wednesday, October 14, 2015
PDF ST. Kallistus, Pope and Martyr
Reading 1: Rom 2: 1-11
O man, whoever you are, when you judge another, you condemn yourself free from errors. For in judging others, you also condemn yourself, because you who judge others, doing things the same. But we know that the judgment of God is according to truth against those who practice such things. And thou, O man, you who judge those who practice such things, do the same, is there you would have thought, that you will escape God's judgment? Or are you thought deserted His abundant mercy? You remove spaciousness quiet patience and his heart? Do not you know,
that the purpose of God's mercy is to lead you to repentance?
But by violence unrepentant heart, you are storing up wrath against yourself for the day of judgment. When the wrath and God's righteous judgment will be revealed. He will render to every man according to his work.
Eternal life will be given to those who diligently do good,
who seek glory, honor and immortality. But the anger and fury will be given to those who seek its own interests, which do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness. Suffering and distress will come upon every man who does evil, Jew first and also the Greek. Instead of glory, honor and peace
will be available to all those who do well, first of all the Jews, and also to the Greek. Because no partiality with God.
Thus saith the Lord.
Psalms: Psalm 62: 2-3.6-7.9
Lord, You render to each one according to his work.
* Only close to God I calm, of him the salvation. He only rock and my salvation; He is the only refuge, I will not waver.
* Only God alone I calm down, because of him the hope. He only rock and my salvation; He is the only refuge, I will not waver.
* Trust in Him at all times, O people, Pour out your heart before Him; God is our refuge.
Gospel: Luke 11: 42-46
On one occasion Jesus said, "Woe to you, O Pharisees! For you pay tithe of mint and rue and all kinds of vegetables, but you neglect justice and the love of God. That should have done without neglecting the others. Woe to you, O Pharisees, because you love to sit somewhere in the synagogues and greetings in the markets. Woe to you, for you are like graves that do not have a symbol;
people walking on it, do not know. "
An expert in the law replied, "Teacher, by saying this, You insult us too." But Jesus said, "Woe unto you also, ye scribes,
because you put loads that do not lay on people, but you yourselves do not touch the burdens it with a finger. "
Thus the Gospel of the Lord.
Today Jesus said loudly and firmly, without openly embarrassed and Jesus said loudly to the Pharisees and scribes experts. Of course they were offended and hurt. If so, Jesus said is true, because it is on their hearts, the center of his life. They pay tithe but neglect justice and the love of God. The scribes, Jesus said, "Woe to you, because you put the burden of the heavy burden that does not lay on your own people but do not touch it with a finger burdens"
Warning of Jesus to the Jewish leaders even this is also addressed to us all, For Jesus, faith and obedience to God not only adhering to the law relating to God, but to be fair to others. When put love for God is to put the love of neighbor. Although we are not Pharisees, but we also often burdening people with heavy loads loads. Or we see our brothers carry the "burden", we do not at all want to help. Melihatpun not, even away. If so, Jesus also told us: "Woe to you"
Items to contemplation.
Learning from today's reading, we must dare to put aside the spirit farisinisme and tauratisme. Understand the rules does not mean insulting others. With the rules we want to serve others well; What can I give to others, and I'm willing to help ease the burden?
Father, teach us to dare to run the rule for the happiness of our faith and our fellow justice. Hopefully, by implementing the rules and teachings you, your grace descend upon us who faithfully follow you. Amen.
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